George Heyman is your new Dipper Candidate for Vancouver- Fairview.

I am keeping my eye on you Adrian!

George Heyman was won the nomination as the BCNDP Candidate for Vancouver Fairview leaving city councilor Geoff Meggs either on city council or searching for a new seat.

This is good news for Vancouver taxpayers who just saved $1 million on the cost of a by-election assuming he does what he says and stays on council.

Most pundits had predicted this nomination would go the other way.

Both are excellent candidates and I am sure that George will represent the BCNDP well.

In fact George will probably keep Adrian Dix on his toes in that he would make an excellent leader himself.

Congratulations George!

Adrian Dix: When He talks YOU should be Listening!

Dix: There’s a sucker born every minute!

Adrian Dix has been doing a lot of talking in public lately and if the latest polls are to be believed at this point not many of the voting public are paying much attention.

It may be that it is not close enough to an election and nobody cares but it is time to listen because this is platform stuff that the electorate will be voting on.

One week ago Mr.Dix spoke to the Vancouver Board of Trade and advised them that if elected premier he would raise corporate taxes back to 2008 levels.

This should be of concern to the average voter because an increase in corporate taxes will either result in a loss of jobs or at the very least result in frozen or decreased wages in the private sector.

It has to, there will be less money for companies to allocate for raises or benefits.

On the heels of that we see reports today that Dix told reporters after a speech to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities that he would repeal balanced budget law if elected premier .

Dix claimed the law as is was a joke.

While I agree that the Liberals have made a mockery of the law, the nice thing about forcing a government to go before the house with hat in hand to ask to run a deficit is at-least it goes on Hansard .

This forces both a record ,a vote and yes the house to be in session.

To allow any government in this day and age to run a deficit and tell you later is heresy.

With Dix ( he has a history of forging memos and fare-beating) and the BCNDP’s propensity to raise taxes without warning why would you want to give them this license.

There can be no more open blank cheque book style of government; we have seen how the Liberals have handled that. ( Look at the bad press this week with government begging for money for senate elections that have not yet been put to the house yet).

Remember the 1990″s and the BCNDP fudget budgets and recall Dix played a leading roll with that group too?

If anything the law should be tougher,not repealed.The voting public should demand it!

What about being open and accountable before spending our money?

What do you think?

BC Conservative Leadership Results- It’s Cummins!

71% say Good Job John!

Well the numbers are in.

1115 BC Conservatives cast ballots. This is a huge number of people who got involved.

788 BC Conservatives ( 71%) said John Cummins should not be subject to a leadership review!

Conservatives in the hall united in applause,as the party pledges to move forward and capture seats in the upcoming May election.

On the heels of this historic win Cummins and team proposed via a news release major changes to the rules governing sittings in the Victoria legislature.

Most notably the fall sitting, under a BC Conservative Government,will be used as a means to scrutinize expenditures relating to taxpayers dollars.

Deputy Ministers, Crown Corporation executives and the like will be called to face committees not only to account for expenditures for the previous years but also to answer for projections for the upcoming year.

A novel concept, the house being used for serious government business.

The May 2013 election just got interesting. The electorate now has a chance to vote for real change !

What do you think?

Christy Clark and Adrian Dix: The Tag Team Driving Young People out of BC!

Dix and Clark: Who is scaring the people away?

A combination of the inept corrupt BC Liberal government plus a looming massive NDP sweep are more than likely combining to drive young people out of the province like never before.

Clark has done nothing to create jobs nor has she helped with the cost of housing.

The specter of an NDP government with its alarming tax and spend policies ( You will hear more after the election.Don’t expect Dix to say or do anything with such a large lead in the polls), is also contributing to the exodus as young people head to conservative Alberta and Saskatchewan in search of better paying jobs and housing they can afford to live in.

What would you expect them to do? With No job prospects today and even less after next years election most young folks are leaving now to beat the rush next May and June.

Don’t forget about those pesky Liberal gas, carbon taxes,smart meters, higher insurance and hydro.People can escape that by bolting for the confines of neighboring welcoming provinces.

Who would be happy about this?

The moving companies that’s who. I can imagine they are planning for steady growth over the next 11 or 12 months.

Maybe that was Clark’s idea of creating jobs?

Better hurry folks, Dix will find away to tax you on the way out of town.

What do you think?

Pat Bell says the loss of 15,000 jobs is OK!

Pat Bell: So what everybody is doing it!


Coming on the heels of this mornings reports about job losses, Cabinet Minister Pat Bell says it’s okay.

His reason: It’s Okay because it’s a Canada wide thing.

Gimme a break Pat,since when is it okay to walk down the road to have not status.

It’s like the old saying if you jumped off a bridge would I? Not likely.

For a government whose premier campaigned on a jobs and family first platform,this response is atrocious.

Just another reason why the arrogant,complacent BC Liberal party has to be replaced.

What do you think?

BC Rail: Christy Clark Should Order a Full,Immediate and Quick Inquiry!

Enough pictures already,CALL the Inquiry!

David Basi’s memo makes a great case that Christy Clark is a liar.

Clark has fumbled and BS’d around on this and other files since she took over as Premier.

Assuming she has nothing to hide she should have gotten out in front of this her early days as Premier.

She hasn’t and now she has nobody but herself to blame for all the trouble that she is in.

