If an election were held today BC Liberals would be decimated!

Goofy starting to have Second Thoughts!

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse for the Christy Clark Liberals it does.

Along comes Forum research with another poll showing that if an election were held today the Clark team would be decimated.

Premier ‘I don’t pay attention to polls” Clark will pay attention to this poll, she will have no choice.

I would think,that although there is still a bit of space between where they are and rock bottom, the chants for Clark’s head will start again ( If they ever stopped)

With this poll this election now becomes more than losing a few seats, it ( No how much BS Comes out of the mouth of Mike McDonald) will be about losing a party.

You can now expect to see the beginning of an exodus of Conservative Volunteers from the BC Liberal party to the safer confines of the BC Conservatives.

My Guess: Clark is gone and likely before the big convention in the fall.

What do you think?

Christy Clark Fumbles her way through yet another News Conference!

How many times do I have to answer that Question ? How about until you answer it you blockhead!

I never started this blog as a open window to the world on what an idiot we have as a Premier but Christy Clark makes this too easy.

Case in point: Today, in this the week of Clark rolling out old announcements trying to make them look new, she couldn’t answer a simple question about how much money she was committing to the so-called St.Paul’s redevelopment project.

She told reporters a number of times she had already answered the question but of course she hadn’t. She was finally able to come up with an answer but what was galling was that she actually thought she answered it.

Even worse when repeatedly asked to go on record with an answer she got lippy with reporters.

She is such a dolt that she can’t remember from one word to the next what she says.

This kind of off the cuff stuff from Clark gives credence to the story that she makes this crap up as she goes along.

About the only bright side is that if the BC Liberals leave Clark in as leader we will have another 11 months of this unintended slapstick provided by the hapless Premier.

Does the fact that the Premier is a dope make you laugh or cry?

Federal Liberals Have a Dilemma!

It's easy son, wave it a little longer and they will want you real bad!

Justin Trudeau has once again said he is not interested in the job of permanent Liberal leader. He made that clear moments after Bob Rae announced that he would stay on as interim leader but would not be in the running for the permanent job.

This presents a huge problem for the party that is trying to reinvent itself.

At this point Gerrard Kennedy,Joyce Murray,Martha Hall Findlay,Marc Garneau, Dominic LeBlanc and David McGuinty are the names rumored to be interested in the job.

These potential candidates would have trouble motivating their own EDA ( Electoral District Association) boards to show up at their summer barbeques let alone captivate the country to vote for them.

So unless they have a sleeper superstar ( Dalton McGuinty LOL ) it comes to begging Trudeau to take the job.

The Dilemma of course is if he takes the job it helps the Conservatives, if he doesn’t take the job Tommy Mulcair and the NDP will steam roll them in the next election.

It is sort of a ” your screwed if you do, screwed if you don’t” situation don’t you think?

Federal Liberal Leadership: What will they lead anyway?

In another few weeks the race will officially kick off for the Federal Liberal leadership.

A lot of discussion lately has been centered around who will run.Will it be Rae? Trudeau? McGuinty?

Just What will the lucky winner Champion?

The better question in my opinion would be : Just what will the eventual winner be leading?

Will that winner lead a party which is on its deathbed and has little hope of coming back to life as the party they know and recognize Or Will that lucky winner have to be a good negotiator so that he or she can play a lead role in negotiating a merger with the NDP?

Recent polling of supporters would seem to show that they want the two parties to merge so that they can defeat the Stephen Harper led Conservative Government.

That decision has to be made before any leadership contest because it will help determine the type of leader needed to make any negotiations successful.

Of course merging is no guarantee of winning any election.

They have to prove they can get along together first before the Canadian people trust them to govern.

That in itself is no small order for two parties like the Liberals and the NDP?

Do the Conservatives care who wins?

If you believe the rumors that they already have ads ready that say elect Rae and he will do for Canada what he did to Ontario, then if McGuinty runs and wins they would simply have to change the name because as everybody knows he is making a mess of Ontario as well.

