As we head into a new week in this the silly season ( two days ago I was in shorts, today I looked for a parka, right now an ark) I thought it a good time to ask just who is the worst premier in Canada?
Could it be Christy Who? You know the premier who in her heart has vanished, shut down the legislature until spring?
Could it be Pauline, let’s have a secular treaty and see what that does for our economy and for our chances of re-election?
Could it be *Kathleen Wynne whose policies are killing the Ontario economy and who threatened the two other parties propping up her minority government with an election she would surely lose.
Tough choices to be sure.
For the time being I give the nod to Marios and Wynne two premiers who are turning Canada’s largest provinces and the supposed economic drivers into have-nots.
How about you?
* Wynne had help from a man named McGuinty but she is continuing his tradition.