Justin Trudeau Walks into a Royal Bank….. #bcpoli #canpoli

ID? Please, I can always prove who I am!

Justin Trudeau walks into a Royal Bank to cash a cheque. As he approaches the cashier he says, “Good morning, Ma’am, could you please cash this cheque for me?

Cashier:”It would be my pleasure sir. Could you please show me your ID?”

Trudeau:”Truthfully, I did not bring my ID with me as I didn’t think there was any need to. I am Justin Trudeau, the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada!!!!”

Cashier: “Yes sir, I know who you are, but with all the regulations and monitoring of the banks because of impostors and forgers and requirements of the CIDC legislation, etc., I must insist on seeing ID.”

Trudeau: Just ask anyone here at the bank who I am and they will tell you. Everybody knows who I am.”

Cashier: “I am sorry, Mr. Trudeau, but these are the bank rules and I must follow them.”

Trudeau:” Mon dieu. I am urging you, please, to cash this cheque.”

Cashier: “Look Mr. Trudeau, here is an example of what we can do.

One day, Tiger Woods came into the bank without ID. To prove he was Tiger Woods he pulled out his putter and made a beautiful shot across the bank into a cup. With that shot we knew him to be Tiger Woods and cashed his cheque.

Another time, Andre Agassi came in without ID. He pulled out his tennis racket and made a fabulous shot whereas the tennis ball landed in my cup. With that shot we cashed his cheque.

So, Mr. Trudeau, what can you do to prove that it is you, and only you?

Trudeau stands there thinking, and thinking, and finally says, “Honestly, my mind is a total blank…there is nothing that comes to my mind. I can’t think of a single thing. I have absolutely no idea what to do. I really don’t have a clue.”

Cashier: “Will that be large or small bills, Mr. Trudeau…?

Fyi : I did not write this but thought it was real enough to share…

Canada Post to Discontinue Home Delivery; So What? #canpoli #bcpoli #canpost #mail

This where I get my mail, it’s no big deal!

Canada Post is discontinuing home mail delivery. Big Deal!

Earlier this year they floated the trial balloon of cutting back residential delivery to 2 days a week. ( That was dumb, posties would never stick around for a two day a week job or would they?)

This change should be no shock.

Everybody always complains about the mail and with the exception of government mail and various seasonal mail outs nobody uses it much anymore anyways.

You can arrange anything delivered bill wise over the internet.

They are also jacking the price of stamps up, they say to make profit.

Profit? Canada Post? Hardly.

Have they ever done anything right?

To wit: 160 community mail boxes have been broken into in the last few months in my neighborhood alone.

What is the cost of fixing those?

Will they be replaced with theft proof boxes? What will be the cost? ( there are theft proof boxes in use in the US)

Is that built into revenue discussions?

There are some who say this move costs Harper the next election.

I doubt it.

Given all the folks who I have heard rail against Canada Post, he just might be a hero.

With that I am off to the community box before my identity is stolen.

Do you think anybody will really care or miss home delivery?

Federal Election 2015 : The fight for the Left has Begun! #canpoli #bcpoli

Here’s a Ghost that Mulcair should resurrect!

With Justin Trudeau trying to get Jack Layton’s ghost to rise in Liberal red, The fight has begun in the run-up to the next federal election.

This will seem like it’s a US election given it’s pretty much two years until we go to the polls in October 2015.

Usually the Liberal party starts to troll for NDP support in the last to weeks of an actual campaign with their silly ” don’t vote NDP it’s a vote for the Conservatives” nonsense.

Make no mistake about it the fight is on and NDPer Brad Lavigne came out and countered with a rebuttal to Trudeau’s nonsense.

It was the right thing to do because of course Trudeau is No Jack Layton. He’s actually more like BC NDPer Adrian Dix was , a leader short on policy and capable of saying things that catch even his own party of guard.

As Mr. Lavigne alludes to, the fight for the left started before that with the Liberals being caught trashing election signs in the Toronto Center riding.

I would expect that the folk in the NDP war room will roll back the tapes on the career of Trudeau’s old Man to ensure the voting public that his ghost will rise and remind the public what a mess he made of Canada.

I mean turn about is fair play isn’t it?

By-Election Results; Did the Trudeau Bubble Burst? #bcpoli #canpoli

Harper: Put that in your pipe and smoke it Justin!

The results are now in in tonight’s by-elections and the Conservatives held onto their two seats and the Liberals won their two.

What does it all mean?

In a nut shell Justin Trudeau aint exactly the next great thing.

Lets face it the Liberals won two seats that they should have, lost one they could have and got blown out in the other.

In the great battle that was Toronto Center the Liberals won a Bob Rae seat in a by-election where nobody bothered to vote. ( 27.8 % of registered voters voted)

In Quebec they won Denis Coderre’s old seat. So what; they won that with great leaders like Ignatieff and Dion .

In Manitoba the Conservatives won big where they were expected to and squeaked by in Brandon-Souris.

In other words with the deck some what stacked against them the Conservatives still won.

