Two Faced Marois drops Red Square as National Unity debate rears it’s Ugly Head!

Not this Crap again!

Raise your hand if you are in the mood for another round of National Unity BS.

With the recent by-election win by the PQ that kinda of talk is once again in the air.

In her usual I will do what ever it takes to create the winning conditions for a referendum pose, PQ Leader Pauline Marios has ceased wearing the red square she had on during the height of the student protests.

She says she took it off for St.Jean Baptiste day, I say with a potential election on the horizon, her handlers told her that the voters would think her an idiot for continuing to support the union backed student demonstrations and riots.

Can Quebec and Canada afford to get into this divisive issue a this point in out history?

Canada’s economy is fragile enough without the voters in Quebec handing Marois and her group of treasonous MNAs a reason to have a costly referendum which will no doubt cause markets to rattle and tank worse than they already are.

To show the seriousness of the situation, Prime Minister Harper went to visit former PM Brian Mulroney and current Premier of Quebec Jean Charest just to get their point of view on how to handle this potential crisis.

I wonder if he asked Charest how he got us into this mess?

Tonight PM Harper will follow-up those meetings with a speech targeted at revitalizing the party in the province and yes lay the foundation for a Quebec appeal.

Harper’s team also says they will work with whoever wins the election even if it’s the PQ.

Of course Tommy Mulcair says this is too little to late.

One can only imagine the state of unity if Mulcair and the dippers were in charge of the file.

They would give Quebec whatever is left of the Canadian farm while taxing the rest of us to pay for it.

Do you think Quebec will plunge us into a national unity debate with the world economy teetering on the brink?

4 thoughts on “Two Faced Marois drops Red Square as National Unity debate rears it’s Ugly Head!”

  1. Do you think Quebec will plunge us into a national unity debate with the world economy teetering on the brink?
    In a word, yes. They already have the UN alarmed about our treatment of student protesters.

    Mr Mulcair chats with EU leaders about Harper; union workers watch their hard earned dues squandered by radical leaders hell bent on backing student protests that countenance domestic terrorism in the subways. Unruly mobs disrupt classrooms, and months of overtime bills mount up for beleaguered police services. Anarchists, nutters and the lunatic fringe all draped in orange and black flag Jack gave them. Meanwhile, the PQ drench the Maple Leaf in the fuels of faux social fury without any sign of an exit plan or interest in staying.

  2. Let them go – with the territory they brought into Confederation; no more and no less. Which will just nicely exclude all those lovely dams they built on Indian territory, and the formerly English-speaking Inuit villages which were – despite protest – handed over to the Quebecois.

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