Voting: For Politics or Economics?

So there we sit, our GDP low enough to keep us out of trouble but close enough ( 90% or higher) would get us going down a lane we don’t want to go.

This gives cause for thought in that we ( The country) are facing 3 major provincial elections in the next year and a bit.They would occur in British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario.

I have lumped Ontario in the group because although they have just come through a provincial election, it resulted in a minority of tenuous proportions.

With pollsters releasing numbers here at home in BC and 48% of people saying they would vote NDP, the chart above gives me cause to wonder why anybody would even answer that question at this point in time.

With all the problems in the world’s economic situation, why would anybody say they would vote one way or another without reviewing a parties economic platform and seeing how it would affect them?

Why would almost half of the polled people say they would vote BCNDP when history speaks of all the economic mismanagement and mayhem they caused as recently as the 1990’s?

( I know you are thinking the BC Liberals have made such a mess of things we need to give them the boot! We do, but there are other options than the BCNDP) )

In these coming elections, voters need to be better educated than ever. They should review the policies and platforms each of the 3 main parties lists on their web sites.

Go to BC Consertvatives, BC Liberals, BCNDP, or BC Green Party and see for yourself.

Can’t find any policy? Then you should wonder what those parties are trying to hide.

Before you cast your vote or answer pollsters, you as a voter need to decide whether you are voting for politics or economics.

In this day and age the answer should be economics.

What do you think?

Watch this space between now and May 2013 for policy and platform as each party releases it.

Adrian Dix Nabbed On Sky Train without a ticket!


This should be a bigger deal than the MSM is making it out to be. The man who wants to be Premier,who wants to lead our Province was caught on a Sky Train without a ticket.

Adrian Dix says it’s one of those things and he feels bad.

I wonder if he feels bad because he made a mistake or if he feels bad because we was caught?

Mr.Dix knows how bad it feels to get caught. He has been caught before when he backdated a memo when we was Glen Clark’s assistant.

Seems Dix has a habit of doing things that are bad and feeling bad when he gets caught.

Why would you want to vote for a man who breaks the law and passes it off so easily?

What do you think he will say when he breaks the promises he will make leading up to the election?

Premier Christy Clark in the running for an award!!!!!

Christy Clark: I am in the running for an award!

It seems every time she speaks the Premier is not only wrong but mixes the facts up.

This is the person who is supposed to lead our province through tough economic times and she cannot keep her facts straight.

Gary Mason has a great piece today detailing her ineptitude and her breath taking gaffes .

You should read it and then ask yourself two questions, namely ” What the heck is this person doing as Premier ?” and “What on earth were the B.C. Liberals thinking when they anointed her as leader last year?”

Off course if you read this excellent piece by Alex G. Tsakumis , you know they weren’t thinking at all, they were conned!

Now what?

Time to award this week’s winner and it’s a tie !

The Bonehead of the week award goes to the whole B.C. Liberal team, lead of course by Premier unelect Christy Clark!

Another Great week for the B.C. Liberal team!

Potentially on the eve before the by-elections are called the Globe and Mail reminds us how stupid Premier Clark is!

The uniform of choice for anybody that runs on the Premier's record!

Potentially as the CBC is reporting, Premier Christy Clark will finally get around to it and call the by-elections tomorrow..

At the same time Robert Matas writes an excellent piece in the Globe and Mail relating to the mess that Christy Clark caused over the building of the Evergreen Line.

Without rehashing all the furor the Premier caused over her incompetence on this file, it is astounding that the B.C.Liberal Party and in particular our stunned Premier would turn around and publish a flyer listing her goof up as an accomplishment.

Even more incredible is the fact that The B.C. Liberal candidate is proud to run on her record.

While I go out for a barf bag,could somebody run out and grab a couple of straight jackets for the Premier and her prospective underling.

Anybody that runs on her record should be locked away and committed.

Should the by-elections be called tomorrow, this will be the first opportunity for British Columbians in any riding to show the Premier that she is not the right person for the job.

Do the right thing, vote, tell the Premier we get it , and start the process of giving her the boot.

Your family will be glad you did!

Do not believe the B.C.Liberals claim to be good economic managers!

Question to either of you: What is more substantial $20 million or $40 million?

Think back to 2008 when the economy started to deteriorate and governments around the world started to put plans in place to survive economic recessions.

Think a little further ahead to May of 2009 when the provincial election was on and then Premier Gordon Campbell tried to make you believe in light of the turmoil his party was the only one to lead you through tough economic times.

He told you that his government managed to hold the deficit to 495 million and that alone should be enough to garner your support.

Then a few short months after the election the same Party with a reelected Premier told you that no; the budget had ballooned to $2.8 million but that it could be kept under control by a 1.6 billion payment from the Federal government if we implemented a thing called the HST.

