Ontario Election Debate:First Impressions Count! #onpoli #ontario #notwynning

People will remember: There is no difference between Wynne and McGuinty!

In my experience two things happen in debates.

Firstly they are stacked against the sitting Premier or Prime Minister by way of being out numbered by the opposition.

Secondly,first impressions matter and each leader gets one shot at either gaining or holding an audience.

Rarely is their ever a zinger the so-called knockout punch.

I can recall only three zingers in the number of years I have watched debates.

One is the often talked about Mulroney line that sunk John Turner back in 1988. ( you sir had an option)

The second would be Jack Layton’s dismantling of Mike Ignatieff in the 2011 election. ( worst voting record)

The third,surprisingly enough was John Cummins when he opened the 2013 BC Provincial election debate with the line:You all tuned in tonight to get a good look at the next premier of BC, Adrian Dix.

Well look they did,Dix was a deer in the headlights and Christie Clark shone and went on to win that election.

In the Ontario debate tonight, no matter how much BS the newspapers will have you believe ( maybe) there was no knock out punch.

There was however Kathleen Wynne making a lousy first impression and getting hammered on gas plants.

She looked awful and yes she apologized but guess what an apology is an admission of guilt.

One I think the voters of Ontario have been waiting to hear.

Prediction: This election, like all elections is about the economy and Wynne just reinforced in the voters minds ( she could have said no) that she is a weak leader who cant be trusted to manage their money.

On June the 12th the voters will vote no to Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals.

They will vote yes to Tim Hudak and the PC’s with an NDP led opposition.

( In BC people used to moan and groan about Gordon Campbell and then hold their noses and vote for him. They will do that for Hudak as well)

Just watch!

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