BC Conservative John Martin Says ” It’s time for a Full Time Attorney General!

BC Conservative John Martin hits the nail on the head by declaring this province needs a full-time Attorney General.

Lets take a look.

Firstly ,Minister Bond,probably still has her hands full cleaning up the mess(es) left behind by disgraced former Ministers Heed and Les over at the Solicitor Generals office,her other part-time job!.

If that isn’t enough to keep any two people busy,the Attorney General’s qualifications are now being investigated by an outside law firm appointed by the law society.

I would also expect Minister Shirley also has her fingers and toes crossed with this weeks visit to Ottawa by Minister Polak in her meeting with National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Shawn Atleo. ( You remember how Minister Polak was taken to court over problems in the Ministry of Children and Family Development)

That is if she has any fingers and toes left to cross after all the problems with the Basi Virk File.

Makes you wonder,when the Minister takes her next call on the Hockey Riot file,if she will remember which hat to wear.

There must be days when Minister Bond feels like she is a at the PNE bashing the rubber gophers over the head with a mallet.

John Martin is bang on,the Province needs a full time Attorney General.

What do you think?

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