I had planned for this to be about the government hosing of the taxpayer during the teacher lockout out.
You know,Minister Abbott says we will not speed up the process the bill needs to be discussed hosing while the Premier says “Teachers get back to school your little strike won’t make a difference anyways.”
This is a hosing on a grand government scheme because the Premier could care less whether the teachers work or your kids go back to school.
This is all about optics and the longer the teachers stay out the more the government thinks they will recover a bit in the polls.This is true especially if the BCTF screws up again and pickets in front of government buildings.
This is what today’s blog was supposed to be about but this hosing was interrupted to allow the government to hose you again.
How? Cancelling the Telus arena name deal.
This no doubt happened because the premier had her shorts in a knot over being snubbed by Telus and not getting an invite to last weeks Telus announcement.( Who can blame them,Telus is a family friendly company,she on the other hand has budget speeches read in front of gangsters.)
The government now has to make up $40 million dollars they had counted on and you the taxpayer will undoubtedly be asked to pony up.
You can add that to all the other times you have been hosed by Christy,Kevin and George in the last month alone.( Think MSP,ICBC,BC Hydro and gas and carbon taxes)
So the question I leave you with today is this: Got a spare $40 million we can borrow?