Nice Continent This North America Eh! #bcpoli #canpoli #usapoli

I am telling the Truth sir, there is nothing going on in North America!

It’s only fair if Jeffrey Simpson of the Globe and Mail can write about discussions with his Uncle Fred on Galiano Island, I can at least report on discussions our alien friends are having this week as it relates to North America.

I can only imagine what one Alien Underling would report to his Commander on the goings on ( or not ) on our continent in the last week.

It would go something like this:

Commander: What have you to report from your post overseeing North America?

Underling: Nothing.

Commander : What do you mean nothing, that cannot be !

Underling: It is so, this week.

Commander : Explain yourself or be replaced!

Underling: Sir in the USA everything is closed, the government is shut down. They were discussing something called ObamaCare but one side just walked away shutting down the government. Right now the man named Obama who seems to be the inventor of the care is threatening them with a debt ceiling whatever that is. They are not listening. I think it should be called Obamawedon’tcare!

Commander: Surely something must be happening in Canada?

Underling: No Sir the man they call the Prime Minister has prorogued parliament. That means in a sense they too are shut down.

Commander : What about in your favorite place to report from BC, surely there is something to report there. Nary a week goes by without Premier Clark and her government getting themselves in some sort of trouble?

Underling: Not this week sir. Premier Clark refuses to open the government’s place of business and has herself pretty much gone into hiding.

Commander: Into hiding?

Underling : Yes sure she tried for some sort of thing called a quick win and is now being investigated by something called the RCMP.

Commander: What happens if she is found guilty

Underling : I am not sure sir. By all reports the RCMP shot somebody with a 3 inch knife 9 times and tasered him. I can’t imagine what they would do for quick winning.

Commander : Is there anything on the horizon that you will be reporting on other than nothing?

Underling : yes I have heard of something called a BC Conservative AGM……..

5 thoughts on “Nice Continent This North America Eh! #bcpoli #canpoli #usapoli”

  1. Nothing happening in Quebec, either, except business as usual as the Charbonneau commission reports on corruption in the F.T.Q. Construction union, $500 million minimum federal money going to repair a bridge that needs to be replaced as soon as possible, the first anglo (and Jewish) temporary mayor of Montreal supposedly not only involved in havey-cavey investments in condominiums, but now municipal sports arena and other buildings. Meanwhile the attempt to stop Muslim customs creeping into the Quebec culture is resulting in the historic crucifix possibly being taken down from the National Assembly. Our monitoring of television news shows in French also shows reports of F.T.Q. corruption interrupted by commercials for the F.T.Q. Solidarity Fund.

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