UDATED:Quebec Election 2014, A Liberal Blowout and a Marois Resignation! #qc2014 #bcpoli #canpoli #goodbyepauline

j’ai un mal de tĂȘte!

The final numbers aren’t in ( Lib 70,PQ 30,CAQ 22,QS 3) but make no mistake about it, this is a Liberal blowout of herculean proportions!

The Quebec voters have handed Philippe Couillard and his Liberal Party a majority and by doing so have put the boots to Pauline Marios and her separatist crew for some time to come. ( More on that later)

In his victory/concession speech lucky new PQ MNA Karl Pierre Peladeau sounded more like a man who was giving Marois the Royal shove off the stage as he paid homage to the victory of Philippe Couillard.

For what it’s worth local politicians never congratulate leaders of winning parties. They usually leave that to their leader, unless of course that MNA already thinks he is the leader.

His speech sounded like the groundwork for that campaign and lets face it, who in the PQ would take him on right now.

Of course victory for him won’t be easy especially if you are a PQ member who blames Peladeau for the loss and lets face it his entrance into this contest and his sovereignty proclamation turned this election on its ear and handed it to Couillard and the Liberals.

Since Peladeau gave his speech he has already been telling reporters not to be blamed on him.

Personally I don’t think Peladeau will stick around and he will quit soon. A by-election will be called and the CAQ will pick up another seat.

The debates played a role and showcased the leadership of Francois Legault. His superb performance propelled the CAQ to upwards of 20 seats a new high for the party. They no doubt peeled off disenchanted PQ votes because of that and likely because a vote for them as well as Quebec Solidaire was ” safe’ in this election.

What about Marois? She will likely lose her seat by the hair of her chinny chin chin and either give herself the hook on a speech expected shortly or be given the boot by the party aka Peladeau.

She called an election a mere 18 months into her mandate ( David Peterson could have taught you a thing or two Pauline) and she lead what could be classed as one of the worst campaigns in history.

In her speech she resigned? Why wouldn’t she, she left the party in shambles.

What of Separation?

The separatists have a number of problems to deal with.

1) The current old generation of separatists probably just saw the last of their elections.

2) There are 3 parties in the house , 2 of which grew in size and who also troll for separatist votes.

3) Once the aforementioned old guard retires they will have rely on the young vote to help their cause and we all know the young folks don’t vote.

To be sure, Philippe Couillard has been given a big mandate not only to grow the economy but also to keep his foot on the throat of the separatists.

Will he do it?

Will Francois Legault be able to grow the CAQ as a viable alternative to the PQ?

Will the PQ go the way of the dodo bird? Who will be their new leader.

Will Peladeau quit soon and go back to private life?

What do you think?

Quebec Election: Monday’s Fun #canpoli #qcpoli #bcpoli

The Perils Of Pauline….

What a difference a month makes!

It wasn’t long ago the pollsters had the PQ up 22% and ready to form a majority government and wreak havoc on the rest of Canada.

Then Pierre Karl Peledeau turned the election upside down with his entry as a PQ candidate and his one fisted ( some would say ham handed ) declaration that he was a candidate for one reason and one reason only: Separation.

The election was turned upside down!

With 2 days to go it appears that the Liberals are going to win.

The latest Ekos poll shows them somewhere around 40% and the PQ support is still crumbling while the CAQ support is on the rise.

Anything can still happen ans we have seen from election polls turning on a dime recently.

Lots of questions still to be answered: Who will win? Majority or Minority? What will it mean?

Lost in the discussion it seems is the question “What will the voter turn out be?”

A large turnout will surely mean a PQ wipe-out and perhaps a surprise with a large number of CAQ seats.

Today, Premier Marois is threatening the Quebec voter with the resumption of the corruption hearings and how the Liberals will cover that up if they win.

Marois would do well to remember that ” she who lives in glass houses should throw stones” given the PQ has a lot to lose with the resumption of those hearings as well. I think this strategy will also backfire and drive even more of their traditional support into the waiting arms of the CAQ.

The PQ could finish as low as third!

I think the big questions that will be answered quickly after the election are : How long will it take Pauline to retire and will we have to wait until the polls close before the knives come out to get her. ( Maybe Pierre Karl Peladeau will shove her off the stage )
Should be a fun night!

What do you think will happen?

Pigs at the Trough! Disgusting! #bcpoli #canpoli #LindaReid #BCSpeakeroftheHouse

Another BC Politician tarnishes Petunia’s Good name !

Here we go again.

Hot on the heels of the Jenny Kwan expense scandal comes BC Speaker of the House Linda Reid with her own rendition of the hit song ” It’s not wrong, it’s within the rules“.

When asked if she would do it again, did she say no?

No she said she would have the conversation with audits to see if the practice would remain the same!

She doesn’t get it!

