This will seem like it’s a US election given it’s pretty much two years until we go to the polls in October 2015.
Usually the Liberal party starts to troll for NDP support in the last to weeks of an actual campaign with their silly ” don’t vote NDP it’s a vote for the Conservatives” nonsense.
Make no mistake about it the fight is on and NDPer Brad Lavigne came out and countered with a rebuttal to Trudeau’s nonsense.
It was the right thing to do because of course Trudeau is No Jack Layton. He’s actually more like BC NDPer Adrian Dix was , a leader short on policy and capable of saying things that catch even his own party of guard.
As Mr. Lavigne alludes to, the fight for the left started before that with the Liberals being caught trashing election signs in the Toronto Center riding.
I would expect that the folk in the NDP war room will roll back the tapes on the career of Trudeau’s old Man to ensure the voting public that his ghost will rise and remind the public what a mess he made of Canada.
Harper: Put that in your pipe and smoke it Justin!
The results are now in in tonight’s by-elections and the Conservatives held onto their two seats and the Liberals won their two.
What does it all mean?
In a nut shell Justin Trudeau aint exactly the next great thing.
Lets face it the Liberals won two seats that they should have, lost one they could have and got blown out in the other.
In the great battle that was Toronto Center the Liberals won a Bob Rae seat in a by-election where nobody bothered to vote. ( 27.8 % of registered voters voted)
In Quebec they won Denis Coderre’s old seat. So what; they won that with great leaders like Ignatieff and Dion .
In Manitoba the Conservatives won big where they were expected to and squeaked by in Brandon-Souris.
In other words with the deck some what stacked against them the Conservatives still won.
To wit;
a) it so goes that sitting governments rarely win by-elections
b) the senate scandal
c) so-called problems with the nomination process
d) the Liberals ran a candidate with the last name Dinsdale a very popular candidate in the riding
e) the Conservatives ran a candidate who already lost the riding once
f) the mainstream media threw everything at the Conservatives they could to help Trudeau
This was the Trudeau chance to show greatness and steal one for the team and he couldn’t deliver.
What are the take a ways from all this?
The Conservatives have to keep the nomination process whistle clean and they should be fine. After all almost 45 % of registered voters turned out in their squeaker and they still won so I don’t think the public will be influenced at all by the so-called senate scandal come election time.
For the Liberals : Trudeau is not the piece of gold you quite thought he was. The west wasn’t buying what he was selling. Without a platform and a vision it is the voting public who will give him the finger when his train leaves the station.
For the NDP : Tom Mulcair might be excellent at question period but he is a dipshit on the campaign trail. He couldn’t motivate anybody to vote for everybody’s favorite socialist Linda McQuaig.
What will the mainstream media say? That Harper will worry over the results tonight.
In truth he won’t and it will be the media and the opposition that will be worried.
I would say the prospects for another majority look a little rosier now than they did a few hours ago, don’t they?
It’ll be an interesting run up to the 2015 election and Political Insider will be there to bring you all the action.
The National Energy Program, a prime Minister waving the middle finger at the constituents in the train station and the biggest fuddle duddle of them all the near break up of Canada due to Trudeau’s constitutional mangling.
Son Justin has already shown his lack of respect for things Canadian when he called Minister of Environment Peter Kent a “piece of Shit” in the house of commons.
He has now gone on record with his admiration for China ( communist China where people are dying to leave and move here).
Kinda makes you wonder what else is going on in his head ( apart from entertaining women).
Perhaps the Second Coming of the National Energy Program?
It made me wonder why most journalists refer to the provincial arm of the NDP as the training ground for their federal cousins.
It seems like provincial NDP parties are more like a training ground for the federal liberal party.
Just ask Ujjal Dosanjh, Roy Romanow or BOB Rae.
