Nathan Cullen Can’t do Math! #bcpoli #canpoli #election2019 #ndp #leadership

Methinks Nathan Cullen has cold feet!

In an interview with the CBC today NDP MP says that he is not prepared to announce whether he will run for the leadership of the NDP so quickly because it’s a 15-20 year commitment and that it the thought process leading up to his decision would take more than 24 hours.

Mr Cullen’s name has been bandied about for years regarding leadership aspirations and succession in the party. I can’t imagine he is just starting to think about it now.

Even more shocking is that he thinks it’s a 15-20 year commitment.

To Wit:

Enter the race now and run for leadership( fight off the leap manifesto) for the next 2 years

Win and fight for the next year in the run up to the 2019 election ( So far 2+1 =3)

Go to the polls and have your head handed to you ( including losing the NDP Edmonton seat) and resign ( What Mulcair should have done) and remain interim leader for a bit ;1 year tops.

Total = 4 years, a far cry from 15-20 ( I can only imagine what his first budget might look like if he somehow won)

So I give up, where do the other 11-16 years come from?

Can anybody tell me?

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