Trudeau Praises Kenney; Says he is Nothing like Nixon!

Politicians have been known to Tweet before they think!

Justin Trudeau took to Twitter today to tweet that Jason Kenney was nothing like Richard Nixon because Nixon apologized to his dad after calling him an asshole.

Most of us are glad Jason Kenney is nothing like Richard Nixon. Most readers will recall Nixon losing the Presidency after “Watergate” became public.

For not being a crook we a applaud Minister Kenney and thank Mr. Trudeau for reminding us of his good character!

9 thoughts on “Trudeau Praises Kenney; Says he is Nothing like Nixon!”

  1. So Trudeau is, according to a certain unemployed lawyer/self proclaimed political expert, the next best hope for the liberals? Wow, just wow.
    I have come to the conclusion that rather than being a repeat of his father, young justin would be a repeat of Iggy, with all the nuanced positions.
    Run Justin run.

  2. Yep… behold… the “new” Liberal messiah basking in his overwhelming dumb-assness… what an actor.

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