Ontario Election: Will everybody sleep through it? #onpoli #notwynning #canpoli

Kathleen Wynne and her mentor Dalton McGuinty.

Rumor has it there is an election in Ontario and it’s going to happen on June 12,2014.ZZZZZ

The Ontario Liberal party should be sent to the penalty box for a long time to think about the mess they made of what was once a great province . They should be #notwynning but if you read the polls the result as of this writing would be close.

Will Kathleen Wynne summon Justin Trudeau as she did during the by-elections and if she does will he be too busy to help as he is apparently learning to lead while most of us know he is Justin in so far over his head. ( So is Kathleen for tha matter )

Will Andrea Horwath score some points with the voters for not backing the Liberal NDP budget or will voters wake up out of their collective slumber and remember the mess the NDP made of the province the last time those folks voted them in.

This is Tim Hudak’s time to shine and I expect that to happen on the night of the election debates. ( I’ll have a special entry on Ontario debate (S) depending on whether Andrea gets her way at a later date)

So get ready, wake up and watch Kathleen and crew get result they so richly deserve for the crappy government they have provided.

Stay tuned to Political Insider for all the excitement leading up to the big night.

What do you think will be the final result?

Voter Turn Out: Maybe it’s Higher Than You Think! #bcpoli #canpoli #surrey #itsrasodetime

There are days when everybody feels like this, sadly they are becoming more frequent!

As I sit at meetings or walk and talk with people the discussion always seems to be the same.

It revolves around the theme of lack of involvement by either voters, younger people or volunteers.

I have friends in all walks of politics and this is a problem that is common to everybody.

Why don’t people vote they ask? Why aren’t young people getting involved?

I think people are involved, just differently than vote counters are accustomed to.

People are crying our for fiscally,socially and morally responsible politicians.

They want to know that their vote matters,that the people they elect will vote how their constituents feel. ( Not the party or the slate way)

They need to know that when politicians campaign on openness and accountability that they mean what they say.

They want to be consulted before major decisions are made. ( As do some politicians too!)

Right now that doesn’t happen.

Need an example? Time and time again all politicians refuse to show their expense receipts.

How big a deal would that really be?

They don’t want politicians to take advantage of the rules even though there are loopholes that make it okay. ( See any number of articles that reference taking a spouse on a taxpayer-funded trip).

So maybe just maybe those missing people are voting, just in a way the world is not accustomed.

Maybe (people) are voting with their feet and maybe voter turnout should be counted differently.

As in voter turnout was 100% but only 35% bothered to use a pencil.

Over the next couple of years we face elections in this country that range from municipal, provincial to federal.

We need to evaluate our choices more than ever.

We need honest, moral people willing to play leading roles in their community.

Leading roles that not only encourage young people to volunteer and vote but also to grow up and be the kind of politician we all want and need.

We also need to encourage those folks who vote with their feet rather than the traditional way in the booth.

I’ll do my part to help.

I’ll use this space to help evaluate both the good and the bad leading up to those elections no matter what the political stripe.

It’s why I’ll stand on my soap box , megaphone in hand being a shameless self promoter of those folks that represent the best interest of the voting public. ( My megaphone is very social and it can be heard on Facebook and Twitter)

It’s why I say It’s Rasode Time and you should too!

Quebec Election: Monday’s Fun #canpoli #qcpoli #bcpoli

The Perils Of Pauline….

What a difference a month makes!

It wasn’t long ago the pollsters had the PQ up 22% and ready to form a majority government and wreak havoc on the rest of Canada.

Then Pierre Karl Peledeau turned the election upside down with his entry as a PQ candidate and his one fisted ( some would say ham handed ) declaration that he was a candidate for one reason and one reason only: Separation.

The election was turned upside down!

With 2 days to go it appears that the Liberals are going to win.

The latest Ekos poll shows them somewhere around 40% and the PQ support is still crumbling while the CAQ support is on the rise.

Anything can still happen ans we have seen from election polls turning on a dime recently.

Lots of questions still to be answered: Who will win? Majority or Minority? What will it mean?

Lost in the discussion it seems is the question “What will the voter turn out be?”

A large turnout will surely mean a PQ wipe-out and perhaps a surprise with a large number of CAQ seats.

Today, Premier Marois is threatening the Quebec voter with the resumption of the corruption hearings and how the Liberals will cover that up if they win.

