First it was skulking around Alberta and Saskatchewan undercover of darkness so to speak meeting with Premiers Redford and Wall.
Then the big announcement comes from the government and Clark is nowhere to be seen.
The answer is typical Ken Boessenkool playbook strategy.
It goes something like this: When your leader is as low in the polls as Clark is, you hide her for the summer and start over again in the fall.
In Clark’s case it’s worse because even if they need to use her she can’t stay on message and so this fits with the Boessenkool strategy as well.
It’s no small wonder 77% of Albertan’s would rather have Redford as a Premier than our Clark. ( see the poll at the end of the blog written by an Albertan thanking his lucky stars that Clark is not their Premier)
Ordinarily the BC Government should have made a big deal out of Clark’s visit to Edmonton. It should have been showcased as a great stepping stone in the Enbridge project.
Instead as the blogger depicts it was more like a Mafioso Don meeting with the head of another family. I am surprised Clark didn’t hold the meeting in the back of a bakery.
Although what would you expect from a government who invites gangsters to budget meetings.
Not only that but this far into the process and after today’s big announcement they still haven’t taken a position.
Quite frankly I don’t think they will.
I think getting rebuffed by Premier Redford was part of the plan, a plan without leadership.
They will eventually say Alberta is not offering enough.
It is a plan to bow out of Enbridge without taking a stance.
But then what would you expect from a government who has no leader?