Chilliwack and Port Moody no longer have to hold their noses when they vote!

There is an easy way to flush the BC Liberals and it doesn't involve holding your nose!

Tomorrow, April 19th marks the first time since the introduction of the HST that people ( albeit in only two voting areas) get a chance to send a message directly to the government that lied and sleazed their way through things like the HST, BC Rail,Basi Virk, Telus gate etc.

This is different then the HST referendum, this will really hurt!

If you live in those communities exercise your right and vote for change.

If you are passionate about a political party get out there and vote for it.

But for heaven sakes don’t hold your nose when you cast your vote! You don’t have too!

If you vote NDP tomorrow thinking it will flush Christy and the Liberals down the toilet and out of office think again !

If you are going to hold your nose and vote for the BC Liberals because you think there is no alternative,think again!

Through recent announcements,both the Premier and former attorney General Geoff Plant, waved the white flag and told the troops that they don’t have much faith in winning.

They would like nothing more for you to vote NDP and allow them to at least finish second so they can continue the ” You are splitting the vote BC Conservatives” mantra that they have been spewing ever since their numbers in the polls have dropped like a bad avalanche in the spring.

They have to say this, they can’t run on their record. It’s abysmal.

Stop holding your nose.

Vote for passionate change and vote B.C. Conservatives and tell Christy and her crew that you see through that charade and you are not going to stand for it anymore!

How will you vote tomorrow with passion or a nose clip?

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