Obama: The Lame Duck is getting ready to Quack! #closethegap #yearofAction #lameduck #bcpoli #sotuinthreewords #uspoli

Were You Expecting anything different? #Lameduck

The Lame Duck President is moments away from starting is annual “Quack Off” known as the State of the Union which will contain numerous threats of executive orders and proceeding without congress etc. ( Of course We the People elected Congress but Obama doesn’t care)

He will blather on about how he needs to jack up the minimum wage to federal workers when a large portion of interns don’t even get paid.

He will say this has to be a year of action and that they have to get things done. Uniquely the Republicans will say the the same thing only with a different end game in mind.

He will talk ad nauseum about the fact that most people work longer hours for less while the 1% has gotten better off conveniently leaving out the part that this is his second term and it was him that more or less did nothing in the first ( You can’t count Obama-care because that is a screw up of Herculean proportions).

Throughout the night the pundits will slice and dice the speech and score it a win or a loss and if you stay awake through it all the Republicans will scowl and the Democrats will howl.( With the noted exception of Hilary Clinton who will wonder yet again why this knucklehead got the nomination a head of her).

The 30 million people that will tune in to watch this nonsense would more than likely be better served by watching the war of tweets unfold on Twitter.

At least there they will have some good laughs and yes they will all have one thing in common:They can all cry out that they wasted an hour and it will be 140 characters or less and look like this : #sotuinthreewords !

Enjoy the hour and Quack on Mr.President!

The State of Washington Goes to Pot!

Romney: Given tonight’s numbers and my gaffe filled campaign I am on the next flight to Washington State to smoke some of that pot they legalized!

Big news tonight!

Obama wins the election by 100 Electoral Votes and Marijuana was legalized in Washington State and Colorado.

It will be interesting to see the economic implications in Canada for both of these results.

During the run up to the election, polling seemed to show that the women’s vote was going to back Romney.That didn’t happen.

If you read my blog yesterday,I predicted both the outcome of the election and that the women would not support the Republican ticket.

Nobody should be shocked at the numbers tonight.Romney ran one of the most gaffe filled campaigns in US history and both him and his running mate couldn’t even carry their own states.

I will have more tomorrow once some solid numbers come in but I will leave you with this.

The Republicans took on a wounded,lame duck president without a vision for the next 4 years. Obama will now have a free ride as a lame duck because the Republicans will be too busy bickering over what went wrong and who will get the next nomination.

What went wrong was this: In the run up to the nomination Romney was the lesser of all the evils candidate. If the whole party couldn’t get behind him enthusiastically,how on earth did they think the country would?

That and the discussion about religion and abortion. It will bite you every time!

Whether you want to hear it or not, the 2016 election has already begun.

Stay tuned.

This just in: Drive Thru Pot Locations Set to Open in Washington State

US Election 2012: It’s All About the Ground Game and Some Final Thoughts!

One More Sleep….

So on this eve of this historic ( they always say elections are historic) what will determine the outcome? Will it be, as they say, who gets out the vote better that determines the outcome in 2012?

Being as the Republicans wrote the book on Get Out The Vote ( henceforth known as GOTV) the Democrats better hope not. ( I know in 2008 the Democrats won this game but polls showed it was going to be a big win and most Republicans stayed home and licked their wounds.)

I can make that statement because as a Canadian Conservative I can tell you we have been using a facsimile of that book for our successful election campaigns of the past few years.

There are of course more factors than simply getting out the vote that determine an election outcome each unique to a specific election .

To Wit: When the race is close there is nothing like a good old fashion hurricane to get people to stand up and take notice of their politicians.

If you believe the mainstream media, the nod goes to Barack Obama for his handling of the recent crisis.

However it’s 2012 and as I have said before and so have countless others people want politics done differently and the nod might go to the Republicans for the way in which New Jersey Governor Chris Christie handled Obama and the situation. People might think this is a breath of fresh air and give the Romney team some support it hadn’t counted on.

If you believe what I have said about people wanting to do politics differently than you don’t have to look much farther than the stump speeches Romney and Obama have made in the last few days.

Romney has made speeches that detail Obama breaking this promise and that promise while Obama touts working together with people and families.

I think Obama has been saying what people want to hear lately more than Romney unless of course you believe they both have been preaching to the converted so to speak.

Ironic in that earlier in the campaign Romney offered the positive vision while Obama went negative and attacked.

Jobs and the economy will get people up and off the couches to vote. In the past week Obama got good news on the job front but he still broke his promise on cutting the deficit in half. Do people care? About jobs yes, about the deficit,no.

What does America need right now? Bold leadership with a vision that Romney can offer. He has the experience to get the job done.

Will they get that?


I think they will get 4 more years of Obama and it won’t be quite as close as everybody thinks.

Why? Because Republican VP hopeful Paul Ryan showed his inexperience and made women feel stupid with his abortion discussion during the Vice Presidential debate.

Watch the exit polls on women’s voting tomorrow. They will determine the election outcome in 2012.

It will be THE STORY.

What do you think?

Romney Adds Ryan: Now the U.S. Election Gets Interesting!

A fiscal Conservative: Now things will get interesting!

Mitt Romney adds running mate Paul Ryan and now the US Presidential race gets interesting.

It gets interesting because not only do we finally have a real Conservative to choose from ( Romney and Obama are both Liberals) but also because Romney and Ryan are polar opposites.

Moments ago Romney after hearing Ryan”s plan to cut medicare, he said that would never happen as long as it was his campaign.

Romney of course is campaigning on restoring cuts that Obama made to seniors Medicare.

Ryan’s plan would not restore them.

Ryan has been blunt and to the point on what cuts and what direction the country would have to go to clean up its fiscal house.

The discussions over the next few months will make the run up to the US election very interesting.

Our neighbors to the south are going to have a discussion they have been putting off for some time.

What path do you think they should take: Stimulus or Cut? Romney or Ryan?

Will the two of them last through the election or will there be a dust-up?