In another move, reminiscent of Pauline Marois looking stupid and playing the Symbols in the run up to last years Quebec election, The Premier has appointed so called superstar candidate Pierre Karl Peladeau to run for the PQ team in the curent election.
With this move I predict thankfully that Pauline will pull a BCNDP and turn certain victory into the jaws of defeat in this camapign.
Peladeau already thinks the political arena is his to own and has gone on record proving he does not understand politics and the people who he thinks are peasants who he would like to elect him.
To Wit: He thinks he is beyond the reach of the ethics boss in Quebec at a time when the average voter in Quebec and Canada for that matter want openness and transparency.
It is a political strategy that the government tries to choose an issue and define what the election is all about.
He has made the election all about sovereignty with his radio interview proclamation that if it wasn’t for the separatist cause he would not be part of the election team.
A recent poll shows that 61% of Quebecers want nothing to do with separation.
Given those numbers the Quebec voter gets the big chance now to avoid the walk down referendum boulevard and vote these people out before they waste taxpayers money on another needless vote they can’t win.
The smart money says they will.
Liberal Leader Philippe Couillard should hammer the PQ,Marois and Peladeau hard everyday until the election is over.
It’s my bet that Marois,Peladeau and crew won’t handle the pressure and the internal bickering will start resulting in the aforementioned blown election.
Peladeau play second fiddle to Marois? Not for long!
Just watch.
It should be an interesting ride.
What’s your prediction on the outcome?
Pelodeau is known as anti-union so many P.Q. voters may take another look at Quebec Solidaire which is more left-wing.
Pelodeau is known as anti-union so many P.Q. voters may take another look at Quebec Solidaire which is more left-wing.