Trudeau and Marois the day after they lose their respective elections!
I am half tempted to change this to the bonehead of the day award given how many stupid things come out of the mouths of Justin Trudeau and fellow province mate Pauline Marois.
Which one is the dumbest; the one who wants to be Prime Minister or the bonehead who wants to be Premier with a majority in her province.
Marois slight,not mentioning the word Canada in the hockey teams gold medal winning performance was no doubt am attempt to get ROC and the government riled up and provoke the so-called “winning Conditions”for a referendum should she not blow her mandate the polls say she will win.
Trudeau on the other hand is a natural-born bonehead with all the stupid things he said, with the latest being his crack that the Russia will become more involved in the situation in the Ukraine because of their hockey loss in the Olympics.
Can you imagine this tool on the national stage? How do you spell World War III.
Yup Tonight’s By elections certainly were a joke, weren’t they!
Tonight Kathleen Wynne and her merry band of Ontario Liberals had their heads handed to them in two by elections that served to put the government on notice that the passing of their spring budget ain’t no gimme.
Prediction: Look for this government to fall and we will get a twofer.
Quebec and Ontario will likely go to the polls at the same time in a dual race of the have not provinces. ( Ask Jacques Parizeau if you don’t believe me )
These defeats knocked a little polish off his so called star as well.( The Liberals just didn’t lose , they got hammered so Justin ( lets fire up a blunt) Trudeau had virtually no buoyant effect on the results.
It won’t be soon enough before Ontario gets it’s general election and Kathleen and her corrupt government are sent packing.
Do you think there will be a spring election or will they get the required votes to pass their budget?
Clark: I wish I could just wave my hands and make this all go away!
So where do both parties go next in wake of last weeks court ruling in favor of the teachers over the BC Liberal Government?
If you believe the leaderless NDP ( Horgan is still still thinking and although everybody is afraid to say it,Mike Farnworth would be a disaster) they want all cabinet documents relating to the case released for the public to read.
Of course if the BC Liberals took them up on that they might include cabinet documents from the last NDP government ramming through the un-debated contracts that the Liberals tore up that got us unto this mess.( they won’t try to hard to make this happen and should be careful what they wish for)
If you believe the government, through Minister Fassbender, they haven’t had time to review the decision ( not sleeping and reviewing it over and over in your nightmares not withstanding) and are trying to buy time.
They can’t just say yes we were wrong and write a check on behalf of the taxpayers, after-all our fearless Finance Minister Mike de Jong has been touring the province ( gimme a break) telling people the budget will be balanced albeit it will be razor thin ( gimme another break) as long as the heavens line up.
So stroking a 2 million cheque will throw a huge screw into those plans not just this year but down the road too. ( hiring teachers and adding portables will come at a higher cost than that)
So what’s left?
1) BC Liberals will lay low until after the budget. ( they will have help in that next week the federal government will bring down their budget and take up most news space).
2) File an appeal based again on the former NDP governments aforementioned legislation.( This has been central to the case up until this point anyway)
3) Expect no help from our fearless Premier ( assuming in her heart she’s not a teacher). Clark was the Education Minister in 2002 when the contracts were torn up.
4) Once again give the old family first agenda another swift kick after all the taxpayers will ultimately pay for all this incompetence from both parties.