I am not worried,When I lose this I will run for the NDP next time!
As BC Conservative Chad Eros finished a speech recently, he rose to thank his speech writer BC Liberal candidate and likely 2 time 3rd place finisher John Martin for the help in writing his speeches.
As a former BC Conservative candidate who blew the by-election last April and finished third Martin had such attributable quotes as “a vote for the BC Conservatives is vote to send Christy Clark’s Liberal government a message that people are tired of failed Liberal policies.”
Of course Martin also said ” the Christy Clark Liberals are trying to use the education system for their own political gain, at expense of parents, teachers & students.” and ” accused criminals had drug charges dropped due to court delays – they were thrown out because of the BC Liberal governments negligence of the justice system.”
There are a plethora of other quotes that Martin has said in the past that leave him in this race as the last place candidate that he is.
It’s why Conservative blogger Alan Forseth says” Now for a word from our sponsor” when quoting Martin.
In other news:
This past Friday Martin had fellow opportunist and coward Stockwell Day out to a Rotary meeting in Chilliwack.
Previous to this meeting,Eros had challenged Day to a debate via You Tube.
At that meeting Conservative Eros reminded Day of the challenge. This sent Stockwell ( A political titan?) heading for the exits.
Once again,the Christy Clark Liberals prove they don’t have the courage of their convictions.
Tomorrow is the day Conservatives in BC have been waiting for for a long time.
It is the occasion of the final BC Conservative AGM before the May 2013 election,maybe.
For that to happen John Cummins has to win the leadership handily and the BC Liberals have to keep their word and actually have the election in May and not pull some legislative shenanigans in early 2013 and change the date to the fall.
What will happen at the AGM tomorrow? Will there be winners and losers?
I believe that question is a lot more complicated than you think.
Read on.
John Cummins can win and hold onto his leadership tomorrow but still lose the war.
This would happen if John Van Dongen uses the occasion of the Cummins victory speech to declare that he is running as an independent. Stranger things have happened in politics. ( This is not easy for Van Dongen either)
John Cummins could lose his leadership tomorrow ( I don’t think so) and open the whole party up to more infighting and a nasty leadership vote.
This leadership vote ,should it occur has the potential to be even nastier the the goings on lately because there could be more than 1 other party involved.
If you are reading this and you say that’s right,they could enter negotiations with the BC Liberals to unify the so-called free enterprise vote you are only partially correct.
Partially because if you have been watching the news lately you would have seen the dormant BC First party slowly arising from hibernation in the form of an endorsement from Bill Vander Zalm.
I am not one to believe in coincidences and have read the accounts in the MSM about Vander Zalm friends Ben Besler and John Crocock building a slate to take on the rest of the folks running for the provincial board under the guise of wanted to do politics different.
I have seen and heard motions from one or the other and seconded by one or the other that reek of more old style politics than most other amateur politicians I can think of.
To wit: Besler introduces a motion to give away memberships for free and is seconded by Crocock. This of course is shot down in flames as scandalous by the sane people on the board.
This is old school politics and so is telling potential nomination candidates that certain ridings are unavailable to run in because they are reserved for board members. ( I will let you use your imagination to figure out which one of these guys did that)
Not only is that old school politics but it also is a form of empire building at a time when most political parties, Conservatives included are tying to clean that up.
The instigator slate has not yet registered for the AGM and no that does not mean they have had a change of heart. It just means more of the old school type of politics.
So when they say they stand for something different don’t believe it for a minute.
In the last week and by the latest poll, the BC Conservative Party has gone down about 7% in the polls and a good part of this has been brought on by the instigator slate.
Chris Delaney,Bill Vander Zalm,Sal Vetro and the BC First team must be having a good laugh.
So are the inept Christy Clark led BC Liberals who today siphoned off former by-election candidate and third place finisher John Martin.
At a time when Conservatives should be attacking the opposition, Besler, Crocock and Co. have been busy attacking themselves and shooting their own party in the foot.
What this does is leave the door wide open for the BC Liberals and now the BC First Crew to tussle over the vote.
What do you think. What will happen tomorrow and do you care?
Or What about the biggest “irritant” of them all? That would be knucklehead Premier Christy Clark; the veritable queen of the gaffe?
Those sagging poll numbers are there not just because of a few minor irritants but because of a high level of incompetence and mistrust of a tired, worn out government.
In fact trotting him out today is an act of desperation from government on it’s last legs.
The people of Chilliwack know that and won’t fall for that crap.
Over and above the NDP, they have a choice. They can vote for John Martin a Conservative that runs on his own merits or they can Vote for a Faux Conservative who runs under a Liberal Banner.
The people of Chilliwack are smart, they will do the right thing.
This should be a bigger deal than the MSM is making it out to be. The man who wants to be Premier,who wants to lead our Province was caught on a Sky Train without a ticket.
Adrian Dix says it’s one of those things and he feels bad.
I wonder if he feels bad because he made a mistake or if he feels bad because we was caught?
It seems every time she speaks the Premier is not only wrong but mixes the facts up.
This is the person who is supposed to lead our province through tough economic times and she cannot keep her facts straight.
