A book displaying the Liberal party platform used to boost the candidates chances in the Whitby-Oshawa by-election.
Stephen Harper ( the Man who told Putin to get out of the Ukraine) and the Conservative Party of Canada were victorious in both seats in tonight’s two by-elections.
In the riding of Yellowhead in Alberta the CPC won in a romp. The party got about 64% of the vote as of this writing.
In Whitby the race was a little tighter, reminiscent of when Jim Flaherty first won the seat from the Liberals in 2006 for the CPC with 43.86% of the vote. Tonight Pat Perkins got 49.2% of the vote.
But no matter how the mainstream media and the Liberal party try to spin it, the CPC won and the Liberals lost.
The Liberals had a chance to regain a seat they once held and they blew it. Team Trudeau lost .
Make no mistake about it this is a blow to the Trudeau team whose a year out from the federal election and a shot of Adrenaline to the Harper team.
There are some tough questions that need to be asked.
Sexual harassment is a terrible thing and should be dealt with swiftly and harshly.
Everybody has the right to a stress free workplace and life.
It is also no small mystery that sexual harassment purports to occur in the house on the hill in Ottawa. The environment is there and it needs to be fixed.
We have all read versions in biographies over the years just as we have all read the stories when the NDP first swept the province of Quebec they did it with Jack’s army of young youthful candidates in their twenties and thirties.
We have also read the stories of all the marriages that have not survived life on the hill.
This blog piece is written to discuss not what happened but what I think is a glaring lack of investigative reporting relating to these cases.
What I can’t figure out in the cases that have been reported on this week is why the NDP MP went to Trudeau.
I get that she was sitting next to him on a bus.I get that this is a personal issue.
I cannot fathom why on earth the MP did not bring it up with the NDP Whip or the Party’s leader before she talked to Trudeau.
This is also a big political issue .
To Wit:
You are fighting tooth and nail for every vote,every piece of ground you can get before the next election in 2015.
Why would you not go to your party’s brass and tell them what happened and get some direction ( Leadership) on what steps to take?
Unless she did and they did nothing about it.
For what it’s worth I find it hard to believe that Mulcair and company would sweep it under the carpet.
It is also just as unbelievable that they would counsel her to speak to Trudeau at the first available opportunity.
More likely had the upper echelon of the NDP been involved there would have been a meeting involving the whips and the complainants dealing with the issue with the added instruction of not going public being expressed clearly.
The matter could have been dealt with in a less public forum through to conclusion saving the complainants from as we have heard been harassed twice.
That doesn’t appear to be what happened.
It seems that the complainant went straight to Trudeau.
If that is in fact what happened I think we have a right to know why?
If she did approach her own party brass and they did nothing we also have the right to know why not.
After all in less than a year you will be asked to vote on leadership and isn’t this what this is about?
Unless something shocking happens in the US Mid Terms the Republicans will get the required number of seats ( 5) and control the Senate and we can get on with the last of Lame duck Obama’s lame duck mandate.
This will make for a woeful week for left-wing parties and government in this continent.
This says either the Premier of Manitoba is a lousy leader or they think their current tax and grab policy will not work or both.
In Ontario the name calling has already stared and if I were a betting man I would say no way to Andrea Horwath being leader of the Ontario NDP going into the next election 4 years hence.
In my province of BC most people would be hard pressed to name the Leader of the NDP even though our current BC Liberal Government has given them ample opportunity to make hay on various issues. ( I love my LNG sung to the beat of I love my MTV)
The answer if you are wondering is John Horgan who is a smart guy who for some reason doesn’t seem to be resonating with the voting public.
Federally in this country the NDP is doing a bit of a death spiral of its own not gaining any traction with the public in recent polls.
In fact if an election were held right now ( It won’t) they would most likely be sha na na’d right out of their so-called Quebec strong hold.
Soon there will be more or less no left leaning governments nor will there be a left leaning NDP opposition.
Can it get any worse for those on the left of the political spectrum?