Yogi Berra probably said good management doesn’t matter until it does and he would have been right on the money in the US election.
Kellyanne Conway out played, out coached and out smarted the team managing the Hillary Clinton Campaign.
To Wit:
Clinton”s Team missed the key element of the election:
In the nomination stage of this campaign it was very apparent that something dramatic was happening. At the rallies held by the Trump people , attendees were enraged at the establishment. That was the story of the day then as it is now.
Surprisingly during the election Clinton’s team didn’t take that seriously and every time they pulled out another establishment person to endorse Hilary I think it played into Trump’s hand and put another nail in the Clinton coffin.
Bad Debate Management
When I watched the debate Clinton listened very intently to Trump speaking and laying out his plan. This may have been okay in the first debate but she should have been coached not to do this . Why ? Because listening to him that intently gave his ideas credibility.
Bad poll Interpretation
Remember as you have heard throughout the campaign there are two so called sets of polls ; the external ones you read in the paper (more on those in another blog post) and the ones the candidate commissions .
Trump’s team read their numbers better ( why else would they spend the last weekend in Michigan) while Clinton’s team slipped up and never showed up in Wisconsin .
Bad Scandal Management
Clinton had a chance to come clean when the debate question scandal broke . She should have fired campaign chair John Podesta and said sorry to the American public then. By not doing that this just reinforced the public distrust in her.
Clinton’s team never laid out a vision or introduced her to the public.
You might not like Donald trump but at least you know who he was and where he stood. In fact this is another place where Clinton’s team played into Conway’s hands. They spent far too much time Trump bashing and not enough time introducing Hillary and laying out her vision. In fact the first time I saw the real Hillary Clinton I believe was in her concession speech this morning. Had her team showed that side of her she would have connected with more of the public.
This election was close. Numerous states turned on a percentage or two.
Good campaign management made the difference and Kellyanne Conway and her team are to be commended!
Don’t you think?