Christy Clark: The Milf Question. #bcpoli #canpoli #christyclark

Cougar: I wouldn’t want to be Christy Clark Either!

I was going to ignore this whole episode but Dave Obee wrote a column in the Times Colonist that reeks of BC Liberal bandwagon and is totally out in LEFT field.

Of course Clark is not facing a double standard.She is dealing with a standard that she created by answering questions off the cuff and without thought.

A sitting premier should have simply said that the question was inappropriate and moved on.

Not Clark, she had to come up with a dumb answer that mocks all women and for that matter certain animals.

This is yet another gaffe not just by Clark but by the very people that handle her.

She should be aware that dumb questions will be asked and know how to answer them.

Any respectable sitting premier would.

The Christy Clark BC Liberal Government Reaches a New Low!

We all missed a game changing opportunity!

I am not talking about a flashy new poll being released, I am talking about excluding Amanda Todd’s mother from the conference on bullying. How dumb can you get?

She should have been front and center showing those people the scars of her childs death.

Premier photo-op and crew have dropped the ball once again.In fact we all did.

This was an opportunity to set politics aside and do the real work to make life more bearable for the kids in the province.

Instead a meaningful conference once again becomes a political football and a huge fumble for the Premier of our province.

You would have thought she would have been a little smarter given the vote she wants to recover is the women’s vote.

I recall, when my granddaughter was killed last October and I was in Comox for the funeral, there were a number of stories written in the local papers about kids, girls in particular committing suicide in the area. The deaths were not necessarily attributable to bullying but symptomatic of a larger problem that affects kids in this day and age.

I think there was three in the space of a month.

Something needs to be done and it has to be a lot more than the political hi-jinks of the last week.

Part of the problem is that we all stand back and accept this stuff from our politicians again and again.

We go to the polls like sheep and vote based on party lines. Those that don’t vote are making a statement albeit the wrong one.

All of us need to get involved,get outraged, be it at the next election or even now and ensure everybody knows that the status quo is no longer acceptable.

Folks did over the HST and it made a difference.

Otherwise we will get more of the same under the guise of change.

In the coming weeks I will write a post describing what I think people want and desperately need in their governments today.

We need to make real change and make the Amanda Todd’s of the world’s lives mean something.

We need to do more than what the BC Liberal government has been doing.

It’s time for real change and that time is now!

The Premier”s Office Revolving Door Revolves !

Pretty Soon these people will be running into each other!

Once again the hot corner in Politics proves to be working in the Premier’s office.

Today after nine months of employment Ken Boessenkool resigned after an incident he deemed ” an incident he acted inappropriately”

I am not going to speculate what may have happened,there are enough different versions on different mainstream and non mainstream media websites.

What I will do is question why it took two weeks to complete the resignation if he apologized immediately and ask why the premier is not coming clean once again.

I understand Mr.Boessenkool’s family reads but what’s worse: Knowing the truth or reading all the rampant speculation.

The best thing of course would be for Ken to make a statement and clear the air so to speak unless of course there is more to this than meets the eye.

This of course is yet another black eye on the Clark Government, a black eye that will get worse until the cause is released.

Of course Clark’s new replacement also has some explaining to do.

If this just all happened this Last night/this morning why would you give up a stable career job as board chair at BC Hydro for a job that will probably die out by May 2013 at the latest?

What do you think?

Is there more here than meets the “Black” eye?

BC Politics: Legislature won’t be Recalled in the Fall But that’s not what is Important!

Christy Clark: I will say whatever it takes to get elected!

I spent the day listening to news reports and call in shows asking people how they felt about the legislature not being recalled in the fall. Do they care was the question on cutting edge of the ledge ( Bill good show).

I think the question was framed wrong. It shouldn’t be do you care that the legislature is not sitting this fall but rather this: Do you care that your premier campaigned on a promise to hold more sessions in the house once she was elected and then broke that promise?

Quite frankly I think the general public could care less whether the legislature sits given all the nonsense that goes on in that venue.

I do however think that the public cares about whether their Premier lies during a campaign.

This is not the first time she has broken a campaign promise, remember the promise of returning gaming funds to the arts.

This is an important question to debate now especially in the run-up to a general election.

You should ask yourself in light of this how truthful will anything she says during the May 2013 election campaign be?

So I ask you which is more important: holding a fall session or keeping promises during election campaigns?

What do you think?

Criminal legal system in B.C. needs major overhaul ; Who would have guessed!

Christy Clark: What me Worry!

Shocking news today; Geoffrey Cowper released his report on the justice system and it said what we already knew namely that the legal system in BC needs a major overhaul.

Inept Premier Clark created this one man commission to review a justice system that is both prone to meddling from premiers( remember Clark tried to get the hockey riot trials televised) and open to slicing and dicing from political parties when they are looking to save a buck.( remember it was the BC Liberals who cut back on judges and closed court houses earlier on)

This announcement came on the day when 3 more BC Liberals rats jumped from the good ship( not really) SS Christy Clark.

Earlier in the week Kevin Falcon resigned followed today by Abbot,Les and McNeil.

The Premier announced next week there will be cabinet renewal while allowing the three aforementioned rats to maintain their cabinet positions.

Question for the masses: Where on earth ( with earth being her back benches) does Clark think she is going to find people to do this renewal.

Maybe she plans on offloading everything to Shirley Bond?

What do you think, is this the Christy Clark led death spiral we have all been waiting for?