Trudeau? Not much different; Elect Justin Trudeau and he will make a mess of Canada just like his father did.

Unless they have some superstar with no baggage their only hope is to merge and I don’t see that happening for at least one election.

The party of Adscam always has to learn their lesson the hard way.

What do you think?

The Death of the BC Liberal Brand!

We are not Malcontents!

Over the next days and weeks there will be countless discussions on the Liberal brand both federally and with the British Colombian election eleven months away provincially.

Lots will be said about who will want to run for the Federal Liberals when the question should probably be what will the eventual winner actually be leading.

Here in BC the discussion will be centered around the BC Liberals changing their name, Christy Clark’s leadership and the horror of a Dix led NDP win.

Prompted by Michael Smyth’s eight handy hints for Clark, I thought I would kick off discussion today with a look at the hints and reasons why Clark and the Liberals are doomed to lose.

Smyth’s article presupposes that people ( like MLA van Dongen and volunteer campaign workers like me) are malcontents because we left the party.

Nothing could be further than the truth.

I left because I had enough. I heard a Campbell speech in 1999 that started with I want to be Premier because I want BC to be a place my kids can grow up in,work here and live here.

In 2009 Campbell made a speech at his nomination that said I want to be Premier to build a province that my Grandchildren can live here and work here.

Same Speech 10 years later meant to me they had done nothing in the first 10 years of their mandate.

What life the BC Liberal party had for me died that night.

That combined with HST,Basi Virk etc. was and is a party that I no longer wanted to be associated with.

For John,the BC liberal Brand died later,but died it did.

When he left( that took courage), as you have heard van Dongen says countless times, it was because he wanted open honest accountable government. He has added that he wants to work in a government that both he and the electorate can trust.

This is not happening now and will not happen under the BC Liberals, Clark and the smoke and mirrors of a name change now.

People like John and I want to build a better BC that all of us can be proud of and that includes the people we elect to government.

We can’t do it under the Liberals and we cant do it with the same people under a different name.

People do not trust her government and they won’t no matter what she does between now and next May.

Scaling back her holidays to 4 weeks as Bob Plecas suggests probably throws most British Columbians for a loop as well. Lets face it,when most people start a new job they only get 2 weeks after year one.
Add to that, the more times she is snapped smiling at summer barbeques the more her poll results will drop. With the house out, people will just assume she is on one long summer vacation.

I believe that most people live by the old adage that he or she who lives in a glass house shouldn’t throw stones.

For the Clark government to throw stones at Dix will endanger what little bit of a glass house the Liberal team has left.

Clark has not shown leadership since she was chosen to be Premier by the Liberal Party. An example of which is her stance on the pipeline.

Whatever she decides to do with this now will look like an act of a desperate politician . ( She is)

Finally, the handy hints and most discussion regarding re-branding and the fate of the Liberal party in BC leaves out is this: Dix’s poll results could be rising because the left leaning liberals have left the Clark tent.

Every time she pretends to be a Conservative more lefties leave the Liberal party, driving her poll numbers down even further.

What’s ahead? Certain electoral defeat for Clark and her team.

There is no way around it!

What do you think?

Christy Clark Hits New Low!

I wonder If Clark will blow out Mario today?

Mario Canseco will no doubt be in for another tongue lashing today from simple-minded Premier Christy Clark over the latest Angus Reid poll.

Seems Clark finished right near the bottom ( Since most of you reading think she is a bottom feeder it’s probably an appropriate place).

Actually most people look at her that way as 3 out of 5 constituents disapproved of her!

To put Clark’s accomplishment in perspective both Dalton McGuinty and Quebec’s favorite whipping boy Jean Charest finished ahead of her.

Yesterday we heard from Clark Economic Advisor Jim Shepard who said he wished people would see Clark they way he does.

Uh Jim you might want to remove those rose-colored glasses and get a feel for how the voting public feels.

At some point today you will probably hear Clark say she doesn’t pay attention to poll results.

