In another few weeks the race will officially kick off for the Federal Liberal leadership.
A lot of discussion lately has been centered around who will run.Will it be Rae? Trudeau? McGuinty?
The better question in my opinion would be : Just what will the eventual winner be leading?
Will that winner lead a party which is on its deathbed and has little hope of coming back to life as the party they know and recognize Or Will that lucky winner have to be a good negotiator so that he or she can play a lead role in negotiating a merger with the NDP?
Recent polling of supporters would seem to show that they want the two parties to merge so that they can defeat the Stephen Harper led Conservative Government.
That decision has to be made before any leadership contest because it will help determine the type of leader needed to make any negotiations successful.
Of course merging is no guarantee of winning any election.
They have to prove they can get along together first before the Canadian people trust them to govern.
That in itself is no small order for two parties like the Liberals and the NDP?
Do the Conservatives care who wins?
If you believe the rumors that they already have ads ready that say elect Rae and he will do for Canada what he did to Ontario, then if McGuinty runs and wins they would simply have to change the name because as everybody knows he is making a mess of Ontario as well.
Trudeau? Not much different; Elect Justin Trudeau and he will make a mess of Canada just like his father did.
Unless they have some superstar with no baggage their only hope is to merge and I don’t see that happening for at least one election.
The party of Adscam always has to learn their lesson the hard way.
What do you think?
the idea that we don’t know what the liberals stand for is not entierly true; all one has to do is listen to their people and examine their past record and the conclusion is that they are now pretty much out in left field with the NDP, with some minor differences; on the major policies they are pretty well the same
Thus the reason for all the merger debates!
Thank you for reading and commenting.
I am old enough to remember wage and price controls, N.E.P, Night of the Long Knives and other assorted Liberal absurdities foisted on Canada by Pierre Trudeau. Yet, I am young enough not to want to see it happen again. Justin may have been born on Christmas Day; but he will not save the Liberals from their sins.
I lived through the Trudeau nightmare too!
Can’t imagine what that would be like all over again.
One has to wonder how you can elect a leader of a party that has no clear understanding of what the party stands for. They should first get back to basic and define what they stand for. The only thing that they seem to stand for is regaining power.
Totally true!
Thank you for your comment!