BC Conservative Chad Eros: I’d like to thank my Speech Writer John Martin! #bcpoli

I am not worried,When I lose this I will run for the NDP next time!

As BC Conservative Chad Eros finished a speech recently, he rose to thank his speech writer BC Liberal candidate and likely 2 time 3rd place finisher John Martin for the help in writing his speeches.

As a former BC Conservative candidate who blew the by-election last April and finished third Martin had such attributable quotes as “a vote for the BC Conservatives is vote to send Christy Clark’s Liberal government a message that people are tired of failed Liberal policies.”

Of course Martin also said ” the Christy Clark Liberals are trying to use the education system for their own political gain, at expense of parents, teachers & students.” and ” accused criminals had drug charges dropped due to court delays – they were thrown out because of the BC Liberal governments negligence of the justice system.”

There are a plethora of other quotes that Martin has said in the past that leave him in this race as the last place candidate that he is.

It’s why Conservative blogger Alan Forseth says” Now for a word from our sponsor” when quoting Martin.

In other news:

This past Friday Martin had fellow opportunist and coward Stockwell Day out to a Rotary meeting in Chilliwack.

Previous to this meeting,Eros had challenged Day to a debate via You Tube.

At that meeting Conservative Eros reminded Day of the challenge. This sent Stockwell ( A political titan?) heading for the exits.

Once again,the Christy Clark Liberals prove they don’t have the courage of their convictions.

What next?

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