Interesting rumor on the street today has broadcaster Harpreet Singh running for the CPC nomination in Surrey Newton.
Harpreet has always played a leadership role in the community!
If true that would be awesome!
Stay tuned!
Interesting rumor on the street today has broadcaster Harpreet Singh running for the CPC nomination in Surrey Newton.
Harpreet has always played a leadership role in the community!
If true that would be awesome!
Stay tuned!
Bozo the Clown has had enough!
Justin Trudeau and his Mp’s are tarnishing his good name and it’s brought him to tears.
Once again Trudeau has made a statement and his Own MP has referred to it as a Bozo eruption.
Bozo wants this to stop. He says he has always been good at his job while Justin Trudeau is in way over his head.
He is afraid Trudeau and the Liberal Party will ruin his brand.
There is another year and a half to the next election.
Could Bozo be right?
Firstly my apologies for not blogging for a bit as I have had a pinched sciatica in my back and it has been difficult to sit and type much let alone blog.
The time off as given me cause for thought and it begs the question: Is there any difference between politics and a soap opera?
I recall listening to folks who have said they followed such and such a soap opera for years and nothing much ever changes, that they could walk away for a few months and while a few characters are different the plot is still what and where it was when they left.
While I have been off, Justin is still saying dumb things, pretending he is a leader in a party that is supposedly inconclusive but not including those folks who are pro-life unless of course Justin says its okay.
That sounds a bit like he’s a chip off the ole block head and a lot like his dad was back in the 60’s and 70’s. ( not the pro-life or choice part,just the penchant for saying dumb things)
Meanwhile in the Ontario election, poll after poll is released and says the PC’s are ahead, the Liberals are ahead, the NDP is picking up steam, the NDP is losing steam etc.
Geesh so what are you to believe?
Let’s ask Dimitri Pantazopoulos the pollster who has a penchant for getting it right as he did in the 2013 BC Election;
“Some insight into numbers being thrown around in Ontario:
1. I am dubious of the numbers given the disparity between pollsters (this underlies the comments that follow).
2. The “best Premier” question is meaningless. Only one of the candidates has ever actually BEEN Premier. So, of course she is chosen more often as the “best Premier.” That is a wasted question.
3. Time for a change number and wrong track number would seem to indicate that the ON Lib ceiling is in the range of 30%-34%. This would suggest a PC victory
4. The fact that the NDP are so high, indicate a strong likelihood of another Liberal minority.
Does it sound like I am hedging? Yes, I am. Mainly because of the amount of contradictory information in the public domain.”
So what else is happening?
The Nomination race for the CPC in Oakville North-Burlington is once again clouded with alleged shenanigans.
That’s it right?
Well Rob Ford’s car was spotted out for a drive while he is in re-hab…..
So I ask,is there any difference between politics and soap operas?
You tell me?
Rumor has it there is an election in Ontario and it’s going to happen on June 12,2014.ZZZZZ
The Ontario Liberal party should be sent to the penalty box for a long time to think about the mess they made of what was once a great province . They should be #notwynning but if you read the polls the result as of this writing would be close.
Will Kathleen Wynne summon Justin Trudeau as she did during the by-elections and if she does will he be too busy to help as he is apparently learning to lead while most of us know he is Justin in so far over his head. ( So is Kathleen for tha matter )
Will Andrea Horwath score some points with the voters for not backing the Liberal NDP budget or will voters wake up out of their collective slumber and remember the mess the NDP made of the province the last time those folks voted them in.
This is Tim Hudak’s time to shine and I expect that to happen on the night of the election debates. ( I’ll have a special entry on Ontario debate (S) depending on whether Andrea gets her way at a later date)
So get ready, wake up and watch Kathleen and crew get result they so richly deserve for the crappy government they have provided.
Stay tuned to Political Insider for all the excitement leading up to the big night.
What do you think will be the final result?