Premier Christy cannot get her facts straight. This most recent gaffe relating to the 50% rate increase that BC Hydro was planning ( they weren’t) was another in a long line of gaffes and miscues in the year and a bit since her party screwed up and elected her to lead them.
It was especially embarrassing to hear Minister Rich Coleman on radio explaining that she had been corrected and further say yes she was wrong.
This is terrible to have a leader, a Premier to go continuously off message and screw up the facts.
What adds fuel to the fire is that she was responding to over ruling the BC Utilities Commission, a commission that the BC Liberals campaigned to promote in 2001. This will effectively kill off any hearing that would have happened in June. ( Cover up? )
I can’t imagine if you were a member of her caucus and were relying on her to save your career how you would feel.
No wonder they keep her hidden as often as they do.
It’s getting to the point that , whenever she makes an announcement , it safer to wait a day or so to make sure she got it right.
How bad is that?