The genie is out of the bottle on that, given during her last tirade it was revealed that the BC Liberals have hired Angus Reid to do polling in the past.

If you didn’t pay attention to poll results why would you hire polling companies?

What do you think of poll results and in particular what do you think of Premier Clark?

You should have kept the 1$ Mr.Sheppard!

Not even this man can save Christy Clark

Cue the Music! Dun Dun Du Dun Dun Da; you know the theme from Mission Impossible.

Jim Sheppard quit his $1 per yer job as Christy Clark’s economic adviser to start a support group for the inept Premier.

Firstly who cares and more importantly NOT EVEN TOM CRUISE CAN SAVE CHRISTY CLARK!

Things are that bad that advisers are leaving to start support groups and the election hasn’t even happened yet!

In fact you should be shocked that Sheppard leaving is the biggest news out of the leaders dinner.

Apparently 1700 people in attendance and all Clark and Sheppard could do was go hat in hand and beg them to join a support group.

Without rehashing everything my recent bonehead post,nothing will save Clark or the BC Liberals. Not even a name change.

Add to that the Filipna Folly from last weekend and Clark is toast.

If Mr.Sheppard thinks he can pull an end around on John Cummins people he doesn’t understand what is driving the BC Conservative and the people that support them.

It`s the same thing the electorate wants and Clark and crew can`t provide it.


Reaching out to the so-called invisible people who Sheppard referred to is akin to telling the electorate that the hidden elite will be enough to prop up Clark’s tired Leadership.

All the smoke and mirrors and BS will not save Clark and anybody associated with her government.

As Alex Tsakumis says your Premier is a dummy and as I consistently say your government is through.

What do you think?

John van Dongen awarded intervenor status!

BC Newest Intervenor!

Today a big victory for the BC Taxpayer!

John van Dongen was granted intervenor status in the Basi-Virk indemnity review case.

This is unique in that John is an elected MLA representing British Columbians. Our voice will now be heard!

Maybe now we can get to the bottom of this charade.

Perhaps we will find out why two government lackeys were allowed to write of $6 million in legal fees, well over their defined limit of $100,000. ( how do you say cover up?)

Well done John. We are all very proud of you!

Christy Clark and The BC Liberals:Catalyst for Failure!

Brad Wall a Great Leader, Christy Clark out of her league

The government under Christy Clark and the BC Liberals brings to mind the sad tale of Emperor Nero in the stories of ancient Rome.

You remember the tale told that when Nero fiddled Rome burned.

Well guess what and her team are fiddling BC is catching fire.

Evidence of that would be their incompetence on both the Catalyst and the Dutch Elm disease files.

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall is making a name for himself with his adept handling of the issue with an intellectual argument showing Leader Mulcair statement would result in higher resource taxes. In an even smarter move he asked Mulcair to explain what he meant.( Was this to be a revival of the National Energy Program? More carbon taxes?)

What was BC Premier Christy Clark’s response?

This is goofy!

This leads us to events this week and the cover up and abomination that was her non-attendance at the Western premier summit and her mishandling of the Catalyst file.

Clark’s excuse for not going to the summit was that she had business to attend to in BC. In her place she sent accomplished liar Minister Pat Bell.

She introduced the costly Family day holiday that most people in the financial district won’t be able to take and most small business people will have to pay through the nose to finance.

This was a total shell game in that Clark sent her jobs minister who has been lying and covering up her governments incompetence handling the problems with catalyst and the large amount of jobs at stake.

Why? So he would not have to face the consequences on the Catalyst File

The swap for her was that she did not have to perform with the rest of Western Canada’s real leaders that would have led to further exposure as the weak lame duck Premier that she is.

Premier Wall showed us that with his actions on the Dutch-file.

This is nothing but a shell game or cover up by a government on its way out.

Premier Clark and her team need to be reminded that governing the province and showing leadership in this country is not a radio show.

It requires a well thought out plan with competent people to carry it out,

This government has neither.

Thank god there is only 11 months left!

What will they screw up next?

What do you think?