The day after the by-elections back in April the BC Liberals attempted to ” Reach Out” to several BC Conservative Party Board members.
They were told in no uncertain terms to take a hike.
Repeatedly BC Conservative Party Leader John Cummins has stated that the party has no intention to marge with the failing BC Liberal Government.
For one thing a lot of people in the BC Conservative Party are not just disaffected Federal Conservatives looking for a home but the party is also made up of people who have had enough with the current political system.
The BC Liberals ( We are not Liberals folks) would like to think that the Conservatives are the sole reason for their defeat in the by-elections and are the main reason the corrupt governing party will lose the next election.
If the truth be known,if the BC Conservatives did not exist and there was no other alternative, the BC Liberals would still get wiped out in the May 2013 election.
The only vote splitting that will happen will be by the downward trending BC Liberals and that issue was addressed recently by Rick Peterson in an excellent op=ed piece in the Vancouver Sun and redistributed on this blog.
Today the inept BC Liberals and their supporters attempted to once again ” Reach Out” board members and supporters via a letter from the desk of Peter Brown :
This letter insults all Conservative people under the BC Conservative Umbrella. It as if it is our fault that the supposed coalition has split apart.
Mr. Brown, Inept Premier Clark and the BC Liberal Crew need to take a good solid look in the mirror.
What the will see is their former leader hammered on a Hawaiian vacation, their new inept leader tee heeing her way through photo ops the whole time up to her arm pits in BC Rail,sleazily introducing and dragging out the HST and other assorted and sundry bull shit too numerous to name in this blog piece.
The BC Liberals had 11 years in government and they blew it. They will go out in infamy,their legacy will be corruption and sleaze.
They had a wonderful opportunity when first elected in 2001 and they have flushed it down the toilet.
The BC Conservatives on the other hand stand for honesty, integrity and accountability.They stand for reduced taxes and increased employment.
Why on earth would any BC Conservative in his or her right mind want to join a party like the BC Liberals?
Mr. Brown(if that’s his real name, I wouldn’t want my name associated with the liebrals) doesn’t realize the truth as it smacks him upside the head. The BC liebrals would not win if a drugged up gangster on crack decided to run in dummy and the dumb bots own riding.
Even senator colman is seeing the writing on the out house wall.
And have to admit that Foghorn even bailed on dummy at an opportune time for him. Their PARTY is over.
You got that right!
As conservatives and libertarians who actually believe integrity and principles matter in government, why should we bear the blame, shame, and reproach of blowing the coalition to smithereens when it belongs to another?
Trouble with the life of the Emperor’s new mind
Casual viewin’ in spite of what gets left behind
Gentlemen you may include me out,
ladies please accept my bow
Still she cries
Couldn’t have said it better!
Thank you!
Interesting that he brags about being a member of and quotes the “tea party north”, conservative think tank Fraser Institute. The Fraser Institute receives funding from the American BIG oil billionaires, the Koch brothers.
He has no realization of the disparity of wealth between the extremely wealthy and the rest of societies around the globe. He does not realize that it is the greed and thirst for power of the extremely wealthy that is destroying our governments, freedom, and future.
Thank you for reading and commenting!
Excellent exposure of the blinkered thinking of the corporate class. The insider deals and cronyism are the reason for the polling numbers. Typical of Brown to acknowledge no responsibility on the part of the ruling party for their own misfortune.
Most of us look at BC Rail, executive bonuses and salary increases while holding everyone else to net zero, shadowy process and lack of a business plan for the LDB…..And we say this cannot continue. I didn’t even mention Hydro.
In a word Leadership and they choose not to show that!
Thank you for your comment!
Wow. Mr Brown sure makes a good case for the economic mess we are in. His solution? Continue with the greed motivated, deregulated, corruption infused regimes of this decade..
He does make a good economic case and you make a good case and confirm my point that the last thing anybody should do is vote liberal never mind join them.