Adrian Dix wants to take you to the left…..

NDP , NDP Lite
You should not be shocked by this,but Adrian Dix wants to take you to the left.

After all that’s what NDP governments do.

What you should be shocked about is that under the B.C. Liberals ( AKA NDP Lite) we are well on our way there.

We have a soaring deficit,new gas taxes and pretty soon an increased carbon tax.

We have budget coming up Tuesday that will no doubt try to buy your vote followed by another budget in 2013 that will go even further to attempt to finalize the purchase.

This flies in the face of current trending in the country and according to a poll what British Columbians want.

Why would you vote for that?

For that matter,why would you vote for either ?

Ontario’s Drummond report is a cautionary tale for B.C.voters

BC's Economic D-Day should be now,not after Election 2013

This week in Ontario Don Drummond,chair of commission on public service reform , released a 688 page report that should serve as a cautionary tale to voters here at home in B.C.

We have a little over a year until we have our own provincial election and we have plenty of time to ask those who are running what they are planning and what will it cost.

We should not have to wait for the writ to drop do know exactly where we stand fiscally and where the parties will take us.

All during the last election we heard that the deficit was in the area of 495 million only to be told right after that it was in the billions. The B.C. Liberals told us no HST and then brought it in right after the election.

Today,Adrian Dix and the NDP have a number of promises and plans so how much? What is your plan to get us to where you want the province to go.

Adrian says he doesn’t want to be in the limelight. Guess what Adrian ? You are applying for the top job in the province and a formal interview is in order!

Every politician should now and always be in the limelight.They want to spend your money!

An independent economist should be appointed and have to release a no B.S state of affairs. Both the opposition and government should have to read it and tell us well in advance of any election what they want to do and how much it will cost.( Not just now but before every election)

This report is not to be confused with the upcoming smoke and mirrors budget. This week the government will say and do anything to try and boost their standing in the polls.

Rather we need to know exactly where we stand financially right now. Ontario found out after their election,a little to late to do anything.

People held the government’s feet to the fire on the HST,why not on this?

People and politicians alike always say what they do now will help generations to come.

As the Drummond report shows nothing could be further than the truth.

If we don’t do this, we vote and will get more of the same and have nobody to blame but ourselves.

Why would you want to vote and place your trust in somebody who will not stand in front of you and tell you the truth,tell you their plan?

Do you want 4 more years of that?

Hasn’t this gone on long enough?

Ipsos: NDP Expand Lead as BC Conservatives Take BC Liberal Support

Thank god these two can't vote,I can't afford any more bad news!

More bad news for the BC Liberals as the BC Conservatives continue to eat into Liberal numbers.

Glum news for a Party and a Premier who have been making announcement after announcement this week.

This probably explains why the Premier is returning to her old stomping grounds on NW radio Monday for as Justine Hunter says “a faux Throne Speech” with Bill Good.

Prepare to be nauseated for 90 minutes. This will more than likely be an opportunity for BC Liberal staffers and party members to phone in with easy to answer questions that even the Premier can answer.

Maybe we all will get lucky and she will call those by-elections.

What do you think?

Hey Pat,Does that $850,000 include the $780,000 for the pamphlet you threw in the garbage?

Minster Pat Bell said today, after it came out that they had spent $17,000 on a photo-op for the Premier,it was OK because “as of 45 days ago they had only spent $850,000”.

In the manner of the pot calling the kettle black,Adrian Dix said this ad was merely a re-branding of the Premier. Uh Adrian,how many times have you been re-branded over the years anyways?

Minister Bell,that $850,000,does it contain the $780,000 for the HST pamphlet you tossed in the garbage?

Premier Adrian Dix

Get your barf bags out!

Gordon Campbell and Christy Clark have screwed things up so much in BC that the Globe and Mail has a story telling the voting public to get ready for Premier Adrian Dix.

To think that the two aforementioned BC Liberals have committed so many gaffes,lies and mistrusts that people will forget the mayhem and damage caused by the NDP in the 1990’s and actually vote NDP ( remember in 2001 anybody you asked denied ever having marked an X For Clark,Dix and the rest of these people).

This is the same Dix who freely admits to sleazily backdating a memo causing his boss to resign in disgrace over the casino scandal.

The same Dix whose list of promises,platforms and ideas would result in tax hikes the likes of which this province has never seen before.

It is beyond comprehension why people would lose their minds and tell pollsters they would vote NDP, never-mind actually following through and doing it.

That in itself is a testament to the mess created by the B.C. Liberals.

Thankfully there are 16 months until the next election and people have still time to snap out of it.

The by-elections in Port Moody and Chilliwack would be good places to start!

BC Liberals Gaffe,tell Chilliwack folks they take their vote for granted!

Another day, another act of stupidity on behalf of the BC Liberals.

In another gaffe that will more than likely come back to bite them,the BC Liberals and their spokesperson tell Chilliwack voters that their vote doesn’t matter because the by-election race is a two way race and that the BC Conservative party is a non factor.

It is a sad day in the province when the governing party or any party for that matter takes a voters intentions for granted.

The BC Liberal Spokesperson also reports that the Premier will be the keynote speaker at their candidates acclimation tonight.

Given the way her approval ratings have been sinking lately,her Federal Liberal ties and her penchant for photo-ops,the lucky winner would probably rather be anywhere other than on stage next to her.

