Coming up: Cabinet Day! #bcpoli #canpoli #bccabinet #christyClark #adriandix

Given His performance in the Recent election ,Clark should give him a cabinet post!

This is no ordinary cabinet day, it is being done with a twist.

Departing from usual tradition,The BC Liberal government is announcing their cabinet in Vancouver as opposed to stately Victoria.

Why? Is it because Clark thinks Victoria culture is so sick she wants to stay as afar away from that as possible or is it more likely she is looking for the grandiose photo-op to give her by-election a kick-start?

So what about the cabinet? Will it be large or small?

Given the BC Liberals propensity to spend money coupled with so many people wanting to get in , I would hedge my bets on large.

Who will get in?

Likely Coleman, Mike de Jong, Shirley Bond, Mary Polak and the usual suspects.

If Coleman has any say at all Peter Fassbender will be there to carry his water bucket.

What about Marvin Hunt,Amrik Virk,Suzanne Anton and a whole host of the new one term wonders elected this past May?

What about long time MLA’s Moira Stillwell ( Not to be confused with the other newly elected Stillwell) and Gordon Hogg. Where will they wind up?

What about Adrian Dix? Given his performance in that May election Clark should find a spot for him, after all he handed her the election on a silver platter.

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