Updated:John Cummins Calls It A Day! #bcpoli

Could hHe be Stepping Down?

According to reports on News1130 John Cummins is calling it a day.

Who can blame him.

He has put in a lot of hours and taken a lot of crap over the last couple of years.

With the result of the recent provincial election and the fact that the party needs to renew and fund raise, if true Cummins resigning will allow that process to get started sooner than later.

I know from participating in the growth of the party since 2009, that 4 years has away of zipping on by.

Should the report be true ( It says the party will have an official announcement tonight) than I for one wish John all the best.

I have already heard rumblings that there are a number of people are interested in running for the leadership should the rumor be true.

But that’s a post for another day.

Today, should the announcement come is John’s day.


UPDATE: It’s Official

3 thoughts on “Updated:John Cummins Calls It A Day! #bcpoli”

  1. Yes,John Cummins is all of those. Let's hope the BC Conservative Party doesn't get hijacked by another group of Bible-belters,or they'll continue to be the fringe Party that garners fewer votes than the lunatic fringe Greens.

  2. John is a thoughtful, intelligent, experienced man who has worked tirelessly in the face of considerable difficulties. We all owe him a great deal of respect and gratitude.

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