Christy Clark: This Months Bonehead of the Month Winner, Hands Down!

Clark Wins Coveted Bonehead again!

The results are in and it’s official!

Premier Christy Clark Wins!

To Re Cap May:

Clark Shells out $67,000 to kick out new employee Chris Olsen!

Clark fumbles a simple answer to the question ” Did you smoke pot in high school”

Clark’s Forum Poll results show her and her party on the verge of being wiped out!

Clark brings in Family Day no matter what the cost to small business.

Clark and crew bonehead family day and have it on a different day than Alberta thereby forcing people to take a day off to visit family and spend the holiday with them.

Clark ducks Western Premiers meeting making BC the laughing stock of Western Canada.

Clark mishandles Catalyst file.

Clark gets upstaged by Brad Wall on the Mulcair Dutch Disease file.

Clark screws up the facts on the Hydro File.

Clark hires pollster and then ridicules him because results shows her and her government are inept.

Runners Up

Tommy Mulcair for the Dutch Disease comment

Pauline Marois because she’s Pauline Marois.

This Month Nobody can touch Christy Clark for the Coveted Bonehead of the month award!

Did I leave anything or anyone out?

Bonehead of the Month Christy Clark!

Is anyone more worthy?

FYI : With her Filipina in her heart she is out of the gate flying this month too!

3 thoughts on “Christy Clark: This Months Bonehead of the Month Winner, Hands Down!”

  1. She and her whole party are such a disaster for sure but the NDP government that’s coming down the pipe is going to be a complete nut show. Hopefully the right can unite in the BC Conservatives and let the lefties fight over the scraps.

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