The US Election :The election was decided by Campaign Management ! #uspoli #canpoli #bcpoli

Kellyanne Conway and her team won the election for Trump!
Kellyanne Conway and her team won the election for Trump!

Yogi Berra probably said good management doesn’t matter until it does and he would have been right on the money in the US election.

Kellyanne Conway out played, out coached and out smarted the team managing the Hillary Clinton Campaign.

To Wit:

Clinton”s Team missed the key element of the election:

In the nomination stage of this campaign it was very apparent that something dramatic was happening. At the rallies held by the Trump people , attendees were enraged at the establishment. That was the story of the day then as it is now.

Surprisingly during the election Clinton’s team didn’t take that seriously and every time they pulled out another establishment person to endorse Hilary I think it played into Trump’s hand and put another nail in the Clinton coffin.

Bad Debate Management

When I watched the debate Clinton listened very intently to Trump speaking and laying out his plan. This may have been okay in the first debate but she should have been coached not to do this . Why ? Because listening to him that intently gave his ideas credibility.

Bad poll Interpretation

Remember as you have heard throughout the campaign there are two so called sets of polls ; the external ones you read in the paper (more on those in another blog post) and the ones the candidate commissions .

Trump’s team read their numbers better ( why else would they spend the last weekend in Michigan) while Clinton’s team slipped up and never showed up in Wisconsin .

Bad Scandal Management

Clinton had a chance to come clean when the debate question scandal broke . She should have fired campaign chair John Podesta and said sorry to the American public then. By not doing that this just reinforced the public distrust in her.

Clinton’s team never laid out a vision or introduced her to the public.

You might not like Donald trump but at least you know who he was and where he stood. In fact this is another place where Clinton’s team played into Conway’s hands. They spent far too much time Trump bashing and not enough time introducing Hillary and laying out her vision. In fact the first time I saw the real Hillary Clinton I believe was in her concession speech this morning. Had her team showed that side of her she would have connected with more of the public.

This election was close. Numerous states turned on a percentage or two.

Good campaign management made the difference and Kellyanne Conway and her team are to be commended!

Don’t you think?

Todd Akin is a Legitimate ” Nut”

Out of respect to the man pictured we will no longer refer to these as Bozo eruptions!

What’s worse: Todd Akin saying “women’s bodies are able to prevent pregnancies in “a legitimate rape” situation and that conception is rare in such cases” or that he is running for a major US office and doesn’t get that he is wrong on so many levels it’s disgusting ?

How can somebody with this intelligence level claim to represent anybody, let alone the thousand of women that live in his voting area.

I imagine his wife must be real proud!

This is not the first time Akin’s has got himself into trouble of this type. ( Out of respect for a very famous clown I am not calling this a Bozo eruption. I would not want Bozo‘s good name tarred and feathered by idiots like this)

He went into the annuals of stupidity when he accused all liberals of hating God.

Given his track record how did this guy win the Republican nomination on August 7th, 2012?

How many Republicans are now wishing they had at least Googled him before they voted?

Quebec Debates Kickoff Fall Election Season-Time for Renewal !

What would BC look like if Gordon Campbell had been limited to two terms?

Elections are always a time of renewal.

The electorate whether its National, International,Provincial,Municipal or just at the riding or board level get a chance to review and evaluate the people carrying out the jobs they were elected to do.

This fall there are by-elections in Ontario ( which could lead to a provincial election depending upon the results) a provincial election in Quebec, several Annual General meetings and of course the U.S. Presidential election.

When I hear parties that get hammered at the ballot box say it’s time to take a deep look at ourselves and commit to a renewal program I just shake my head.

If there were term limits right down to the volunteer level, renewal would be a constant process.

As a rule there isn’t and as a consequence the same people tend to get elected to the positions over an over again.

Not only does this lead to what I call empire building and other assorted sleazy BS, but it stifles growth because people who would like to get involved don’t because they think their chances of getting elected are slim.

This is one of the things I like about U.S. politics who have term limits right up to the President.

From a voters point of view if you don’t get what you were promised short of recall, it provides at least a window of relief.

I have been an EDA president Federally with the Conservative Party of Canada and I left after two years because I think, although they have 3 year terms, two years was plenty.

Provincially same thing,although there are no term limits, I announced to the board in June I was not standing for a directors position and that I would serve out my term and get involved in other areas.

People going to an Annual General Meeting have the best chance to start the renewal process. instead of simply voting for the same people over and over listen to what the new folks have to say. Ask those that run year after year what exactly they have done to make the process better. This is your chance to hold those you voted for previously accountable. It is you chance to renew and revitalize your party from the ground up!

Think about Municipal elections, the same people run over and over again. How many new ideas get stifled because there aren’t enough new faces to inject something different into the discussion.How many good people don’t bother to run? How many newspapers tell you at election time that one spot opened up.( it’s an election; all spots should be open)

As far as MLA’s and MP’s go, two terms is sufficient for the reasons mentioned above plus the associated saving with the so-called gold-plated pensions. ( remember too some of these people have been MLA s a lot longer than 3 years because they started in opposition)

Imagine if you will that Gordon Campbell had been limited to two terms. How different might the last election have been under a new BC Liberal leader.Imagine again in 2009, new people in both the NDP and the BC Liberals running to be MLAs instead of the same old.

What would the political landscape in BC look-like today if that had taken place?

What do you think, would term limits be worth looking at in Canada?

Romney Adds Ryan: Now the U.S. Election Gets Interesting!

A fiscal Conservative: Now things will get interesting!

Mitt Romney adds running mate Paul Ryan and now the US Presidential race gets interesting.

It gets interesting because not only do we finally have a real Conservative to choose from ( Romney and Obama are both Liberals) but also because Romney and Ryan are polar opposites.

Moments ago Romney after hearing Ryan”s plan to cut medicare, he said that would never happen as long as it was his campaign.

Romney of course is campaigning on restoring cuts that Obama made to seniors Medicare.

Ryan’s plan would not restore them.

Ryan has been blunt and to the point on what cuts and what direction the country would have to go to clean up its fiscal house.

The discussions over the next few months will make the run up to the US election very interesting.

Our neighbors to the south are going to have a discussion they have been putting off for some time.

What path do you think they should take: Stimulus or Cut? Romney or Ryan?

Will the two of them last through the election or will there be a dust-up?