Gary Mason has a great piece today detailing her ineptitude and her breath taking gaffes .
You should read it and then ask yourself two questions, namely ” What the heck is this person doing as Premier ?” and “What on earth were the B.C. Liberals thinking when they anointed her as leader last year?”
Off course if you read this excellent piece by Alex G. Tsakumis , you know they weren’t thinking at all, they were conned!
Now what?
Time to award this week’s winner and it’s a tie !
The Bonehead of the week award goes to the whole B.C. Liberal team, lead of course by Premier unelect Christy Clark!
As the signs flew out the door and Premier Christy Clark said the BC Conservatives were here to play the spoiler role, I couldn’t help but laugh!
In 2009 when I was on the campaign team of Mary Polak in the role of Fundraising chair, I had occasion to go to the nomination meeting of Gordon Campbell.
Mr.Campbell came out on the stage and in the beginning of his speech waxed eloquent about wanting to be Premier because he owed it to British Columbia to get the province economically sound enough so that his grandchildren could live here, graduate here and get a good job here.
The problem with that speech was that he gave nearly the same one in the late ’90s in Vernon British Columbia. The only difference in the two speeches was that night in Vernon he said he wanted to be Premier so that his Children could live here, graduate here and get a good job here.
As you can see,the only thing that changed in the whole time that Campbell was Premier was that his kids grew up , had kids and the place still wasn’t good enough for them.
Ship ahead to 2011 and say Hello to Christy Clark and her families first agenda. Still the same old,I want to do good for families speech without anything ever happening.
Premier Clark has undertaken to review almost everything, a roll and task that should have been done when she first was a minister back in the early 2000’s.
The B.C Liberals have worn out their welcome with me and a lot of people. Like me those folks went through the motions in the last election because they did not want the NDP to form government.
We have suffered the nineties ( Known as the decade of destruction) under the NDP and continued the suffering in the 2000’S ( known as the decade of deceit) under the BC Liberals.
With the calling of the By-election today we begin ( for some of us continue) the process of restoring our illustrious province to one of respect and dignity. We want to return British Columbia to all those families who have been taxed and gauged over the last 20 years.
It’s time for real change in British Columbia, it’s time to correct the problems that the true spoilers of the wealth in BC Have caused, it’s time for the BC Conservatives !
The uniform of choice for anybody that runs on the Premier's record!
Potentially as the CBC is reporting, Premier Christy Clark will finally get around to it and call the by-elections tomorrow..
At the same time Robert Matas writes an excellent piece in the Globe and Mail relating to the mess that Christy Clark caused over the building of the Evergreen Line.
Without rehashing all the furor the Premier caused over her incompetence on this file, it is astounding that the B.C.Liberal Party and in particular our stunned Premier would turn around and publish a flyer listing her goof up as an accomplishment.
Even more incredible is the fact that The B.C. Liberal candidate is proud to run on her record.
While I go out for a barf bag,could somebody run out and grab a couple of straight jackets for the Premier and her prospective underling.
Anybody that runs on her record should be locked away and committed.
Should the by-elections be called tomorrow, this will be the first opportunity for British Columbians in any riding to show the Premier that she is not the right person for the job.
Do the right thing, vote, tell the Premier we get it , and start the process of giving her the boot.
What has Christy Clark accomplished? More or less nothing.
Almost a year later, 1 guy is doing hard time. What about the rest ?
Over in London Ontario where they had a riot this past weekend ( Not a football game,just St.Paddy’s day) 13 knuckleheads have been arrested and countless others have been suspended from school.
So rather than refer to our Premier Christy Clark as the Iron Lady , you should ask yourself what the real Iron Lady would have done.
More than likely she would have rounded them up and sent them to some quaint outpost like the Falkland Islands.
Question to either of you: What is more substantial $20 million or $40 million?
Think back to 2008 when the economy started to deteriorate and governments around the world started to put plans in place to survive economic recessions.
Think a little further ahead to May of 2009 when the provincial election was on and then Premier Gordon Campbell tried to make you believe in light of the turmoil his party was the only one to lead you through tough economic times.
He told you that his government managed to hold the deficit to 495 million and that alone should be enough to garner your support.
Remember the feeling you had as you thought through all of this and wondered to yourself ” I am not an economic manager, I am just a regular person sitting at home who knew they economy was worse than they said, why didn’t the B.C.Liberals know this and be more on top of it than they were?”
I mean after all,they are the ones with the Finance department who is paid to research these kind of things,not you or me.
Remember you also asked yourself ” Why on earth did I vote for these people?”
I throw this out there because as I read Vaughn Palmer’s excellent column in the Vancouver Sun today, I was reminded of the Liberals economic mismanagement.
In particular a couple of quotes stood out: in 2011 Minister Pat Bell said that 20 million dollars was a substantial sum of money for the naming rights to BC Place.Then one year later the same Minister said 40 million was not good value for the taxpayers for the same rights.
Without discussing all the cost overruns and deficits in the BC Place project,one thing is abundantly clear: if a Minister in the BC Liberal Government thinks $20 million is substantial and $40 million is not, how can they lay claim to being good economic managers for the province?