To wit;

a) it so goes that sitting governments rarely win by-elections

b) the senate scandal

c) so-called problems with the nomination process

d) the Liberals ran a candidate with the last name Dinsdale a very popular candidate in the riding

e) the Conservatives ran a candidate who already lost the riding once

f) the mainstream media threw everything at the Conservatives they could to help Trudeau

This was the Trudeau chance to show greatness and steal one for the team and he couldn’t deliver.

What are the take a ways from all this?

The Conservatives have to keep the nomination process whistle clean and they should be fine. After all almost 45 % of registered voters turned out in their squeaker and they still won so I don’t think the public will be influenced at all by the so-called senate scandal come election time.

For the Liberals : Trudeau is not the piece of gold you quite thought he was. The west wasn’t buying what he was selling. Without a platform and a vision it is the voting public who will give him the finger when his train leaves the station.

For the NDP : Tom Mulcair might be excellent at question period but he is a dipshit on the campaign trail. He couldn’t motivate anybody to vote for everybody’s favorite socialist Linda McQuaig.

What will the mainstream media say? That Harper will worry over the results tonight.

In truth he won’t and it will be the media and the opposition that will be worried.

I would say the prospects for another majority look a little rosier now than they did a few hours ago, don’t they?

It’ll be an interesting run up to the 2015 election and Political Insider will be there to bring you all the action.

Stay tuned and as always thanks for reading!

The Toronto Circus: Is the Bigger Scandal Just Around the Corner? #bcpoli #onpoli #canpoli

Gregor Robertson’s Evil Twin?

Only in BC Politics you say? Not anymore with all the goings on on Toronto lately.

Tomorrow, disingenuous Mayor wanna be Denzil Minnan-Wong will finish off his own political career when he brings a motion before Toronto City Council to ask the that the whole matter concerning the Ford affair be turned over to the provincial government so that they will step in and throw Ford out.

Minnan-Wong is disingenuous because he says he is bringing the motion to have Ford removed to clear the air around city hall and not as a prelude to the launch of his mayoralty campaign. This, as anybody that follows politics knows, is a load of opportunistic crap.

Of course he is trying to get a head start on the mayoralty campaign, but he does not have the balls to admit it. He’s just another gutless opportunistic politician who will find out shortly after he proceeds with his motion that he will be lucky if his family will vote for him , let alone find any volunteers Conservative or otherwise to help with his campaign.

Minnan-Wong would be a poster boy for what is wrong with today’s opportunistic excuses for politicians except that after the motion there will probably be enough poster boys and girls from the Ontario Liberal Party trying to present themselves front and center to help rule against Ford and create and even bigger scandal in Ontario.

Can you imagine a bunch of Liberals ( ones who are at the root of enough scandals of their own doing; think gas plants ) being put in the position of making that kind of a ruling over a Conservative Mayor.

A Liberal Party who also has a Liberal mayor up on fraud charges.

Not even Premier Wynne would stoop low enough to latch onto this ticking time bomb would she?

As Mayor Ford says tomorrow’s council meeting and ensuing motion will be a `rumble in the jungle“`

Maybe when it`s all over and now that the Rob Ford Bobbleheads have reached a fever pitch, they can move onto their next creation.

A Minnan-Wong donkey with a removable tail. That way voters can pin it on him because he`s such an opportunistic ass.

But don’t ever say it could only happen in BC, not anymore!

Justin Trudeau: A Chip Off The Old Block! #canpoli #bcpoli #trudeau

Two Peas in a Socialist Pod?

A chip off the old block, life father like son. Call it what you want.

Seems Justin Trudeau isn’t so much different than his communist sympathizing Father.

Look what that brought us.

The National Energy Program, a prime Minister waving the middle finger at the constituents in the train station and the biggest fuddle duddle of them all the near break up of Canada due to Trudeau’s constitutional mangling.

Son Justin has already shown his lack of respect for things Canadian when he called Minister of Environment Peter Kent a “piece of Shit” in the house of commons.

He has now gone on record with his admiration for China ( communist China where people are dying to leave and move here).

Kinda makes you wonder what else is going on in his head ( apart from entertaining women).

Perhaps the Second Coming of the National Energy Program?

After all like father like son.

Isn’t once enough?

What is the Worst Scandal Now? #bcpoli #canpoli #scandal

Is this women in on the largest scandal of the day?

With all the mayhem going in in the political world, the political insider thought it is the appropriate time to ask the question; What exactly is the worst scandal going on now?

We have lots to choose from.

1) Senate Scandal

2) Rob Ford

3) Media Scandal

The first one is obvious and doesn’t need a ton of added discussion although the issue of pension plans will raise it’s ugly head. This one is not over yet.

The Rob Ford Scandal is actually two scandals in one. The first being that he smoked crack will employed as a mayor and the second part might be the who can blame him given how the media has treated him since he was elected mayor scandal.

Then there is the media scandal. You know the one where the media determines just what drugs are actually unlawful enough to smoke will you hold elected office.