Christy Clark’s Antic’s Spread East!

Marois: In the extortion Olympics,Clark will seem like a rank amateur compared to me!

Today it was revealed, in a page out of the Christy Clark text-book on stupidity, Opposition Leader and Chief Knucklehead for the Parti Quebecois , Pauline Marois, will challenge the recent agreement with the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Under cover of the environment the Parti Quebecois will no doubt demand its Fair Share” otherwise it will threaten to block any further talk about oil.

Between the cement head in Quebec and her twin in BC ,Prime Minister Harper and is team are close to being stuck between “une roche et un endroit dur”

Speaking of rock’s and hard places, word has it The beaver had a rough day after the Quebec solidaire gave it the boot from Quebec in their recent election ad portraying what else, separation.

Maybe a local politician or two will watch the ad, draw a picture of BC and give Clark the boot for starting this latest round of extortion.

What do you think?

Christy Clark Chooses Vancouver-Point Grey to Lose Her Seat!

Vancouver- Point Grey; As good a place as any to meet your Waterloo!

The Albatross around British Columbia’s neck, Premier Christy Clark, chose Vancouver-Point Grey to lose her seat in the upcoming general election in May 2013.

That’s the riding she won by a mere 500 votes and judging by the phone calls I got today makes her the InDUMBent!

No sooner had Clark called Alison Redford’s reaction to her demands for the Enbridge project silly than I was reminded that she referred to a suggestion by the leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition,Tommy Mulcair as “Goofy”.

With slang like that how does our Premier expect to get any respect at all.

Clark went on to say that she is fighting for BC. This prompted phone calls and emails along the lines of what does she think we are all idiots?

No matter the outcome of the Council of the Federation this week, Clark comes out once again looking like the chump that she is.

She should have started very public discussions regarding the Enbridge issue ages ago, perhaps at the Western Premiers meeting that she skipped and sent lackey Pat Bell to.

She didn’t and has now created the kerfuffle that has got people talking about the constitution again.

Make no mistake about it, Clark is not fighting for BC. She is fighting for her political life and doing a lousy job of it.

Only time will tell if the lucky voters of Vancouver-Point Grey will do the deed that most folks polled wish they had the opportunity to do.

That would be to show Clark the door at the first available opportunity.

I suspect her BC Liberal buddies won’t give them the chance.

What do you think?

The Enbridge Project: Zero Leadership from Christy Clark!

Terry: Mary what ever happened to Christy what’s her name?

First it was skulking around Alberta and Saskatchewan undercover of darkness so to speak meeting with Premiers Redford and Wall.

Then the big announcement comes from the government and Clark is nowhere to be seen.


The answer is typical Ken Boessenkool playbook strategy.

It goes something like this: When your leader is as low in the polls as Clark is, you hide her for the summer and start over again in the fall.

In Clark’s case it’s worse because even if they need to use her she can’t stay on message and so this fits with the Boessenkool strategy as well.

It’s no small wonder 77% of Albertan’s would rather have Redford as a Premier than our Clark. ( see the poll at the end of the blog written by an Albertan thanking his lucky stars that Clark is not their Premier)

Ordinarily the BC Government should have made a big deal out of Clark’s visit to Edmonton. It should have been showcased as a great stepping stone in the Enbridge project.

Instead as the blogger depicts it was more like a Mafioso Don meeting with the head of another family. I am surprised Clark didn’t hold the meeting in the back of a bakery.

Although what would you expect from a government who invites gangsters to budget meetings.

Not only that but this far into the process and after today’s big announcement they still haven’t taken a position.

Quite frankly I don’t think they will.

I think getting rebuffed by Premier Redford was part of the plan, a plan without leadership.

They will eventually say Alberta is not offering enough.

It is a plan to bow out of Enbridge without taking a stance.

But then what would you expect from a government who has no leader?

Elizabeth May just might have forced the Supreme Courts hand!

Boris: Elizabeth who? I have no idea who you are talking about!

Boris Wrzesnewskyj is probably crying in his corn flakes right about now.

If the members of the Supreme Court happen to read the Globe and see this piece it will give them yet another reason to over turn the judgement of the Ontario Court.

MS. May makes my argument for me, that the result from the election should be allowed to stand simply because voting conditions have changed since May 2011.

Election Canada has also said time and time again that we are talking about 20 or 30 votes which although are just as important as every other vote didn’t necessarily go to Conservative candidate Opitz.They could have been spread out equally amongst the parties.

I think common sense will prevail and the Supreme Court will over rule Ontario and ask Elections Canada to clean up their act.

As for Elizabeth May, Canadians and Conservative voters probably owe her a thanks.

Her ridiculous idea and strategy probably just saved us the cost of a by-election.

What are your thoughts?

Christy Clark Postioned Appropiately For Island Speech

Where oh Where could Christy Clark’s handlers be?

In a picture tells a thousand words scenario, note where the BC Liberal team had Clark positioned to give her keynote address to the recent barbecue used to pump up the troops on the island for the coming election.

Never on to miss a photo-op,Christy Clark stands next to a sign that captures the mood of those questioned in recent polls!

You would think that with all the problems that the BC liberals have had, new communications guy Morton would have seen that and had her positioned away from it.

Not so and this is yet another gaffe by the BC Liberal team currently predicted by the polls to be wiped off the island electoral map in 2013.

Who will Clark blame for this? The Media? Pollsters? Her Communications team?