Those three were all NDP premiers who went on to become federal liberal MPs. ( note to provincial NDP organizers: you may want to consider your new theme song to go something along the lines: mama don’t let you sons grow up to be federal Liberal MPs)
Does that speak to the chances of so called NDP stars winning a cabinet post with the federal NDP or does it speak to how far left the Federal Liberals are?
If Mayor Moonbeam ( if you are reading this outside of BC,that’s what he is called) jumps to the liberal ship after the 2014 municipal election you can bet Trudeau will try to bait him with something significant.
If Vancouver’s experience is any indicator, and Trudeau and team win the 2015 election, you can look for bike lanes on the Trans Canada highway.
They day they open, Robertson will likely peddle a bike with a sidecar upon which Trudeau will sit. They will be passing a reefer back and forth.
This announcement confirms that the Liberals will indeed have a Leadership Coronation whose result will lead to vote splits between the Liberals and the NDP in key ridings across Canada.
This will produce the obvious result of another Conservative majority which will set off another round of merger talks between the Liberals and the dippers.
Trudeau for his part is probably too busy to notice that Garneau pulled out given all the whining for an extension to register voters to the coronation.
Justin, Or Pierre Junior as he is sometimes referred, should have a better get out the vote team in place.
When the election that matters comes, there are no extensions.
Once the polls close it’s over.
As it almost certainly will be for the Liberal Party and Trudeau’s Prime Ministerial aspirations.
The people have spoken and the Stephen Harper led Conservatives have won two out of three seats in today`s by-elections.
The big story out of the by-elections tonight is the rise of the green party who took 25% of the vote in Calgary and at least 35% of the Vote in Victoria.
Is this a trend or is this a mini protest vote against all of the parties.
I think this is a protest vote period!
In Calgary some are pissed at the Conservative Party of Canada but a lot walked from Justin and his team after some blazing gaffes in the past week.
The folks in Red are probably crying in the back rooms over what could have been.
The Razor thin NDP win in Victoria with a somewhat safe NDP seat going down until the final polls is a poke in the eye to Tommy Mulcair and dutch elm disease. ( Traditionally the Conservatives have never been much of a factor in this riding and in fact it used to be a Liberal seat that David Anderson occupied).
It probably took Jack Layton crying out from the grave to rescue this seat.
The message here is that all parties better their act together before 2015 especially the opposition.
In fact today Joyce Murray entered the Liberal leadership race with her plan of only running one opposition party candidate against the Conservatives in the next election.( She means run either a Green,Liberal or NDPer)
You can say what you want about Stephen Harper and his Conservative team but after all the Omnibus bills and what have you they are headed in the right direction.
This poll was also conducted after the first round of negative Tommy advertising put out by the Conservatives.
There will be all sorts of crying that the poll is not legitimate( There always is) or that it is too far from the next election to matter, but this poll confirms one thing.
It confirms what the media has been saying since the last election and it’s why the poll hasn’t been discussed that much today.
It’s this: The MSM Pundits have been predicting that the Liberals ( Marijuana Bob,Justin and Crew) are splitting the socialist vote with Tommy( gotta love the Carbon Tax) Mulcair.
The MSM hates it when they are right and the Prime Minister and the Conservatives come out on top.
It’s a good warning for the two opposition parties. They have a little over two years to get their act TOGETHER or risk being steam rolled.
Personally I don’t think any merger will happen until after the 2015 election. The Liberals and the NDP are made up of some pretty strong-willed members( especially the NDP) and they will sit tight and see what happens.
Contrary to an earlier poll I think Justin will have to spend at least one term in opposition where at leat he will be able to negotiate any merger or whatever from a position of strength.
What do you thinkwill happen on the way to Election 2015?
Christy Clark: Sorry Justin but nobody takes center stage from me!
Not wanting to be one-upped on the news high-lites by the likes of Justin Trudeau, Knucklehead Premier Christy Clark used the occasion of the opening of Trudeau’s coronation to tell the world she will withhold electricity if the pipeline goes ahead without her okay.
