BC Liberals Dig Us Deeper In Debt!

Goofy: This Isn’t Fair!

Inept Premier BC Liberal Premier Christy Clark has been warning voters and taxpayers that today’s economic update was going to be full of bad news,

It was. The current year deficit has grown by $328 million.

According to current Finance Minister Mike De Jong is a delay in the closing of the sale of Little Mountain housing project. Dejong said he does not expect that to close until June.

DeJong then followed in Clark’s footsteps and said no matter, we will balance the budget next year as in February.


Here are a few things glossed over by both Premier Clark and Finance Manager de Jong.

1) Gone is the $40 million or so revenue from the Telus sign deal at BC Place or whatever you want to call.

2) Whether you were for or against the privatization of the Liquor Distribution Branch,getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar cost the Liberals $700 million which the previous Finance Minister had used in last years budget to project a balanced budget this year.

3) The piece de resistance ( although expenditure wise it pales in comparison to the above numbers) the $15 million your proud government just spent telling you how great they are.

Lets be clear about this too: As you are reading this thinking they are wasting your money, it’s beyond that. They are into your credit cards ( we don’t have any money) so it’s a lot worse.

To give this some context for you.Yesterday Toronto Mayor Rob Ford lost his job for using his letterhead to raise $3,100 for needy children while the BC Liberals used their letterhead to not only blow another $15 million to raise votes for themselves, but also sink you are your family $328 million further in debt.

Where is justice when you need it?

Premier starts the day with a Twitter lie!

I am the Premier and I can fool all of the people all of the time!

The Premier Lied! She went on Twitter in the Morning and said there would be no new tax hikes in the budget and then increases your MSP Premiums. A Premium is another word for tax.

Finance Minister Falcon Shrugged it off by saying it’s only $5 per month ( $60 per year).

In the BC Liberal world it’s only $60,in ours it’s a LIE.

This is just another in a long line of gaffes By the B.C.Liberal Premier.

She promised to do politics different and she starts her budget day with a lie.What could be worse?

Kinda makes you think the Premier is in over her head,doesn’t it?

Kinda makes you wonder if you can believe this whole budget thing too ?

HST Transition Rules to be Rolled out Friday !

HST Transition-We will sneak that in Friday!

Finally we get good news that the transition rules regarding HST will be rolled out Friday.

We all wait with bated breath to see how long and what will happen with the transition.

Finance Minister Falcon says that we will find out Friday because they still have some last minutes negotiations to finish up.

Fridays are also known as bad news days in the government and the business world.Aptly named because most people don’t follow the news as much as other days and it is ripe for sneaking in bad news.

Did I say sneak in relation to news about the HST,that would be far to generous!

What would it be like to be Kevin Falcon?

Can you imagine what it would be like to be Kevin Falcon?

-You are a quasi Conservative playing second fiddle to a Federal Liberal!
-You are A Finance Minister who doesn’t know if the budget will be balanced.
-You are the Premiers designated fall guy for the HST
-You are overruled by your own department when you want to release a $780,000 pamphlet your government opted for tossing in the garbage.
-You read the polls and know that no matter how much of this mess you are tasked with cleaning up,the people who put you and your government in office are getting ready to fire you.

Right about now ,if you were Kevin Falcon, you are probably wishing you had somebody of your own you could throw under the proverbial bus!