Marois would do well to remember that ” she who lives in glass houses should throw stones” given the PQ has a lot to lose with the resumption of those hearings as well. I think this strategy will also backfire and drive even more of their traditional support into the waiting arms of the CAQ.

The PQ could finish as low as third!

I think the big questions that will be answered quickly after the election are : How long will it take Pauline to retire and will we have to wait until the polls close before the knives come out to get her. ( Maybe Pierre Karl Peladeau will shove her off the stage )
Should be a fun night!

What do you think will happen?

Pierre Karl Peladeau The Man Who Would Be King ! #canpoli #bcpoli #qcpoli #pqpoli

Pauline Marois does it again!

In another move, reminiscent of Pauline Marois looking stupid and playing the Symbols in the run up to last years Quebec election, The Premier has appointed so called superstar candidate Pierre Karl Peladeau to run for the PQ team in the curent election.

With this move I predict thankfully that Pauline will pull a BCNDP and turn certain victory into the jaws of defeat in this camapign.

Peladeau already thinks the political arena is his to own and has gone on record proving he does not understand politics and the people who he thinks are peasants who he would like to elect him.

To Wit: He thinks he is beyond the reach of the ethics boss in Quebec at a time when the average voter in Quebec and Canada for that matter want openness and transparency.

It is a political strategy that the government tries to choose an issue and define what the election is all about.

He has made the election all about sovereignty with his radio interview proclamation that if it wasn’t for the separatist cause he would not be part of the election team.

A recent poll shows that 61% of Quebecers want nothing to do with separation.

Given those numbers the Quebec voter gets the big chance now to avoid the walk down referendum boulevard and vote these people out before they waste taxpayers money on another needless vote they can’t win.

The smart money says they will.

Liberal Leader Philippe Couillard should hammer the PQ,Marois and Peladeau hard everyday until the election is over.

It’s my bet that Marois,Peladeau and crew won’t handle the pressure and the internal bickering will start resulting in the aforementioned blown election.

Peladeau play second fiddle to Marois? Not for long!

Just watch.

It should be an interesting ride.

What’s your prediction on the outcome?

Justin Trudeau and Pauline Marois in a Race for the Political Insider Bonehead of the Month! #bcpoli #canpoli #qcpoli #bonehead

Trudeau and Marois the day after they lose their respective elections!

I am half tempted to change this to the bonehead of the day award given how many stupid things come out of the mouths of Justin Trudeau and fellow province mate Pauline Marois.

Which one is the dumbest; the one who wants to be Prime Minister or the bonehead who wants to be Premier with a majority in her province.

Marois slight,not mentioning the word Canada in the hockey teams gold medal winning performance was no doubt am attempt to get ROC and the government riled up and provoke the so-called “winning Conditions”for a referendum should she not blow her mandate the polls say she will win.

Trudeau on the other hand is a natural-born bonehead with all the stupid things he said, with the latest being his crack that the Russia will become more involved in the situation in the Ukraine because of their hockey loss in the Olympics.

Can you imagine this tool on the national stage? How do you spell World War III.

He is obviously in over his head and not ready to govern.

Which one do you think is more deserving of the Bonehead or is it a tie?

Frank Klees Says Good Bye! #onpoli #canpoli #bcpoli #klees

Frank Klees: Premier Wynne: Do the right thing and give Ontario a Christmas Present; Give them the gift of an election!

One of the neat things about having lived in most major cities in Canada is that you get to meet lots of interesting people.

When you follow politics as close as I do, you also meet lots of politicians both good and bad.

Frank Klees is a good one!

I first met Frank Klees when he became an MPP in 1995 and I was a fundraiser for the party with the likes of Jim Ginou,Gord Walker and John Craig Eaton.

I met him after a presentation he did for a small group of us in the Albany Club. In fact I slipped him my card and told him I would be glad to help him if he ever needed it.

For those of you that don’t know, those were the days of the Common Sense Revolution.

I watched Klees move up thought the ranks through cabinet and take a couple of runs at the leadership. ( helped him from all the way out here in BC!)

He is the consummate team player and one of the best politicians I have had the pleasure of calling my friend.

Ontario will miss Frank more than they realize. He is a tireless MPP who goes to the wall for constituents and holds the current government’s feet to the fire.

Frank ,Thank you for your years of service. I have appreciated your work and all that it has taught me.

