The Clark BC Liberal Government Ranks with Quebec as the most distrusted Provincial Government in Canada!

You wish now you hadn’t kick me out so soon don’t ya. I was the straw that stirred the LIberal drink! Now look what you are left with!

Think about that for a moment.

In a new poll released today 67% of British Columbians polled do not trust their Provincial Government. ( Where on gods green earth did the pollsters find anybody that trusted them, it must have been Liberal family member day to answer the phone)

By that very number the Clark BC Liberals are toast!

All the Mike Morton’s in the….Never Mind you can’t trust him either!

This poll,in light of more BC Rail Documents just released will actually flatter Clark and her lying Liberal team.

As far as poll numbers go, they will get worse.

Single digits here we come!

They will soon be shouting bring back Gordo!

It’s over, stick a fork in it Christy.

What if the LDB sale is shadier than BC Rail?

You will be “Striking” mad if my what if scenario with the LDB comes true!

What if the dating of the Liquor Distribution Branch sale is all smoke and mirrors?

What if the lucky winner has already been decided?

What if Rich Coleman giving the file to Margaret MacDiarmid is a great big shell game?

What if a deal was signed before Mr.Kinsella deregistered as a lobbyist?

What if the process was fixed on May 11,2012?

What if this whole thing is a bigger hosing of the taxpayer than BC Rail?

What if this sale is purely to project a balanced budget and for no other reason?

What if even this doesn’t balance the budget due to some other tom foolery that you don’t find out about until after the election?

How duped will you feel then?

Premier Christy Clark: Could she be anymore disconnected with voters?

I am not going to answer that on the grounds that every time I talk I sound dumber than the last time!

Every time Christy Clark opens her mouth she proves over and over again she has no clue what the electorate is thinking.

Yesterday in Kamloops she declared that the 2013 election will be about the economy not the HST.

Clark has not figured out that in the upcoming election the main issue has already been defined for her.

It will not be about the economy nor will it be directly about the HST.

Thinking the election will be about the economy shows Clark’s disconnect with the voters and explains why she is so far behind in the polls.

THIS ELECTION WILL BE ABOUT HONESTY AND INTEGRITY something her party is lacking severely .

It will be a referendum on a combination of things including but not limited to HST, BC Rail, Leadership etc. ( Probably by then you can throw in the sale of the Liquor Distribution branch as a sleazy way to balance the budget).

It also shows why I think the party will consider a quick leadership change.

Going into an election with Clark as your leader would be akin to going into the battle of Little Big Horn and putting all your money on General George Armstrong Custer.

We all know how that turned out.

Seems the MSM is also starting to think a leadership change may occur as evidenced in the Times Colonist yesterday.

Make no mistake about it, With Clark as leader the Liberals will get trounced at the ballot box.

You know it, I know it and more importantly the BC Liberals know it!

A leadership change is imminent!

What do you think?

Why the Liberals won’t win the next election: They think they are Better than Everybody!

Terry Becker is too good to shop here!

The BC Liberals have always talked and acted like they are above everybody else.

They try to be smug and convey to people that they are better.

Recently, potential candidate Terry Becker was interviewed by on-line publication Pitt Meadows today

What conveyed that my you know what doesn’t stink , the I am better and above you attitude so prevalent with the BC Liberals and their candidates is this ” Personally, I do not shop at Walmart. I believe that this kind of business does not help our community.”

What a dope!

Walmart not only creates jobs in the community but Terry might be surprised to know a lot of people that shop and work there ACTUALLY VOTE!

Not the type to vote for her of course because , well, she is too good to shop there.

In fact Walmart shoppers and workers everywhere in BC ought to pay heed: The BC Liberals don’t like you!

So Terry if you run for the nomination ( If time allows and you are not busy tweeting from BC Liberal golf tournaments) and the BC Liberal members are dumb enough to vote for you, you deserve what you will get at the ballot box, namely a third or fourth place finish and a hasty exit from politics.

Have we not had our fill of this type of political wanna be?

Christy Clark; Family First Agenda takes a Few More Hits!

Where is Clark?

For a Premier who claims to have a family friendly, family first agenda she made a couple of decisions today that boggle the mind.

First her government cancelled the Cuts the Science World Program for kids and the with a shot at helping families in the Sicamous region she decides not to visit the area and look at the damage.

Even Dalton McGuinty is more politically astute than Clark.

Last year in an election campaign that was very close he took advantage of the Goderich tornado to give that area some badly needed help.He went on to win the election,the optics of this were that good.

You would have thought Christy ( Miss Photo-Op) Clark would have been front and center outside the Science Center renewing the contract or at least in a canoe in the Okanogan region offering help.

You would have thought these two would have been no-brainers for the family first agenda.

Could it be that Clark is too busy filling up her gas tank? Another family first faux pas as the price to drive the kids to school goes up by a cent a litre with the increase in the carbon tax.

Bottom Line: No matter what spin they put on it there is no family first agenda.

These people are riding out the remaining 10 months or so in hiding.

Just like Clark is doing today when she could be helping families first!

What do you think?