Instead of sending attack dog and resident dimwit of the Premier’s office, Sarah MacIntyre, on the offensive ,Christy Clark should call an immediate,no holds barred inquiry into BC Rail.

I mean if she has nothing to hide what would stop her?

She seems to be reviewing everything else the government does.

So what harm does one more review do? ( If she has nothing to hide).

I bet the expanse of the inquiry would be something to taxpayer would be glad to pay to put behind them.

So Clark should do the right thing ( if she has nothing to hide) and call the inquiry.

After all the public has been clamoring for her to get out in front of this file since she took the oath of office.

So Premier,if you have nothing to hide, do the right thing and call an inquiry and specially have the role you played thoroughly reviewed.

It’s the right thing to do!

What do you think?

What should be happening in the BC Liberal Party.

Time to play Change the Leader!

In light of the damning memo revealed on the blog of Alex G.Tsakumis, my experience in politics tells me that although the Liberals are putting on a brave face, discussions have to have started within the BC Liberal Party with respect to Clark and her leadership.

I believe and have seen this before that the time for pussy footing around is long past.

The BC Liberal Executive would have at the very least discussed this issue over the phone and if they haven’t met in person will do so shortly.

As well I am sure the cabinet or members of the BC Liberal Cabinet would have or will start discussing Clark’s leadership too!

For these people it is a matter of survival especially for the elected MLA’s for who this is their job.

You will soon see that the family first agenda applies to their families.

I am sure that the Executive will ( if they have not already) reach out too a trusted colleague like a Shirley Bond .

They would probably want her as a senior cabinet minister to approach the Premier and ask her to step down.

That person would meet with cabinet and discuss the best approach.

This happens only when the party is serious about cleaning up its act in the short term as surely the Liberals would be now.

The nagging question is Who will replace Clark?

Sh*t my Premier Says

Believe me,Nobody BS’s and Lies like Premier Clark!

It seems every Friday we end with a blog post detailing the Shenanigans, Gaffes and Bulls*t Premier Christy Clark and her Government are responsible for..

Every week we get hand delivered a new set of lies . It’s almost as if you can go to the BC Liberal web site,enter your email or subscribe and get straight to your inbox this weeks nonsense.

It’s simple just set up a Google Alert and every night like a horror movie your Blackberry or iPhone goes ping and you can see first hand what Christy Clark screwed up that day.

Be prepared,each nights Alert is a long list.

This week I have received a plethora of stories from such authors as Ales G Tsakumis , Warren Kinsella and Michael Smyth. Tonight no doubt I will get one from Lindsay Kines.

Sometimes I even get my own, although this week I entitled my Blog Piece about the fumbling of the Clark Government: Stephanie Cadieux should resign! I don’t have an Alert set up for her because, well, she is irrelevant.( I heard her on the radio a day or so later and she sounded even more incompetent on that medium)

This brings us to a piece by Justine Hunter discussing the BC Liberals trying to work out their differences with the BC Conservatives.

No matter what Fantasy land Phil Hochstein or John Reynolds live in, this will never happen.

The Clark Government don’t know how to tell the truth and certainly will never earn my trust.( or the voting public’s for that matter)

A child could be drowning in the Fraser River and Clark and her entire cabinet could form a chain and pull the kid to safety. The public’s reaction: So what; they were probably looking for a photo-op and tossed the kid there in the first place!

Nothing can save these people because they have passed the point of no return. Certainly no BC Conservative I have ever met would want to join up with them.

Why would we. These people are arrogant and corrupt as we shall see if we ever get lucky enough to have a full inquiry into BC Rail.

They need to be flushed away in the next election.

For a lot of us with Christy Clark in Google Alerts it can’t come soon enough!

What are your thoughts?

Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way!

I solemnly swear to be the best Follower I can be because I don’t have a clue how to Lead. I will do so until I am shown the door and told to Get Out of the way!

Nice I headline to start today’s blog. I didn’t make that up either.( As in just like the headline I didn’t make up yesterday if you are new to my blog).

It comes via a friend from Thomas Paine one of the founding fathers of the gold ole USA and can be found in his paper ” The Crisis”

It is a fitting metaphor that political writers use when political leaders are in over their head and decide to be followers rather than leaders.

Our current and soon to be deposed Premier Christy Clark finds herself in a “Crisis” of her own making in that rather than doing the things she promised to do when she ran to be the leader she chose to be a follower of her people in Cabinet.

These would be the same people who created the mess that she had the opportunity to show leadership on when she first became Premier un-elect.

So now, as the quote says she will likely be told to get out of the way.

How long do you think it will take?

If an election were held today BC Liberals would be decimated!

Goofy starting to have Second Thoughts!

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse for the Christy Clark Liberals it does.

Along comes Forum research with another poll showing that if an election were held today the Clark team would be decimated.

Premier ‘I don’t pay attention to polls” Clark will pay attention to this poll, she will have no choice.

I would think,that although there is still a bit of space between where they are and rock bottom, the chants for Clark’s head will start again ( If they ever stopped)

With this poll this election now becomes more than losing a few seats, it ( No how much BS Comes out of the mouth of Mike McDonald) will be about losing a party.

You can now expect to see the beginning of an exodus of Conservative Volunteers from the BC Liberal party to the safer confines of the BC Conservatives.

My Guess: Clark is gone and likely before the big convention in the fall.

What do you think?