B.C.Liberals trot Vampire Chuck Strahl out of the coffin yet again!

Chuck Strahl : Boo! Don't Split the Vote!

They must think the voters of Chilliwack Hope are stupid.

Every couple of weeks, the B.C.Liberals open up the retired coffin door and out creaks Chuck Strahl with his vote splitting horror stories.

B.C. Liberals don’t get it. The people will not be told their vote is a waste of time if they vote for anybody but the Liberals.

Chuck Strahl spoke at the nomination and then espoused his BS in the Vancouver Sun. He has been with the BC Liberal campaign since day one.

In fact trotting him out today is an act of desperation from government on it’s last legs.

The people of Chilliwack know that and won’t fall for that crap.

Over and above the NDP, they have a choice. They can vote for John Martin a Conservative that runs on his own merits or they can Vote for a Faux Conservative who runs under a Liberal Banner.

The people of Chilliwack are smart, they will do the right thing.

Don’t you think?

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