Every time Christy Clark opens her mouth she proves over and over again she has no clue what the electorate is thinking.
Yesterday in Kamloops she declared that the 2013 election will be about the economy not the HST.
Clark has not figured out that in the upcoming election the main issue has already been defined for her.
It will not be about the economy nor will it be directly about the HST.
Thinking the election will be about the economy shows Clark’s disconnect with the voters and explains why she is so far behind in the polls.
THIS ELECTION WILL BE ABOUT HONESTY AND INTEGRITY something her party is lacking severely .
It will be a referendum on a combination of things including but not limited to HST, BC Rail, Leadership etc. ( Probably by then you can throw in the sale of the Liquor Distribution branch as a sleazy way to balance the budget).
It also shows why I think the party will consider a quick leadership change.
Going into an election with Clark as your leader would be akin to going into the battle of Little Big Horn and putting all your money on General George Armstrong Custer.
We all know how that turned out.
Seems the MSM is also starting to think a leadership change may occur as evidenced in the Times Colonist yesterday.
Make no mistake about it, With Clark as leader the Liberals will get trounced at the ballot box.
You know it, I know it and more importantly the BC Liberals know it!
A leadership change is imminent!
What do you think?