Quebec Election: It’s a Minority for the PQ

That’s Premier Justin s’il vous plait!

So the results are in and the PQ under Pauline Marois has won. ( Currently PQ-56 LIB-48 CAV-19 QS-2

Sure they have replaced Jean Charest and his government but only by the slimmest of margins ( Charest himself lost his seat)

Marois becomes the first female Premier of Quebec.

However the numbers of tonight are no resounding endorsement of the PQ, nor are they a mandate for a referendum.

That idea is pretty much dead.

With the CAQ winning 18 seats and pledging not to discuss referendums or federalism for 10 years coupled with the Liberal Party snapping at her heels, Marois’s wings have been clipped.

Tonight’s result is simply a statement by the people of Quebec that it’s time for a change.

With the two opposition parties in a position to topple the new government, Marois will have to stay in line.

I think the CAQ are the big winners and actually hold the balance of power with their 18-20 seats depending upon final numbers.

They have the most to gain from any Marois shenanigans if the folks in Quebec choose to dial-up real change the next time. They will have to be at the top of their game to look like a government in waiting.

By my count ( I have history watching over me) the PQ government should last about 2.5 years giving the Liberal Party a short time to find a new leader. Given Charest’s loss of his seat and the hunt for his replacement, I would expect no BS from them either. ( This is a tough assignment for the Liberals given that there seems to be no heir apparent waiting in the wings. this where the savior Trudeau will step up to the plate?

Rumors are that he will run federally but will this give him cause for thought and a graceful way to bow out of federal politics?

What do you think of the results out of Quebec tonight?

Quebec: Polls Close in a little over 2 Hours!

Vive le Canada!

The summer election that nobody wanted except maybe for Jean Charest will come to an end when the polls close around 8pm Eastern time.

It should be an interesting evening. Last minute polling shows either a PQ minority or a PQ majority.

Keep in mind that lat minute Alberta polling showed a Wild Rose Victory and we all know how that turned out.

Things to watch tonight:

How will the leaders do, especially Jean Charest.

Will the federalist vote split allow the PQ to win ridings they shouldn’t.

How will the Francophone people vote?

If the PQ wins, will the margin of victory be close enough so that Marois will not talk about a referendum in her Victory speech?

Who will be the official opposition?

If the Liberals get throttled will this be the continuation of a country-wide trend sending the party the way of the Dodo bird?

What about the CAQ, are they for real?

If a PQ majority will the markets crater tomorrow?

We know already that the voter turnout is higher than the last provincial election,what does this mean? Traditional in Canada it means that change is in the air, however maybe not in Quebec.

It should be an interesting night. What do you think the answers to those questions will be?

Marois: Tabernac! The Liberals are ahead in the polls!

Jean Charest: Can he pull a rabbit out of the hat?

A Forum research poll just released shows Jean Charest’s Liberals making a dramatic comeback after the televised French leadership debate.

If this poll holds he would actually increase his seat numbers in the house.

Truthfully, he ate CAQ Leader Francois Legault alive in tonight’s English language debate so I would expect him to get even a larger bounce in the next poll.

It also makes former Liberal organizer,Jean-Paul Boily look like even a bigger knucklehead for encouraging his fellow Liberals to stick the royal shiv in Charest’s back and vote CAQ.

This is starting to get exciting and now the man who coined the phrase “The Bloc is a Croc” has a chance to win it again!

What do you think : Is Charest the consummate campaigner who can pull a lapin out of the chapeau and win again?

Quebec Leaders Debate could go along way to deciding election!

Which one of these folks has the most to gain?

The French language leadership debate happens tonight in Quebec and for Jean Charest there really is no tomorrow. If he is to make up ground and surpass the other three parties he must come out swinging and put the boots to Marios and her separatist platform.

The Coaltion Avenir Quebec leader, Francois Legault has to prove to the electorate that his party is a viable alternative to Charest’s Liberals.

