BC Conservatives Climb in polls,Catch BC Liberals!



Forum research today unveiled their latest poll and it is full of bad news for the BC Liberals and their hapless unelected Premier Christy Clark.

The BC Conservatives have climbed into a dead heat with the BC Liberals while the approval rating of Premier Christy Clark has dropped to an unheard of low of 26%. ( How do you say Gordon Campbell anyone?)

This writer,along with the residents of Port Moody and Chilliwack would rather we catch a glimpse of a  poll that matters.. That would one would occur if the Premier would take time out of her busy agenda  filming videos for Hockeyville, and call the by-elections that folks have been waiting for.

It’s time Premier Clark,put families first and call the by-elections.There are enough families in these two ridings that want to have representation in the legislature.

Please get on with the job that you were unelected to,Call the By-elections now!

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