What if the LDB sale is shadier than BC Rail?

You will be “Striking” mad if my what if scenario with the LDB comes true!

What if the dating of the Liquor Distribution Branch sale is all smoke and mirrors?

What if the lucky winner has already been decided?

What if Rich Coleman giving the file to Margaret MacDiarmid is a great big shell game?

What if a deal was signed before Mr.Kinsella deregistered as a lobbyist?

What if the process was fixed on May 11,2012?

What if this whole thing is a bigger hosing of the taxpayer than BC Rail?

What if this sale is purely to project a balanced budget and for no other reason?

What if even this doesn’t balance the budget due to some other tom foolery that you don’t find out about until after the election?

How duped will you feel then?

7 thoughts on “What if the LDB sale is shadier than BC Rail?”

  1. Let me see: a ministry recently loses a long serving GM at a crucial stage in a bid selection process; coincidentally, a new minister assumes LDB file; only a few months earlier, a lobbyist from a firm participating in the bid divested himself; a rookie GM replaces a key, knowledgeable staff member who is familiar with the bidders engaged in the pursuit of a multimillion dollar deal.

    In less than a month, that same deal reaches final negotiation stages; but the bid selections drop from 9 to 6. By the end of July, the new GM will have had less than a month to produce a shortlist of of 1-3.

    What if the fairness monitor was told one thing in a meeting with the Minister responsible for oversight of the bid process, and then another that is recorded on Hansard? What if this leads to an early Christmas present for one, and a big lump of coal in a stocking hung buy the chimney with care for all the others, due diligence be damned?

  2. Oh, Poli! Duped doesn’t fit it, but HOSING is right on. This government is about to feather the nest of yet another of their corporatist cronies, the process begun before the BC Rail mess began to bite them in the ass. Alberta is beginning to regret the same change, and Washington state is finding out that higher prices are a certainty of the same decision.
    How many times can you give away the farm?? Ask the BC Liberals, and their answer would be, “How many farms?”
    Which makes me think more about give-aways. These same twits gave away the “fast ferries” for less than the price of scrap to corporatist entities who then made a fortune re-selling them in the Middle East. And those tree-farm licenses given away to developers with no consultation of stake-holders on the west coast of Van Isle.
    Oh, what came back under the table after that one?

    1. The farm is gone and so are the Liberals if today’s poll is any indication. More on that in a separate post!

  3. Well, you raise some timely questions. I’ve been following this process from the get go, and it stinks on ice.
    No buisness plan, no transparency, and the Dishonourable Rich Coleman’s mudhooks all over it. Toss in Mr. Kinsella for good measure, and what have you got?
    B.C. Rail 2012, the newest version…………..


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