He also has to send a message to those people considering parking their votes with knucklehead Marois and the PQ that there is a reasonable more sane place to vote that will include what Quebec wants and no threat of a referendum.

For the Quebec Solidaire and spokesman Francoise David they have to prove to separatists that they actually exist and that they are abetter alternative than the PQ. I believe they are a non-entity in this election.

Marois has to show the people that her party is not made up of Xenophobic racist separatists. For her this is no small order given that’s what her platform reeks of.

Who has the most to lose?

Charest and Marois.

The Coalition Avenir stands to gain the most if Charest and Marois flounder.

They win if Charest looks like he is trying to cover something up and they win if Marois looks like the racist old hag she is.

A good performance by Legault and the election is his to lose.

What do you think?

Coalition Avenir Quebec kicks off Potential Election by Turfing Candidate!

Sovereignists Racists? Where did you ever get an idea like that?

Coalition Avenir Quebec Candidate Kamal Lufti was turfed by his party today for tweeting that sovereignists are racists.

A great start from the new party who wants to make an impact on an election some say will be called August 1st.

Wonder how that compares to some of the things today’s student demonstrators more than likely were saying about Jean Charest and his Liberals?

The unfortunate thing was that Lufti was not necessarily wrong, given the closing remarks of head Separatist Klansman Jacques Parizeau after the last referendum.

After-all they did lose that vote because of money and the ethnic vote didn’t they?

Two Faced Marois drops Red Square as National Unity debate rears it’s Ugly Head!

Not this Crap again!

Raise your hand if you are in the mood for another round of National Unity BS.

With the recent by-election win by the PQ that kinda of talk is once again in the air.

In her usual I will do what ever it takes to create the winning conditions for a referendum pose, PQ Leader Pauline Marios has ceased wearing the red square she had on during the height of the student protests.

She says she took it off for St.Jean Baptiste day, I say with a potential election on the horizon, her handlers told her that the voters would think her an idiot for continuing to support the union backed student demonstrations and riots.

Can Quebec and Canada afford to get into this divisive issue a this point in out history?

Canada’s economy is fragile enough without the voters in Quebec handing Marois and her group of treasonous MNAs a reason to have a costly referendum which will no doubt cause markets to rattle and tank worse than they already are.

To show the seriousness of the situation, Prime Minister Harper went to visit former PM Brian Mulroney and current Premier of Quebec Jean Charest just to get their point of view on how to handle this potential crisis.

I wonder if he asked Charest how he got us into this mess?

Tonight PM Harper will follow-up those meetings with a speech targeted at revitalizing the party in the province and yes lay the foundation for a Quebec appeal.

Harper’s team also says they will work with whoever wins the election even if it’s the PQ.

Of course Tommy Mulcair says this is too little to late.

One can only imagine the state of unity if Mulcair and the dippers were in charge of the file.

They would give Quebec whatever is left of the Canadian farm while taxing the rest of us to pay for it.

Do you think Quebec will plunge us into a national unity debate with the world economy teetering on the brink?

Which message did Quebec voters send?

With last nights split in the Quebec by-elections, I wonder what message the electorate is sending the government and perhaps by extension the country?

Hey Pauline if the country thinks I was an asshole, wait 'til they see you in action!

With the PQ win in a usually safe federal seat, were voters using the by-election as a safe time to send the Charest government a message or is full scale change happening which will lead to another full on unity debate as pompous windbag Pauline Marios seems to think?

With the world economy once again on edge , can Quebec and Canada afford to have that discussion now?

Can Quebec afford to have that discussion no matter the shape of our economy given it relies so much on Federal government assistance ? ( You thought I was going to say because they are a bunch of freeloaders living off the country and whining whenever seat redistribution or senate reform comes up for discussion?)

I would suspect that common sense will eventually prevail and even if the government turns over Quebec will vote to stay in Canada.

If however, we have a referendum and the polls look like we are headed for separation we can always make a robocall or two to Jacque Parizeau”s friends.

You know, his friends named Money and the Ethnic vote!

What do you think?