Just when you thought the wacky world of Premier Christy Clark couldn’t get any stupider, she stands on her her soap box , attempts to exonerate incompetent Cabinet Minister Stephanie Cadieux and then blames the whole sordid CLBC screw up on the NDP.
Unless Adrian Dix is a ventriloquist and projected Stephanie to say and do the dumb things she has done since she got the file, how on earth do you hold the NDP accountable for yet another BC Liberal gaffe?
What does she not get?
The Liberals had one of their worst weeks ever and it was largely once again due to the fact that they never take ownership/ leadership of their mistakes.
Their worst weeks ever that is, until this week.
Today,damning evidence came to light showing clearly Premier Clark has lied about her involvement in the BC Rail fiasco.
Tsakumis nails her and confirms beyond the shadow of a doubt the PREMIER IS THE CHARLATAN WE ALL KNEW HER TO BE! ( Charlatan is probably to week a word, liar,cheat and sleaze would be more appropriate)
How on earth do we expect people to vote or get involved with politics with a Premier who tells one lie after another?
She even lied to get the bloody job! In the real world that in itself is cause for dismissal.
In the name of restoring honesty and integrity to the Premier’s office, Clark Must Go!
Wouldn’t you agree?