BC Rail: Christy Clark Should Order a Full,Immediate and Quick Inquiry!

Enough pictures already,CALL the Inquiry!

David Basi’s memo makes a great case that Christy Clark is a liar.

Clark has fumbled and BS’d around on this and other files since she took over as Premier.

Assuming she has nothing to hide she should have gotten out in front of this her early days as Premier.

She hasn’t and now she has nobody but herself to blame for all the trouble that she is in.

Instead of sending attack dog and resident dimwit of the Premier’s office, Sarah MacIntyre, on the offensive ,Christy Clark should call an immediate,no holds barred inquiry into BC Rail.

I mean if she has nothing to hide what would stop her?

She seems to be reviewing everything else the government does.

So what harm does one more review do? ( If she has nothing to hide).

I bet the expanse of the inquiry would be something to taxpayer would be glad to pay to put behind them.

So Clark should do the right thing ( if she has nothing to hide) and call the inquiry.

After all the public has been clamoring for her to get out in front of this file since she took the oath of office.

So Premier,if you have nothing to hide, do the right thing and call an inquiry and specially have the role you played thoroughly reviewed.

It’s the right thing to do!

What do you think?

What should be happening in the BC Liberal Party.

Time to play Change the Leader!

In light of the damning memo revealed on the blog of Alex G.Tsakumis, my experience in politics tells me that although the Liberals are putting on a brave face, discussions have to have started within the BC Liberal Party with respect to Clark and her leadership.

I believe and have seen this before that the time for pussy footing around is long past.

The BC Liberal Executive would have at the very least discussed this issue over the phone and if they haven’t met in person will do so shortly.

As well I am sure the cabinet or members of the BC Liberal Cabinet would have or will start discussing Clark’s leadership too!

For these people it is a matter of survival especially for the elected MLA’s for who this is their job.

You will soon see that the family first agenda applies to their families.

I am sure that the Executive will ( if they have not already) reach out too a trusted colleague like a Shirley Bond .

They would probably want her as a senior cabinet minister to approach the Premier and ask her to step down.

That person would meet with cabinet and discuss the best approach.

This happens only when the party is serious about cleaning up its act in the short term as surely the Liberals would be now.

The nagging question is Who will replace Clark?

Christy Clark Must Go!

I solemnly swear to lie like a rug!

Just when you thought the wacky world of Premier Christy Clark couldn’t get any stupider, she stands on her her soap box , attempts to exonerate incompetent Cabinet Minister Stephanie Cadieux and then blames the whole sordid CLBC screw up on the NDP.

Unless Adrian Dix is a ventriloquist and projected Stephanie to say and do the dumb things she has done since she got the file, how on earth do you hold the NDP accountable for yet another BC Liberal gaffe?

What does she not get?

The Liberals had one of their worst weeks ever and it was largely once again due to the fact that they never take ownership/ leadership of their mistakes.

Their worst weeks ever that is, until this week.

Today,damning evidence came to light showing clearly Premier Clark has lied about her involvement in the BC Rail fiasco.

Tsakumis nails her and confirms beyond the shadow of a doubt the PREMIER IS THE CHARLATAN WE ALL KNEW HER TO BE! ( Charlatan is probably to week a word, liar,cheat and sleaze would be more appropriate)

How on earth do we expect people to vote or get involved with politics with a Premier who tells one lie after another?

She even lied to get the bloody job! In the real world that in itself is cause for dismissal.

In the name of restoring honesty and integrity to the Premier’s office, Clark Must Go!

Wouldn’t you agree?

If Kevin Falcon doesn’t Trust Premier Christy Clark why should You?

This is directed squarely at you Christy, stop with the unapproved spending!

This post could also be called Christy Clark: Et Tu, Kevin Part 2.

This is not the first time Kevin Falcon has been front and center rapping the Premier over the Financial knuckles and the “leaked” memo is more than likely directed towards Premier Christy Clark and all her photo-optic financial announcements.

This might also explain Transportation Minister Blair Lekstrom not wanting to discuss tolling costs for the Port Mann Bridge.

But make no mistake about it, this is yet another shot across the bow of the lame duck leadership of Premier Christy Clark.

Combine that with recent poll results showing Clark no longer out performs her party and you gotta wonder how long before things get really ugly!

How much longer before Christy Clark is shown the door?

What do you think, will the caucus get rid of her or will it be the electorate in May 2013?

Stephanie Cadieux Should Resign!

Stephanie Cadieux: It’s Okay I didn’t know what I was talking about!

“She said that was not explained to the public when she called for an end to the bonus program last fall, because she was unclear how it all worked at the time.”

The above is a statement from Social Development Minister Stephanie Cadieux explaining why the bonuses were simply not taken away from Community Living Executives last fall and instead rolled into their pay packets as raises.

Most people are screaming that it is disgusting that Senior Executives were rewarded after being involved in a scandal and rightly so.

I find it even more incomprehensible to me that this Minister shot her mouth off without knowing how the process worked!

Incomprehensible but not surprising as this is a trait of Christy Clark and her Ministers, namely talking first and thinking second!

Have you had enough of these people yet?