No not as long as Elizabeth May represents Saanich-Gulf Islands.
The Number one reason the Liberals and the Greens will not Merge?
The Good People of Saanich-Gulf Islands will never in a million years elect a Liberal.
Elizabeth May will lose her seat and that will be it.
Still not convinced, the thousands of volunteers that came from all over Canada to elect Elizabeth May will stay home ( they are not Liberals) and you can refer back to reason number one why she will lose her seat.
Care to comment?
The fat blonde woman on the tv program NCIS looks like Liz May,so I had to stop watching that program,as everytime I see the actress it seems like I’m looking at May.There’s a lot of egotistic politicians these days,and May is one of them.Gerry from New Brunswick.
Thank you for your comment and for reading!
Hadn’t realized just how much like crissy clunk she looks like. Poor thing could be crissys sister.
Bet a loonie she tries if Just-in Turdo gets the leadership..
You are on!
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