The results are in and its official, The Voters in the two by-elections have told Premier Christy Clark in resounding fashion: You and your party have to go!
Make no mistake about it the results last night are a direct reflection on her and her party’s mandate.
If a general election were held today, polls show and last nights results confirm, the Liberals would be swept out of office in dynamic fashion.
The NDP would be left with the biggest mandate in their history.
The Premier mused earlier in the week ( about the same time she told her troops they weren’t going to win and not to expect much ) that maybe a name change would help out their fortunes.
That would be like the Costra Nostra changing their name to the Mafia. People still know a gangster when they see one.
What do you think. Would a name change help?
A name change would not help—it only emphasizes the desperation factor. The name has already been changed in the past year to the “BC Liberals Christy Clark” Party. As one poster commented: changing the name from the Hells Angels to the Happy Wanderers does not a cleansing make.
Totally agree, in their case all the players would be the same. They all need to be flushed away and replaced with people who are not afraid to be transparent and accountable.
Cosa Nostra/Mafia…love it!
It is what it is!
Just look at all the baggage especially with BC Rail,Basi Virk and the Atwal affair at the budget.