The CNN poll released after the debate showed the numbers to be Ryan 48% VS Biden 44%.
Given the margin of error a virtual tie.
What I think this poll is not revealing are three things:
1) Paul Ryan did a great closing that will resonate for weeks to come. He took leadership,said he would be held accountable and not run from the tough decisions that any administration will face in the coming years. He also asked for the vote.
2) People are sick of old style politics and Joe Biden kept interrupting and cutting Ryan off.
3) Most important is this; people want a positive future and Ryan gave them that. I believe this will count big time later on in November when people actually make their voting decision.
Still Biden didn’t lose any immediate ground like Obama did last week.
This debate puts the pressure squarely on the shoulders of Barack Obama in next weeks second presidential debate.
He can’t afford to lay another egg.
I suspect he will. He doesn’t want the job.
I think and I have said before, in his eyes 4 years are enough.
What do you think?