The sense of entitlement is disgusting and both she and the people that put her in the job should be ashamed.

This is her second go around in the expense trough with the first being the $48,000 touch screen computer terminal.

Linda Reid should do the right thing and step down, resign and leave politics.

If she doesn’t her colleagues ought to shame her into leaving starting with the Premier.

This is a reflection on her government.

Does nobody in the provincial elected house take taxpayers money seriously?

When will it stop?

The Jenny Kwan Saga: My View #bcpoli #bcleg #canpoli #resignation #bcndp

What? Did you three think you were going to get off that easy?

By now most people have read the sordid tale of the Portland Hotel Society.

Lost in all this as usual are the taxpayers and in particular the constituents of Jenny Kwan’s own riding.

They are lost because she ,during her teary eyed press conference yesterday, pledged to step away from politics and take a sabbatical.

This is of litle help to the people of her riding,Vancouver-Mt.Pleasant because it means they will not be represented in the house as long as that sabbatical continues.

In my view that is a sham.

It is also, in my opinion, scandalous, that the current leader of the BCNDP ( Adrian Dix) and the two leadership hopefuls ( John Horgan and Mike Farnsworth) have not come out and taken a strong stand and asked her to step aside.

In fact they haven’t said anything. How do they think the voting public will take them seriously in 2017.

Stepping aside for Kwan and taking a stance by leadership would be the right thing to do.

Somebody said to me yesterday even if she did resign and a by election were held the riding would still vote BCNDP.

My answer? So what! The people of Vancouver- Mt. Pleasant should be represented in the house like all other ridings.

As far as Kwan goes? She would be able to run for nomination in the lead up to the next election and if she wins, she’s the people’s choice.

But her actions yesterday have silenced the people of her riding, and that’s wrong.

The BCNDP Leadership and Kwan should be ashamed, no matter how you spin it!

“Le Shove” Will it Catch On? #canpoli #bcpoli #abpoli #qcpoli

What’s with all this shoving going on?

Pauline Marois has started something with her recent shove of Pierre Karl Peledeau from the podium in a recent Q and A session during the Quebec election.

I think before this election is over Pierre will give her the “Le Shove’ back.

In recent days in Alberta, it seems the PC Party is getting ready to tell free spending leader , bully and Premier Alison Redford to “Shove Off“. In fact a second MLA has just left to sit as an independent and out of her caucus.

Federally, Liberal candidates are now telling leader Justin Trudeau to “Shove it” and backing away from party nominations.

I suspect in 2015 voters will tell him the same thing.

Pretty soon ” Le Shove” will be Canada’s national dance!

Pierre Karl Peladeau The Man Who Would Be King ! #canpoli #bcpoli #qcpoli #pqpoli

Pauline Marois does it again!

In another move, reminiscent of Pauline Marois looking stupid and playing the Symbols in the run up to last years Quebec election, The Premier has appointed so called superstar candidate Pierre Karl Peladeau to run for the PQ team in the curent election.

With this move I predict thankfully that Pauline will pull a BCNDP and turn certain victory into the jaws of defeat in this camapign.

Peladeau already thinks the political arena is his to own and has gone on record proving he does not understand politics and the people who he thinks are peasants who he would like to elect him.

To Wit: He thinks he is beyond the reach of the ethics boss in Quebec at a time when the average voter in Quebec and Canada for that matter want openness and transparency.

It is a political strategy that the government tries to choose an issue and define what the election is all about.

He has made the election all about sovereignty with his radio interview proclamation that if it wasn’t for the separatist cause he would not be part of the election team.

A recent poll shows that 61% of Quebecers want nothing to do with separation.

Given those numbers the Quebec voter gets the big chance now to avoid the walk down referendum boulevard and vote these people out before they waste taxpayers money on another needless vote they can’t win.

The smart money says they will.

Liberal Leader Philippe Couillard should hammer the PQ,Marois and Peladeau hard everyday until the election is over.

It’s my bet that Marois,Peladeau and crew won’t handle the pressure and the internal bickering will start resulting in the aforementioned blown election.

Peladeau play second fiddle to Marois? Not for long!

Just watch.

It should be an interesting ride.

What’s your prediction on the outcome?

Quebec Election: Time for Liberal Couillard to Grow a Set! #canpoli #qcpoli #bcpoli

Time for Couillard to Step Up To The Plate!

Should Lieutenant-Governor Pierre Duchesne disolve the house in Quebec today ( As requested by Premier Pauline Marois) Quebeckers will begin the walk down the slippery slope to the next referendum.

You can rest assured if the PQ gets a majority they will venture down that path simply because most of the Separatist antagonists are old enough that this will be their last kick at the Canadian cat! ( I know it’s a beaver ).

The latest poll shows Marois and crew up some 22% where it matters in the French Hinterland.