Remember the feeling you had as you thought through all of this and wondered to yourself ” I am not an economic manager, I am just a regular person sitting at home who knew they economy was worse than they said, why didn’t the B.C.Liberals know this and be more on top of it than they were?”

I mean after all,they are the ones with the Finance department who is paid to research these kind of things,not you or me.

Remember you also asked yourself ” Why on earth did I vote for these people?”

I throw this out there because as I read Vaughn Palmer’s excellent column in the Vancouver Sun today, I was reminded of the Liberals economic mismanagement.

In particular a couple of quotes stood out: in 2011 Minister Pat Bell said that 20 million dollars was a substantial sum of money for the naming rights to BC Place.Then one year later the same Minister said 40 million was not good value for the taxpayers for the same rights.

Without discussing all the cost overruns and deficits in the BC Place project,one thing is abundantly clear: if a Minister in the BC Liberal Government thinks $20 million is substantial and $40 million is not, how can they lay claim to being good economic managers for the province?

They can’t and never will be able to again.

Don’t you agree?

Laurie Throness:Cheating is no big deal!

Laurie Throness: I learned everything I know about how to run elections from Premier Christy Clark!

As hard as it it to believe B.C. Liberal Laurie Throness said in an interview in the Chilliwack Times that having election signs up before the by-election is called is no big deal.

Of course that is against the rules and is therefore cheating.

So to Mr. Throness cheating is no big deal.

In another act of ,well stupidity,members of his campaign team went to city hall today to pay the $500 permit to place signs during an election. They were of course refused because there is no election on.

A good politician knows the rules and also surrounds himself with people that know them as well.

These cheaters sound like rank amateurs? Do they not take the potential by-election seriously enough to at least read the rules?

Can you imagine them as handlers of the public trust?

Are you as dumbfounded as I am that Mr.Throness thinks cheating is no big deal?

Are you as blown away as I am that he openly states that on the public record?

Aint nothing but a hose job! ( sung to the tune of Aint nothin but a hound dog)

I am so excited, I just hosed all the taxpayers and that includes the teachers too!

“This Is a government in freefall”

“The teachers have won in the court of public opinion and this will finish off the BC Liberals hold on power”

Statements by Adrian Dix?

Uh No.

These are statements made today by BCTF President Susan Lambert.

What’s wrong with this is that the walk out was supposed to be about working conditions and kids.

These two statements prove it is not. The BCTF is out on strike to bring the government down!

This is not a negotiation, this is a hosing of a grand scheme.

Are you a parent? You have been putting your kids in daycare or staying at home to help the union bosses bring the government down.

Are you a teacher? You have just been used as a pawn in the unions game to finish off the BC Liberals.

Who got hosed the most? Kids…

They have been without reports all year, no classes this week .

All this because Susan Lambert and Jim Sinclair and the Union Bosses want to bring the government down.

So now that you know you have been hosed, how does it feel?

Tomorrow: The Union is not the only one hosing you!

BC liberals are the new branch office of the Libranos.

Christy once you get in you can never get out!

According to fellow blogger Akex G. Tsakumis,the B.C. Liberal Bus and driver are hard at work once again.

This time,tossed under the front wheels; Tariq Ghuman . This in an attempt to covers the Premiers ass on the big fumble inviting known gangster,hit-man ,murder,terrorist and Federal Liberal Bag-man,Jaspar Atwal to the annual budget shindig.

Who knows maybe the Liberals brought him in for training,a potential mediator appointee in the teacher’s strike talks.

Tariq; We have ways of making you disappear; consider yourself fortunate you only got the bus!

In this day and age of air tight security Our Premier managed to get that wrong too!

Premiers Office"We only had 1 day to check the guest list for known felons and murderers!"

The classic tradition of BC Liberal gaffes goes on and on.

In the latest embarrassment to the province and taxpayers,the Premiers office did not properly vet the guest list and allowed a gangster,terrorist,murderer ( your choice) to sit in the house and watch budget 2012.

Their excuse? They only had one day. ( Cue Frank Sinatra and Send in the Clowns)

Uh people,right at the top of the list in the A’s ATWAL that should jumped right out at ya!

I would imagine along with the rest of us, sitting BC Liberal MLA’s must be shaking their heads and asking what next?

What do you think Christy’s next goof up will be?

Premier starts the day with a Twitter lie!

I am the Premier and I can fool all of the people all of the time!

The Premier Lied! She went on Twitter in the Morning and said there would be no new tax hikes in the budget and then increases your MSP Premiums. A Premium is another word for tax.

Finance Minister Falcon Shrugged it off by saying it’s only $5 per month ( $60 per year).

In the BC Liberal world it’s only $60,in ours it’s a LIE.

This is just another in a long line of gaffes By the B.C.Liberal Premier.

She promised to do politics different and she starts her budget day with a lie.What could be worse?

Kinda makes you think the Premier is in over her head,doesn’t it?

Kinda makes you wonder if you can believe this whole budget thing too ?