One problem with what Clark said is that if and when it gets to that point she will either have been ousted by her own party or sent packing by an angry electorate.
Justin Trudeau on the other hand, well, his world, is about to get a whole lot more exciting after announcing tonight that his hat is in the ring to lead the Liberal Marijuana Party of Canada to oblivion.
I am sure The Prime Minister is sitting back thinking this is the best thing that could have happened to him and the Conservative party.
Trudeau, if as expected, waltzes to the LMPofC leadership more or less uncontested, he will have more than Prime Minister to contend with.
Tommy Mulcair is no dummy and wants to hold onto the title of Patron Saint of Quebec. Trudeau will not get seats in his home province without a fight.
A fight that bodes well for Conservative Party fortunes across Canada as both the NDP and the LMPofC clash and prepare to split whatever vote is out there allowing Harper’s team to come up through the middle and win seats they don’t currently have.
It’s also possible, although I never take the electorate for granted, that the CPC will pick up additional seats with the new riding redistribution under way and expected to be in place before the 2015 campaign.
This should make for a larger majority in 2015 than they have now.
Speaking of elections,Liberals in BC complained during the 2011 federal campaign that they were tarred and feathered with the Gordon Campbell Liberal brush. Just wait until they get painted with the Christy Clark ” I am a federal Liberal in my heart brush”
They will also have the Ghost of Justin’s old man to contend with.For years the west has wanted in and now that we are ” aint no man named Trudeau going take that away from us”
The next LMPof C leader has his work cut out for him. ( it will be no cakewalk for Mulcair either, as by the time 2015 rolls around, Adrian Dix and the BCNDP will have had two years to screw up enough things to have their share of doors slammed in their faces too)
For Justin Trudeau to succeed and show the country he will do politics different and more exciting, he will have to be just like his dad.
He will have to be like his dad in that he will have to stand at the ready with his middle finger, the only difference being he will have to wave it at his own party establishment rather than the electorate in Salmon Arm,BC.
The folks in the LMPofC establishment will no doubt try and refine Justin’s image,something that he cannot allow to happen.( Look for fallout here too!)
Politicians have been known to Tweet before they think!
Justin Trudeau took to Twitter today to tweet that Jason Kenney was nothing like Richard Nixon because Nixon apologized to his dad after calling him an asshole.
Most of us are glad Jason Kenney is nothing like Richard Nixon. Most readers will recall Nixon losing the Presidency after “Watergate” became public.
For not being a crook we a applaud Minister Kenney and thank Mr. Trudeau for reminding us of his good character!
42% of Polled Canadians think this is the guy to lead the Liberal Party Back to Prominence. Will the those same people allow their taxes to be increased so that we may build hospital rooms so that they may be committed?
Canadians polled pick Trudeau to be the leader to revive the Liberal Party and restore it to first place ( 40% for Liberals with Trudeau,30% For Conservatives and 21% for the Dippers.
What has always baffled me about politics and leadership contests in general is that Canadians always seem to want the guy who doesn’t want the job.
In Trudeau’s case he has told the Liberal Party some many times, you kind of want to get the barf bag every time they ask the question.
In most Leadership books I have read, one of the top qualities of successful leaders is that they have to want to lead.
If they don’t, no matter how much begging you do when they eventually kowtow to what people want they fail miserably.
There are leaders that say no because while they are chicken, as in Justin probably didn’t want to run against Bob because well he thought Bob would win and didn’t want to go through that.
Chicken because they don’t want to be hammered in the press or by campaign advertising. ( Justin will make a mess of and alienate Western Canadians just like his father did!)
Some have the potential to lead but aren’t ready for the scope of the job that people want them to lead.
I have a hard time envisioning Justin Trudeau on the national stage representing Canada as PM in an emergency economic summit meeting. ( If you are still wondering why revisit the picture at the top of this post)
What about you, do you think Justin Trudeau is leadership material or is he a chicken?