You should have kept the 1$ Mr.Sheppard!

Not even this man can save Christy Clark

Cue the Music! Dun Dun Du Dun Dun Da; you know the theme from Mission Impossible.

Jim Sheppard quit his $1 per yer job as Christy Clark’s economic adviser to start a support group for the inept Premier.

Firstly who cares and more importantly NOT EVEN TOM CRUISE CAN SAVE CHRISTY CLARK!

Things are that bad that advisers are leaving to start support groups and the election hasn’t even happened yet!

In fact you should be shocked that Sheppard leaving is the biggest news out of the leaders dinner.

Apparently 1700 people in attendance and all Clark and Sheppard could do was go hat in hand and beg them to join a support group.

Without rehashing everything my recent bonehead post,nothing will save Clark or the BC Liberals. Not even a name change.

Add to that the Filipna Folly from last weekend and Clark is toast.

If Mr.Sheppard thinks he can pull an end around on John Cummins people he doesn’t understand what is driving the BC Conservative and the people that support them.

It`s the same thing the electorate wants and Clark and crew can`t provide it.


Reaching out to the so-called invisible people who Sheppard referred to is akin to telling the electorate that the hidden elite will be enough to prop up Clark’s tired Leadership.

All the smoke and mirrors and BS will not save Clark and anybody associated with her government.

As Alex Tsakumis says your Premier is a dummy and as I consistently say your government is through.

What do you think?

11 thoughts on “You should have kept the 1$ Mr.Sheppard!”

  1. Critter clark is the one person who should let her heart tell her that she is really muslum. If ever a person would look great in a burka it would be the dummy.

    Thanks for filling in for Alex. Friends do count.

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting.

      Wait until the new poll is released later today or tomorrow.

  2. An occupant for the BC Liberal campaign readiness chair is not needed, as an Occutard is already on 24/7.

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