BC Liberal Party Starts the Shift Left, Two get Thrown under the Bus!

Christy Clark tosses two more under the bus!

By now that BC Liberal bus will need a new set of tires. You can add two more names to the list of people inept Premier Christy Clark Has thrown under the bus!

They would be longtime BC Liberal whipping boy Chad Pederson and Director Of Communications Jehnifer Benoit.

Poor Jehn had only been with Christy’s team for a few months, joining after a beaning by a bottle during last years hockey riots!

You can read into that what you want.

These political fatalities were more than likely a result of Premier Dementia veering left and trying to attract some NDP support.

It seems in Christy’s world principles mean nothing.

All you have to stand for is whatever the voters want.

Stay tuned, there will probably be more!

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