George Heyman is your new Dipper Candidate for Vancouver- Fairview.

I am keeping my eye on you Adrian!

George Heyman was won the nomination as the BCNDP Candidate for Vancouver Fairview leaving city councilor Geoff Meggs either on city council or searching for a new seat.

This is good news for Vancouver taxpayers who just saved $1 million on the cost of a by-election assuming he does what he says and stays on council.

Most pundits had predicted this nomination would go the other way.

Both are excellent candidates and I am sure that George will represent the BCNDP well.

In fact George will probably keep Adrian Dix on his toes in that he would make an excellent leader himself.

Congratulations George!

2 thoughts on “George Heyman is your new Dipper Candidate for Vancouver- Fairview.”

  1. Ask members of the HEU how they feel about Mr. Heyman after he and Jim Sinclair left them to swing in the breeze in May 2004. Ask them how they feel about the day that so-called “Solidarity” died. Your “excellent” candidate is a turncoat and a traitor to working people everywhere.

    1. I said that as an outsider who watches NDPers through he media. He is always portrayed as an excellent leader. Your observation is excellent. Thank you.

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