You have been a mentor form afar.

Prime Minister Harper would be on the right track to reach out to Frank and ask him to put his retirement off a bit.

He would be a great MP.

Ontario By Elections-Good measuring sticks for all Parties! #bcpoli #onpoli #canpoli

Who has the most to lose?

The upcoming by elections in Ontario could be used as a fairly important measuring stick as far as a potential full-on spring election in that province goes.

There is a lot at stake for all parties.

For the Tim Hudak lead Progressive Conservatives these votes will tell the tale of the shape they are in heading into the full on election. Are Hudak’s troubles behind him? We’ll soon know.

For the Andrea Horwath lead NDP these votes provide a chance to be taken seriously. A hammering at the polls here and they are in trouble.

There is a lot of discussions when by elections are called and whether they are important to the government of the day.

With the Forum poll released today maybe the Liberals internal polling is even worse and maybe these elections are more important than we are lead to believe.

Why else would the Liberals trot out Justin Trudeau to campaign at this early stage if they weren’t?

For the Kathleen Wynne lead Ontario Liberals these byelections are all about survival. Should they get their heads handed to them in February it could be a bellwether to defeat down the road.

It won’t bode well for Trudeau either, if he can’t turn the tide!

Surrey Municipal Election : It’s time for a Change, It’s Time for Rasode! #surrey #rasode #bcpoli #canpoli

Dianne Watts: Priorities are all wrong!

If ever there was an example of why it’s time for a change in Surrey, todays’ quick thinking action by Councilor Barinder Rasode is an example of why we need somebody like her in the Mayor’s chair.

Rsaode, who was already making plans to add lighting to the recreation centers in Surrey, is on top of the problem and has been since the unfortunate death of hockey mom Julie Paskall and responded in kind when reporter Janet Brown witnessed a drug deal outside a Surrey recreation center.

Watts on the other hand has been missing in action on the file while she has been off arguing about the transit referendum question with Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson.

Note to Watts: If you are not sure what the provincial objective is going into the referendum why not lean across the council table and ask Marvin Hunt ? He is both a councilor and a provincial MLA. You would think he could clue you in there wouldn’t you?

Barinder Rasode has her priorities right! While transit is important, it is even more vital that the good citizens of Surrey ( those visiting as well) stay alive long enough to actually board a bus or get in the car. She knows that Surrey needs to be safe.

It’s why more and more people are saying it’s time for a change, it’s time for Rasode.

I couldn’t agree more!

Rumor Du Jour-Surrey Municipal! #bcpoli #surrey #canpoli

A new slate at Surrey City hall?

Heard this past week in Surrey is talk of a new slate to be put together in time for the November Municipal elections.

As the story goes the new slate would be headed by mayoralty candidate Barinder Rasode.

Her slate would take on the invincible Surrey mayor Dianne Watts.

Apparently the Mayor is not so incincible with the lack of police and the recent Surrey hockey Mom Murder.

Watts has done a great job in her tenure as Mayor but so has Rasode in her role as a councilor.

I met her last week at the Surrey Women’s Center.She was excellent and would be a good mayor too!

It would also be good for the city to have some strong competition for Watts come the election as the last election was a cakewalk for her and her slate and a lot of people didn’t even bother to vote.

It also adds fuel to the fire of the other rumor drifting around Surrey.

That would be Watts leaving to run federally for the Conservative party.

Heard any rumors? Drop me a confidential line through the contact page and I’ll dig around and report what I find.

Bernard Landry: The Return Of Dr.Evil? #canpoli #qcpoli #bcpoli

More Christmas Humor, This time from the Bloc!

When Jean Charest was running for the leadership of the Progressive Conservative Party I remember a line in his speech that went like this : The Bloc is a Crock!

Charest was ahead of his time as today, Bernard Landry left the door open for his return to politics to lead the party into the next election.

Today he is 76 and when the election happens he will be 78!

Compared to him, my friend John Cummins was a veritable teenager.

In BC We have an expression that goes like this:only in BC Politics would something as crazy as this happen. Well not so fast.

The next Quebec provincial election will happen before the federal election and should Landry lead the Bloc he could actually campaign against Marios given that he has come out against the secular charter she intends to use as the corner stone of her election platform.

What next, will he bring Jaques Parizeau along as his citizenship and immagration critic?