Right now it’s fashionable in the media to refer to the drugs Rob Ford Smoked as ” Hard” drugs but according to the media it’s cool to smoke pot while you are an elected MP.

One of these gets you the coveted Walter White award, the other gets you on the media fast track list to the Prime Ministers office.

Scandalous all of them to be sure.

Which one is the worst ?

Post Cards From The Base : Senate Reform Three Bodies at a Time!

This place wood make a great addition to the Parliament hill library.

With all the shenanigans going on in the senate this week the reports are starting to come out that the Conservative base is incensed and the whole show had better be over by Convention next week etc.

I thought as a member of the so-called base I would chime in and let you know how incensed I am.

First and foremost Claude Carignan did the right thing with the motion to suspend the three senators in question because as a Conservative and a taxpayer I don’t think any of the three of them should be in the senate.

Carignan screwed up today when he offered the idiot Senator Brazeau a deal to make an apology.

As anybody who has followed the news in the last year or two, Brazeau is the equivalent of common household trash and should have be shown the door immediately. He should have been suspended the first time he was hauled before the courts.

In fact anybody who treats women they way he allegedly does should be allowed to hold down a job never mine be an esteemed member of the so-called senate.

As for the other two ( Wailing Wallin and The Duff) close the book on them and throw them out and lets get on to bigger and better things.

Bigger things like abolishing the senate in under a year and without Court or Quebec’s approval. It’s simple really.

Given that there are 105 Senators in the Senate ( 102 after next week) we could throw out 3 per week and basically the whole senate would be redundant in under 35 weeks.

I would start with Red Tory Cry baby Hugh ( I should been an NDPer) Segal. I mean as a taxpayer he is wasting my money acting as Wailing Wallin’s agent in this whole mess. It seems every-time a problem arises in the senate Segal is there shooting his mouth off.

Segal needs to be reminded that the so-called war between the Progressives and the Alliance is over and he lost.

Then toss Don ( this breaks my heart to screw over the boss ) Plett.

Please Don, the world forgot you existed hiding away in the senate, ( we liked it that way you weren’t that good as a Canadian Alliance President) take a hike, you don’t need to be on TV.

The list would go on and on.

So am I incensed?

You bet, I am incensed the bloody place is still there.

Prime Minister Harper, you just had a great Throne Speech and an awesome free trade deal with the EU.

You now have a chance to clean up the mess in the Senate.

Make us proud, throw all the bums out, 3 at a time!

Rumor Du Jour- Who Will run in Cloverdale-West Langley? #canpoli #bcpoli

Will She or Won’t She?

Already the landscape is cluttered in the new riding of West Langley-Cloverdale .

You have already heard that Gurmant Grewal,Dave Hayer,Paul Brar, Dean Drysadle and Mike Garisto have already thrown their respective hats ( I have never actually seen any of them wear hats) into the ring and declared they will rung for the federal Conservative Party of Canada nomination.

This is only October 2013 and the nominations has not even been declared open.

But now the rumor mills are working overtime and I am hearing that Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts is pondering a run for the roses.

A Watts entry into this race would make it very exciting with most likely most of the aforementioned candidates volunteers ( not Gurmant’s) bailing on their candidate to help pave the way for a Watts coronation.

In fact some of the candidates would likely bail on their volunteers ( not Gurmant)

Stay tuned this could be a lot of fun!

Happy Thanksgiving Eh! #bcpoli #jail

Happy Thanksgiving ?

So here we are at the halfway point of the Thanksgiving weekend and I thought I would wish my readers a Happy Thanksgiving and share a couple of events in the first day and a half of the relaxing 3 day food fest.

Firstly last night I broke my rule about being out on the streets after 11. Nothing good ever happens after that time and if i absolutley have to be out I drive never walk.

Problem was I didn’t have the car and I didn’t want to wait for a cab. There were none at the venue I was at and they were quite busy so I thought I’d walk the four and a half kilometers home.

I nearly made it when two blocks from my home this knucklehead wearing lead gloves wants to talk with me. You don’t wear lead gloves fr talking, I am not stupid so I went 3 blocks out of my way at a quit pace ( I ran like hell) and avoided the mayhem.

I woke up a bit stiff today ( That was my second walk of the day and decided I would start off the morning with a walk run to the Petro Canada and grab a coffee.

It took about 25 minutes to get there and in that time the poor kid who works behind the counter and been robbed and traumatized and filled out the police report.

This all for a couple a cartons of smokes.

As I walked home I ran into a passerby, I mentioned that he should be on the lookout for this asshole to which he replied the police probably know who he is. He said he probably had already been arrested earlier in the morning and was likely released by a judge who felt sorry he was locked up when the rest of us were home with our turkeys.

Sadly he was probably right!

It occurred to me with all this talk about hockey violence in the news lately that 5 minutes for fighting and a game misconduct is far worse than you get for robbing a corner store or threatening people with lead gloves.

Shouldn’t there at least be a penalty box for knuckleheads?

Ponder that will you are chowing down on your Thanksgiving Turkeys.

Enjoy the day and thanks for reading.