The Disintegration of the Left! #bcpol #canpoli #uspoli

All over North America the left is in Trouble!

Unless something shocking happens in the US Mid Terms the Republicans will get the required number of seats ( 5) and control the Senate and we can get on with the last of Lame duck Obama’s lame duck mandate.

This will make for a woeful week for left-wing parties and government in this continent.

To wit: Monday 5 ministers resigned from the NDP Manitoba cabinet.

This says either the Premier of Manitoba is a lousy leader or they think their current tax and grab policy will not work or both.

In Ontario the name calling has already stared and if I were a betting man I would say no way to Andrea Horwath being leader of the Ontario NDP going into the next election 4 years hence.

In my province of BC most people would be hard pressed to name the Leader of the NDP even though our current BC Liberal Government has given them ample opportunity to make hay on various issues. ( I love my LNG sung to the beat of I love my MTV)

The answer if you are wondering is John Horgan who is a smart guy who for some reason doesn’t seem to be resonating with the voting public.

Federally in this country the NDP is doing a bit of a death spiral of its own not gaining any traction with the public in recent polls.

In fact if an election were held right now ( It won’t) they would most likely be sha na na’d right out of their so-called Quebec strong hold.

Soon there will be more or less no left leaning governments nor will there be a left leaning NDP opposition.

Can it get any worse for those on the left of the political spectrum?

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