Spokesperson Jehnifer Benoit goes on to say that” this election will be fought on the economy,creating jobs and managing taxpayers money”.

I would imagine that by economy our fearless spokesperson would mean debt load,which of course is worse under the Liberals than under the NDP.

The fact that anybody could manage an economy worse than the NDP is a discussion best left for another day.

On the issue of creating jobs,reports released this week show those numbers to be down considerably.

I also believe the taxpayers have already put their seal of approval on how the BC Liberals manage their money when they voted en-mass to throw out the HST.

So I think Ms.Benoit should be careful what she wishes the election might be fought on.

If her wish comes true,she won’t like the result!

Just when the B.C.Liberals thought it couldn’t get any worse…….

Along comes former Premier Gordon Campbell and his Red Mittens taking center stage in the run-up to the London Olympics.In his roll as Canadian high commissioner to the United Kingdom,Campbell was out promoting “Canada House”

Columnist Michael Smyth chose today to write an excellent column that discussed whether the BC Liberals have passed their best before date.

Vaughn Palmer, not to be outdone,steps in with a discussion on whether the good ship B.C. Liberal has hit rock bottom.

This comes on the heels of the previous days column relating to the recent poll results.

The Premier would not have time to read any of this, because as she likes to say, that would take away from the business of thinking about jobs. The Financial Post gives her some food for thought on that topic today when it reveals that the BC Job market shed 2,200 jobs in January.

This has not been a good week for the Premier,the government,the BC Liberals and especially the Province. This government has passed their best before date but unfortunately has not hit rock bottom.That will more than likely occur the night of the by-elections when they will undoubtedly finish in third place in both cases.

If they don’t do something to create renewal in the province before then,they will have wasted more precious time defending their short comings.

British Columbia can ill afford that!

Labor shortage to hinder economic growth!

A report out today suggests that there will be a major labor shortage in the next 10 years unless the province of B.C. can attract workers to fill the jobs. In fact the net deficit would be some 61,500 more jobs than there would be people to fill them.

Given the tax and spend policies of the NDP and the current NDP lite BC Liberals this should concern everybody.

At present current government tax policy is driving people out of the province at a time when they should be planning and attracting families to prevent this from happening.

It seems our current Premier’s family first agenda applies to families in other provinces and not ones here in British Columbia.

Polls released yesterday show Adrian Dix and the NDP would form a government if a election were held today.

Everybody who reads this poll would be well served to read mark Milke’s exceptional book detailing what happens when people lose their minds and vote in an NDP government.

This poll is like a horror story of what could happen to the economy if the BCNDP came to power. Adrian Dix would star as Freddy Krueger.

One can only imagine how the job deficit figure would climb with these people in power!

It is time for a major change in this province and tax relief is right at the top. The people have spoken and gotten rid of the HST.They now have to finish the job and say goodbye to the BC Liberals and the NDP!

BC Conservatives gain ground in Metro Vancouver and the Interior:Angus Reid

Angus Reid released a new poll today that showed the BC Conservatives gaining ground in Metro Vancouver and the Interior. This is a happy occasion for the party as Mario Canseco of Angus Reid says “their leader is not particularly well-known at this stage and is not carrying any significant momentum on issues”
One can only imagine the heights the party can climb to,once people start paying attention and get to know John Cummins and the policies that the party represents.

Even more troubling for Premier Christy Clark and her Liberals is the fact that the party has dropped below 30% since Gordon Campbell resigned.

Responding to the poll results,the Premier,mentioned that she was too busy thinking about jobs rather than polls.Given the disastrous results of the who would make the best Premier question,I am thinking the job she is most concerned with would be her own!

Sadly,to be a leader and increase your numbers in those type of questions,a Premier must show leadership on important questions such as the pipeline and the jobs that go with that project.. This premier has not.

For a Premier and a Party that relies on photo ops,this poll would be a great snap shot of where the BC Liberal team are headed,to the bottom with the Titanic!

Come on Madam Premier Call those by-elections!

Come on Madam Premier show some leadership and call those by-elections.The folks in those two Provincial Electoral Districts deserve to be represented and it would be great to get those two future MLA’s in the house while the Spring session is on.

The NDP selected their candidate this afternoon in front of 32 voting members in attendance says the Agassiz Harrison Observer.See their story here.

Of course the BC Conservatives have not only selected John Martin their candidate but named him their Justice Critic.

Martin has also put the government on notice that both he and his party won’t tolerate garbage incineration finding its way into the region. This topic has the ability to split the BC Liberals down the middle.

The B.C. Liberals are already on their second candidate when the first one realized she was too Liberal to get elected!That nomination meeting will take place on February 4th. It is fitting that they would nominate their candidate last, because in all likelihood that would be the same place as that nominee will finish in the yet to be called by-election.

Meanwhile in Port Moody-Coquitlam we will have to wait until Feb.17 to see who the B.C. Liberal candidate is.Like everything this government does,it takes its time to do a simple thing like nominate a candidate and call a couple of by-elections.

Conservative Christine Clarke ( not to be confused with our week kneed Premier)and NDPer and former Clark buddy Trasolini are already in place and waiting.

Given the track records of sitting governments in by-elections ,and that last time their star candidate ,Premier Christy Clark,only won her seat be the hem of her skirt,I can understand why the Libs are taking their time calling these two.

When all is said and done,they will likely be up the Chilliwack River without a paddle.!