Did Christy Clark break the law in 2003 with her handling of the BC Rail issue?
John Van Dongen thinks she did and accordingly has asked Conflict of Interest Commissioner Paul Fraser to conduct a formal inquiry into the matter.
Van Dongen’s request of the Commissioner was done in the form of a 24 page letter.You can peruse it here.
Seems Like MLA Van Dongen has done his homework.
So has Blogger Alex Tsakumis.
He has written a number of outstanding articles on the subject, the most recent of which is here.
The evidence is clearly pointing to Clark having involvement in BC Rail where she ought not to have.
Clark says she will cooperate with the commissioner during any inquiry yet she knows full well that any inquiry by the commissioner must come before the house to be voted on.
First and foremost the problem there is the Premier conveniently prorogued the house so unless she recalls it there would be no vote until the spring.
Secondly, the premier holds a majority in the house and her party would most likely vote down any potential inquiry the commissioner requests.
What she needs to do is to take leadership of the issue,recall the house and call an inquiry herself.
Failing that she should come clean and explain her involvement in BC Rail and what the conflict that she suggested was.
Of course coming clean would no doubt lead to her stepping down.
For BC and the families she allegedly cares about its time to do the right thing.
What do you think will happen?