Yesterday, as you all know,the Premier’s office took great pains to tell us they did not have time to vet the list and all but said the gangster’s name was there.
Tariq,as the wheels,of the bus drove over his limp body,still took one for the team and said he erred by not informing the Premier’s office he was bringing a different guest!
Nice try Tariq,high marks for the attempt but we now know why you were thrown under the bus. Simply put,you can’t bullshit in the same league as the Premier; you were a loose end.
This time,tossed under the front wheels; Tariq Ghuman . This in an attempt to covers the Premiers ass on the big fumble inviting known gangster,hit-man ,murder,terrorist and Federal Liberal Bag-man,Jaspar Atwal to the annual budget shindig.
Who knows maybe the Liberals brought him in for training,a potential mediator appointee in the teacher’s strike talks.
Tariq; We have ways of making you disappear; consider yourself fortunate you only got the bus!
We are working Bell to Bell today! This is entirely seamless and you won't notice anything ,given that's all we have been doing this year anyway!
This morning it was reported that the teachers were instructed to only work bell to bell today.
I wonder how that is different from what they have been doing all year?
Lets face it,they have been refusing those picky little administrative duties like report cards since day one.
Really, how can you take them seriously when they have not been doing their jobs since school started.
A recent Environics poll shows the province to be evenly split. It,is I think is important to note that the teachers commissioned the poll.
When you listen to the radio call in shows,about 90% of the callers want their teacher burned at the stake. Where were these people when Environics called.
I think,the teachers are in for a rude awakening if they vote for a general strike,so is the Labor Board.
Cue the Xfiles music in the elevators at the Labor Board.
Unbelievable; a general strike a few short weeks before spring break is no big deal.
Just what the kids need: a few weeks off followed by a few more weeks off!
The only people to benefit from that will be the liquor stores and pot dealers.
The fact that it got to this point is a black mark not only on the teachers but the BC Liberal government as well!
It should have been dealt with back in the fall.The legislature should have been called back to solve this. Any negotiations and legislation should have been done months ago!
Instead, we have been treated to photo-ops and faux throne speeches by the BC Liberal government.
We have had the usual round of ludicrous demands by the union.
Further proof that this government and frankly the teachers are stale and void of creative ideas.
Family day: Phone calls from the Unemployment Line
This week,apart from the budget,all the talk has been about next years family day. The newspapers are full of interviews from ecstatic parents detailing how they can hardly wait to spend an extra day off with their families.
Turns out a lot of them might not have to wait until next February to achieve that goal.
If they close, the cost will vary dependent upon what those employees normally get paid but it is still a significant increase to the bottom line.
What is a business to do? Apparently a lot!
I have had several calls from clients in the last week advising their full-time hours have been cut back to part-time hours. Those same people advise at the same time their places of work have added new part-time employees.
I broached this topic at this weeks Chamber of Commerce meeting with several business owners I converse on a regular basis with and the consensus was that a lot of business are streamlining and doing just that.Changing full time jobs to part-time jobs and having employees work less regularly and in a lot of cases not qualifying for statutory holidays at all.
Increased turnover? Maybe? But there are a not many places to find a new job.
This is actually nothing new. if you can afford it,go to a restaurant of your choice 3 times in the next few weeks and see if you get the same waitress. Probably not and this trend would be why.
Gimme a break! Be open,honest and accountable? Why change whats worked for 11 years?
I hate to keep harping on the budget day tweet by the premier,but she had no reason to do that. She could have kept quiet and let Kevin Falcon present the budget and that part of the day would have been fine.
But she didn’t,she lied.
This from a Premier who ran her leadership campaign on open accountable honest government.
It’s not happening and as taxpayers you have a right to be choked.
There are lots of other hidden taxes other than the aforementioned MSP Lie.
I wrote yesterday the Premier lied to during her pre-budget tweets. She sent out the tweet saying there would be no tax increases in this budget.There was and therefore she lied. Full Stop!
Today,her explanation for the tweet was baffling.In an excellent piece by Justine Hunter of the Globe,Premier Clark said that there was not enough room in 140 characters for a proper explanation.
It’s one thing to lie,its makes the lie worse when you BS about it when you are called on it.
This is the kind of Mickey Mouse crap you would expect from a teenager, not the Premier of the Province.
I am the Premier and I can fool all of the people all of the time!
The Premier Lied! She went on Twitter in the Morning and said there would be no new tax hikes in the budget and then increases your MSP Premiums. A Premium is another word for tax.
Finance Minister Falcon Shrugged it off by saying it’s only $5 per month ( $60 per year).
In the BC Liberal world it’s only $60,in ours it’s a LIE.
This is just another in a long line of gaffes By the B.C.Liberal Premier.
She promised to do politics different and she starts her budget day with a lie.What could be worse?
Kinda makes you think the Premier is in over her head,doesn’t it?
Kinda makes you wonder if you can believe this whole budget thing too ?
Hey Martha another day and these suckers will be ready for picking!
“I have always had a problem with the idea that the state should criminalize an act which is essentially no more complex than putting a couple of seeds in your back yard, waiting a while and then, when something grows, you put it in your pocket, you chew it or you smoke it,” Mr. Plant said.