The only good thing about this poll is that it’s a poll and lately the pollsters have been wrong more than they have been right.

What will it take to get the Liberals back in the game?

Firstly, Liberal Leader Philippe Couillard will have to grow a set of balls and dispense with the wishy washiness hes displayed when the PQ introduced the secular charter.

That in itself is a major reason why the polls are so high in Marois favor.

Secondly the old separatist guard, many who came out against the secular charter ( which is expected to be the centerpiece of Marois election plan) will have to come out of the closet and re state their position on it.

I am sure people like Jacques Parizeau will and that will cause Marois problems.

It’s ironic when you think about it that if you are hoping that the PQ loses and that Canada stays together, Parizeau, after all his seperatist bluster, might inadvertently turn out to be your hero :)!

Lastly, there is enough potential for sordid detals to come out of the Quebec Curruption hearings that may cause Quebecers to show enough disgust for the two regular parties and vote CDQ in protest.

Should the house be dissolved today, what do you think will happen? PQ majority? Another minority?

Do you care?

Justin Trudeau and Pauline Marois in a Race for the Political Insider Bonehead of the Month! #bcpoli #canpoli #qcpoli #bonehead

Trudeau and Marois the day after they lose their respective elections!

I am half tempted to change this to the bonehead of the day award given how many stupid things come out of the mouths of Justin Trudeau and fellow province mate Pauline Marois.

Which one is the dumbest; the one who wants to be Prime Minister or the bonehead who wants to be Premier with a majority in her province.

Marois slight,not mentioning the word Canada in the hockey teams gold medal winning performance was no doubt am attempt to get ROC and the government riled up and provoke the so-called “winning Conditions”for a referendum should she not blow her mandate the polls say she will win.

Trudeau on the other hand is a natural-born bonehead with all the stupid things he said, with the latest being his crack that the Russia will become more involved in the situation in the Ukraine because of their hockey loss in the Olympics.

Can you imagine this tool on the national stage? How do you spell World War III.

He is obviously in over his head and not ready to govern.

Which one do you think is more deserving of the Bonehead or is it a tie?

Justin Trudeau Campaigns With Kathleen Wynne; LOL #bcpoli #onpoli #canpoli

Yup Tonight’s By elections certainly were a joke, weren’t they!

Tonight Kathleen Wynne and her merry band of Ontario Liberals had their heads handed to them in two by elections that served to put the government on notice that the passing of their spring budget ain’t no gimme.

Prediction: Look for this government to fall and we will get a twofer.

Quebec and Ontario will likely go to the polls at the same time in a dual race of the have not provinces. ( Ask Jacques Parizeau if you don’t believe me )

Wynne pulled out all the stops including campaigning with Pierre Jr.aka Justin Trudeau.

These defeats knocked a little polish off his so called star as well.( The Liberals just didn’t lose , they got hammered so Justin ( lets fire up a blunt) Trudeau had virtually no buoyant effect on the results.

It won’t be soon enough before Ontario gets it’s general election and Kathleen and her corrupt government are sent packing.

Do you think there will be a spring election or will they get the required votes to pass their budget?

BC Liberals: The Court Rules Against Them What Next? #bcpoli #canpoli

Clark: I wish I could just wave my hands and make this all go away!

So where do both parties go next in wake of last weeks court ruling in favor of the teachers over the BC Liberal Government?

If you believe the leaderless NDP ( Horgan is still still thinking and although everybody is afraid to say it,Mike Farnworth would be a disaster) they want all cabinet documents relating to the case released for the public to read.

Of course if the BC Liberals took them up on that they might include cabinet documents from the last NDP government ramming through the un-debated contracts that the Liberals tore up that got us unto this mess.( they won’t try to hard to make this happen and should be careful what they wish for)

If you believe the government, through Minister Fassbender, they haven’t had time to review the decision ( not sleeping and reviewing it over and over in your nightmares not withstanding) and are trying to buy time.

They can’t just say yes we were wrong and write a check on behalf of the taxpayers, after-all our fearless Finance Minister Mike de Jong has been touring the province ( gimme a break) telling people the budget will be balanced albeit it will be razor thin ( gimme another break) as long as the heavens line up.

So stroking a 2 million cheque will throw a huge screw into those plans not just this year but down the road too. ( hiring teachers and adding portables will come at a higher cost than that)

So what’s left?

1) BC Liberals will lay low until after the budget. ( they will have help in that next week the federal government will bring down their budget and take up most news space).

2) File an appeal based again on the former NDP governments aforementioned legislation.( This has been central to the case up until this point anyway)

3) Expect no help from our fearless Premier ( assuming in her heart she’s not a teacher). Clark was the Education Minister in 2002 when the contracts were torn up.

4) Once again give the old family first agenda another swift kick after all the taxpayers will ultimately pay for all this incompetence from both parties.

Did I leave anything out?